学位论文 > 优秀研究生学位论文题录展示


作 者: 程艳
导 师: 任文
学 校: 四川大学
专 业: 外国语言学及应用语言学
关键词: 跨文化交际学 对话口译 译员 多重角色
分类号: H059
类 型: 硕士论文
年 份: 2007年
下 载: 603次
引 用: 0次
阅 读: 论文下载




摘要  2-4
Abstract  4-9
Introduction  9-12
Chapter One Introduction to Intercultural Communication Studies and Dialogue Interpreting  12-31
  1.1 Theory of Intercultural Communication Studies  12-22
    1.1.1 Understanding Culture  12-19
    1.1.2 Understanding Communication  19-20
    1.1.3 Intercultural Communication  20-22
  1.2 Dialogue Interpreting as an Act of Intercultural Communication  22-29
    1.2.1 Definition of Dialogue Interpreting  22-24
    1.2.2 Characteristics of Dialogue Interpreting  24-27
    1.2.3 Interpreted Dialogues as Intercultural Communication Events  27-29
  1.3 Literature Review  29-31
Chapter Two Data  31-34
  2.1 Sources of Data  31-32
  2.2 Transcription of Audio Data  32-33
  2.3 Analysis of Data  33-34
Chapter Three The Dialogue Interpreter's Multiple Roles in Intercultural Communication  34-67
  3.1 Role One: The Dialogue Interpreter as a Translator  35-43
    3.1.1 Comprehension in the Interpreting Process and the Translation Process  36-40
    3.1.2 De-verbalization in the Interpreting Process and the Translation Process  40-42
    3.1.3 Reformulation in the Interpreting Process and the Translation Process  42-43
  3.2 Role Two: The Dialogue Interpreter as a Discourse Process Manager  43-53
    3.2.1 The Interpreted Dialogue as a Discourse Process  43
    3.2.2 The Dialogue Interpreter as a Discourse Process Manager  43-53
  3.3 Role Three: The Dialogue Interpreter as an Intercultural Miscommunication Mediator  53-64
    3.3.1 Different Principles Governing Interpersonal Relationships in Chinese and Western Cultures  53-54
    3.3.2 Different Norms of Communication Acts in Chinese and Western Cultures  54-55
    3.3.3 Intercultural Miscommunication  55-57
    3.3.4 Intercultural Miscommunication at Four Levels  57-59
    3.3.5 The Dialogue Interpreter as an Intercultural Miscommunication Mediator  59-60
    3.3.6 Dialogue Interpreters' Mediating Strategies  60-64
  3.4 Role Four: The Dialogue Interpreter as an Assistant  64-65
  3.5 Role Five: The Dialogue Interpreter as a Scapegoat  65-67
Chapter Four Inspirations  67-72
  4.1 The Dialogue Interpreter not a "Non-person"  67-68
  4.2 The Dialogue Interpreter Doing More than Interpreting  68-69
  4.3 Inspiration for Dialogue Interpreter Training  69-72
    4.3.1 The Dialogue Interpreter's A Language Capacity  69-70
    4.3.2 The Importance of Cultural Knowledge in Dialogue Interpreter Training  70
    4.3.3 The Importance of Memory Training for Dialogue Interpreters  70-72
Chapter Five Conclusion  72-75
Bibliography  75-82
个人科研成果简介  82-84
Acknowledgements  84


  1. 交际法视角下交替传译的质量评估,H059
  2. 中美合资企业人力资源管理之文化差异分析,G04
  3. 科技英语现场口译及译员素质研究,H315.9
  4. 论主体性在口译中的体现,H059
  5. 同传案例分析,H059
  6. 文化障碍引起的口译语用失误研究,H059
  7. 交传与同传译员能力对比研究——“认知负荷模式”角度,H059
  8. 影响会议交替传译的主要因素,H059
  9. 影响培养英语专业学生成为合格口译译员的重要因素,H319
  10. 会展口译评估,H059
  11. 零翻译及其应用,H059
  12. 从目的论看清代重大事件中口译员的作用,H059
  13. 从跨文化交际视角看社区口译员的角色,H059
  14. 商务口译中的文化差异及应对策略,H059
  15. 论合作原则在会议交传口译中的应用,H059
  16. Defining the Dialogue Interpreter\'s Role from the Perspective of Turn-taking,H059
  17. 功能翻译理论指导下的汉英外交口译研究,H059
  18. 政府新闻发言人的多重角色研究,D630
  19. 认知语境视阈下的口译探微,H059
  20. 中国法庭口译员的角色定位,H059
  21. 口译人际关系中的译员角色,H059

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