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作 者: 庄彩霞
导 师: 庞继贤
学 校: 浙江大学
专 业: 外国语言学与应用语言学
关键词: Genre analysis Chinese company introduction English company introduction politeness strategy preference
分类号: H315
类 型: 硕士论文
年 份: 2006年
下 载: 483次
引 用: 3次
阅 读: 论文下载


After China’s entry into the WTO, Chinese textile companies have been exporting more and more textile products into the European and American markets. Many Chinese companies are targeting at the international market. This research sets out to compare the company introductions composed by Chinese companies in their native language - Chinese and those written by western organizations in their native language - English at both the macro and micro level.The data for this research consists of two corpora collected from Internet: one is of the Chinese company introductions targeted at Chinese customers and the other is of English company introductions targeted at western customers. Each corpus contains sixteen authentic company introductions.The major method for this analysis is Swales’ genre approach. At the macro level, the moves each corpus takes are presented based on the approach. What’ more, the functions of each move are analyzed and the rationale behind it is specified. At the micro level, the analysis concentrates on the grammatical and lexical features, such as formulaic expressions, tenses, comparing the similarities and differences between Chinese company introductions and English introductions. In addition, the use of lexical boost and politeness strategies are explored in some depth.This research concludes that company introduction does form an independent genre, displaying a consistent discourse structure with five moves. They are Establishing Backgrounds, Introducing Products, Capability Illustrations, Company Principles/ Self-evaluation, and Inviting Further Communication. Both Chinese introductions and English introductions follow similar move structure with slight variance, which can be attributed to different business practices and cultural differences. Also, the preferred content (e.g.: lexical choice, the favored facts to achieve the more) in enhancing the force of each move and the use of politeness strategy vary in the two sets of data. There are more politeness markers in the Chinese introductions. The dissertation also discusses the pedagogical application and further research.


Chapter 1 Introduction  8-11
  1.1 Backgrounds  8-9
  1.2 Objectives of the Present Study  9
  1.3 Type of Data  9-10
  1.4 Organization of the Dissertation  10-11
Chapter Two Theoretical Background  11-21
  2.1 Genre Analysis  11-16
    2.1.1 Move Analysis  13-14
    2.1.2 Method of Genre Analysis  14-16
  2.2 Politeness Theory  16-17
  2.3 Related Research  17-21
    2.3.1 Teh's "An applied discourse analysis of sales promotion letters"  18
    2.3.2 Bhatia's "Nativization of Job Application"  18-19
    2.3.3 Other Researches on Relevant Promotion Literatures  19-21
Chapter Three Linguistic Analysis of the Data: Chinese Company Introductions  21-43
  3.1 Company Introductions: Discourse Structure  21-43
    3.1.1 Move One: Establishing Backgrounds  24-29 Formulaic Sentence Patterns in Move One  26 Use of lexical boost  26-29
    3.1.2 Move Two: Introducing Products  29-32 Formulaic Sentence Patterns in Move Two  30-31 Use of lexical boost  31-32
    3.1.3 Move Three: Capability Illustration  32-37 Step One: Ability Description  34-35 Step Two: Achievement Presentation  35-37
    3.1.4 Move Four: Company Guidelines/ Corporate Culture  37-39
    3.1.5 Move Five: Inviting Further Communication  39-43 Formal realization  40-41 The use of politeness strategy  41-43
Chapter Four Linguistic Analysis of Data: English Company Introductions  43-60
  4.1 English Introductions: Discourse Structures  43-45
    4.1.1 The moves of English Introductions  43-45
  4.2 English introduction: Individual Moves  45-58
    4.2.1 Move One: Establishing Backgrounds  45-47 Formulaic sentence patterns in move one  46-47
    4.2.2 Introducing Products  47-51 Formulaic sentence patterns in Move Two  48-49 Use of Lexical boost  49-51
    4.2.3 Move Three: Capability Illustration  51-54 Step One: Ability Description  51-53 Step Two: Achievement Presentation  53-54
    4.2.4 Move Four: Self-evaluation  54-57 Formulaic expressions in Move Four  55-56 Use of lexical boost in Move Four  56-57
    4.2.5 Move Five: Inviting Further Communication  57-58
  4.3 Other Features in English Introductions  58-60
Chapter Five Conclusions and Further Research  60-66
  5.1 Summary of Findings  60-64
    5.1.1 Discourse Structure  60-61
    5.1.2 Individual Moves  61-63
    5.1.3 Lexico-grammatical Features and Politeness Strategy  63-64
  5.2 Pedagogical Applications  64-65
  5.3 Suggestions for Further Research  65-66
References  66-68
Appendix I: Chinese Introductions  68-75
Appendix II: English Introductions  75-84


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