学位论文 > 优秀研究生学位论文题录展示


作 者: 金俊颖
导 师: 吕光旦
学 校: 上海外国语大学
专 业: 英语语言文学
关键词: 香港回归 英语 社会领域 重要性 语码转换 殖民地时期 语言政策 语言现象 历史发展 主导地位
分类号: H310.1
类 型: 硕士论文
年 份: 2004年
下 载: 317次
引 用: 0次
阅 读: 论文下载




Chapter IIntroduction  9-12
  1.1 The status of languages in a multilingual society  9-10
    1.1.1 Notion of multilingualism and language status  9
    1.1.2 The status of languages and social context  9-10
  1.2 Significance of Hong Kong for sociolinguistic study  10-11
  1.3 Purpose of the thesis  11
  1.4 Organization of the thesis  11-12
Chapter II Languages in Hong Kong  12-32
  2.1 A sociolinguistic review of Hong Kong  12-15
    2.1.1 A brief historical and social background of Hong Kong  12-13
    2.1.2 English, Cantonese and Putonghua in Hong Kong  13-15
  2.2 Literary review on language use in Hong Kong  15-19
  2.3 Language policy in Hong Kong before 1997  19-23
    2.3.1 Notion of Language plan or language policy  19-20
    2.3.2 The notion of official language  20-21
    2.3.3 Language Policy in Hong Kong before 1974  21-22
    2.3.4 Chinese enjoying joint official status after 1974  22-23
  2.4 English as the dominant working language in Hong Kong  23-24
  2.5 The prestige status of English in education during the colonial period  24-27
  2.6 Cantonese as the lingua franca in Hong Kong  27-28
  2.7 Influence of English on Chinese  28-32
    2.7.1 Code-switching between English and Cantonese  28-30
    2.7.2 Influence of English on Chinese vocabulary  30
    2.7.3 Influence of English on written Chinese  30-32
Chapter III The role of English in Hong Kong after  32-57
  3.1 Fundamental change of language policy in the Basic Law  32-34
    3.1.1 Language and politics  32-33
    3.1.2 Stipulation of Chinese language as the primary official language  33-34
  3.2 Promotion of the use of Chinese as a working language  34-39
    3.2.1 A brief note on the Chinese language  34
    3.2.2 Use of Chinese in administration  34-36
    3.2.3 Bilingualism in the legal domain  36-39
  3.3 Promotion of the use of Chinese in education after 1997  39-42
    3.3.1 Language status and education  39-40
    3.3.2 The controversial issue of the medium of instruction in Hong Kong  40-41
    3.3.3 Chinese as the medium of instruction  41-42
  3.4 The Role of Putonghua in Hong Kong  42-48
    3.4.1 Background of Putonghua  42-44
    3.4.2 Putonghua in Hong Kong  44
    3.4.3 Political and economical factor in the popularity of Putonghua  44-46
    3.4.4 Mass media and spread of Putonghua  46-47
    3.4.5 Promotion of Putonghua in education  47-48
  3.5 People’s attitude towards English, Cantonese and Putonghua  48-53
    3.5.1 Language attitude and language status  48-49
    3.5.2 Attitude towards language needs after 1997  49-52
    3.5.3 Attitude towards languages in education  52-53
  3.6 English still as an important language in Hong Kong  53-56
    3.6.1 English being the international “lingua franca”  53-54
    3.6.2 Importance of English encouraged by government  54-56
  3.7 Current problems  56-57
Chapter IV Conclusion  57-59
Bibliography  59-63


  1. 英语专业学生的模糊容忍度和阅读理解成绩的相关研究,H319
  2. 任务型教学在农村初中英语教学中的应用研究,H319
  3. 对促进中学生写作中自我纠错能力提高的研究,G633.41
  4. 任务型教学法在高中英语阅读教学中的应用,G633.41
  5. 高中英语教学中的跨文化交际语用失误研究,G633.41
  6. 小组合作学习在初中英语教学中的应用,G633.41
  7. 英语背诵对提高农村学校初中生听力能力的作用探索,G633.41
  8. 对话教学理论在中等职业学校旅游英语课堂上的应用研究,G633.41
  9. 高中男、女生英语词汇学习策略差异及对其英语词汇学习的影响,G633.41
  10. 农村地区高中生英语学习风格的调查研究,G633.41
  11. 广州市中学生英语课堂写作焦虑与写作成绩的相关研究,G633.41
  12. 合作学习对初中英语学困生学习情感影响的研究,G633.41
  13. 三位初中英语教师词汇教学策略的案例研究,G633.41
  14. 过程写作法与中职英语写作教学,G633.41
  15. 小学英语教学中促进学生课堂参与的策略研究,G623.31
  16. 农村英语课程信息化教学资源应用现状与对策研究,G434
  17. 英语教与学的环境下高中生多元智能发展的个案研究,G633.41
  18. 高中英语有效教学的策略研究,G633.41
  19. 基于框架的词汇教学对高一学生写作中的假朋友现象的影响,G633.41
  20. 高中英语教材母语文化缺失分析,G633.41
  21. 范畴理论在高中英语阅读教学中的应用研究,G633.41

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