学位论文 > 优秀研究生学位论文题录展示


作 者: 邱子滟
导 师: 吴念
学 校: 重庆师范大学
专 业: 外国语言学及应用语言学
关键词: 英语学习 学习风格 中美文化差异
分类号: H319
类 型: 硕士论文
年 份: 2010年
下 载: 231次
引 用: 0次
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Abstract  3-5
摘要  5-6
Chapter 1 Introduction  9-12
  1.1 Background  9-10
  1.2 Significance of the Thesis  10-11
  1.3 Structure of the Thesis  11-12
Chapter 2 Literature Review  12-24
  2.1 Definition of Learning Style  12-15
  2.2 Classification of Learning Styles  15-21
    2.2.1 Sensory Learning Styles  15-17 Visual Learning  15-16 Auditory Learning  16 Tactical Learning  16-17 Kinesthetic Learning  17 Environmental Learning  17 Group Learning  17 Individual Learning  17
    2.2.2 Cognitive Styles  17-19 Field-Dependent (Sensitivity) and Field-Independent  17-18 Global and Analytical Learning  18-19 Reflective and Impulsive Learning  19
    2.2.3 Affective/Temperament Styles  19-21 Extraverted and Introverted Learning  19-20 Perceiving and Judging Learning  20 Left and Right Brain Functioning  20 Tolerance and Intolerance of Ambiguity  20-21
  2.3 Learning Style--- Related Definitions  21-24
    2.3.1 Learning Strategies  21-22
    2.3.2 Teaching Styles  22-24
Chapter 3 Chinese and American Cultural Contexts & TheirInfluence on Learning Styles  24-47
  3.1 Chinese Confucianism  24-27
    3.1.1 Humanity (ren)  25
    3.1.2 Doctrine of the Mean  25-26
    3.1.3 Rite (Li)  26-27
    3.1.4 Five Relationships  27
    3.1.5 Summary  27
  3.2 US dominant Culture Pattern  27-35
    3.2.1 Individualism and Equality  28-30
    3.2.2 Competition for Success  30-31
    3.2.3 Material Wealth and Hard Work  31-32
    3.2.4 Freedom and Self-Reliance  32-33
    3.2.5 Time and Efficiency  33
    3.2.6 Informality and Directness  33-34
    3.2.7 Experiment and Optimism  34
    3.2.8 Summary  34-35
  3.3 Comparison of Sino-US Teaching Styles  35-38
    3.3.1 Direct versus Indirect Communication  35
    3.3.2 Formal versus Informal Instruction  35-36
    3.3.3 Knowledge-Oriented versus Skill-Oriented  36-38
  3.4 Comparison of Sino-US learning Styles  38-47
    3.4.1 Cooperation versus Competition  38-40
    3.4.2 Field-Dependence (Field-Sensitive) versus Field-Independence  40-41
    3.4.3 Global versus Analytic Learning  41-42
    3.4.4 Tolerance versus Intolerance of Ambiguity  42
    3.4.5 Reflectivity versus Impulsivity  42-43
    3.4.6 Energetic Learning versus Calm Learning  43-44
    3.4.7 Dependent versus Independent Learning  44
    3.4.8 Participatory versus Passive Learning  44
    3.4.9 Trial and Error versus Modeling/"Watch and then Do"  44-45
    3.4.10 Learning on Demand versus Learning what is Relevant or Interesting  45-47
Chapter 4 Empirical Study  47-51
  4.1 Purpose of the Study  47
  4.2 Methodology  47-49
    4.2.1 Subjects  47-48
    4.2.2 Instruments  48
    4.2.3 Data Collection Procedures  48-49
    4.2.4 Data Analysis Procedures  49
  4.3 Findings  49-50
  4.4 limitations  50-51
Chapter 5 Conclusion  51-55
  5.1 Discussion about the Research Results  51-52
  5.2 Limitations of the Present Study  52
  5.3 Suggestions for Future Research  52-55
    5.3.1 Adopting Synthesis Surveys  53
    5.3.2 Employing Pedagogical-Experimental Approaches  53-54
    5.3.3 Further Exploring Learning Styles of Good Learners, Including Personality,Gender  54
    5.3.4 Building Up and Testifying a Theoretical Model Affecting English Learning  54-55
References  55-58
Appendix  58-61
Acknowledgement  61-62


  1. 任务型教学在农村初中英语教学中的应用研究,H319
  2. 农村地区高中生英语学习风格的调查研究,G633.41
  3. 合作学习对初中英语学困生学习情感影响的研究,G633.41
  4. VOA在线听写系统对非英语专业学生听力影响研究,H319
  5. 习语明晰度和语境对中国高水平英语学习者理解非熟悉英语习语的影响,H319
  6. 农村初中学生英语自主学习教学策略的实证研究,G633.41
  7. 论任务诱发的投入量对中国高中英语学习者习语习得的影响,G633.41
  8. 非英语专业本科生英语听力焦虑与感知学习风格的相关性研究,H319
  9. 大学英语教学中小组合作学习的实践研究,H319
  10. 英语学习者多义词表征对英汉翻译过程中词汇通达的影响,H319
  11. 基于语料库的中国英语学习者在议论文写作中对but与however的使用情况研究,H319
  12. 城乡中学生地理学习风格差异对中学地理教学的影响,G633.55
  13. 农村高中英语学困生内部动机成因的实证性研究,G633.41
  14. 中国大学生多元智能分布和学习风格的调查研究,H319
  15. 大学英语学习负动机影响因素研究,H319
  16. 从社会建构主义视角探究大学英语学习观念,H319
  17. 非英语专业大学生自我概念、成就目标定向与英语学习策略的关系研究,H319
  18. 体育专业研究生英语课堂焦虑、学习效能感与学习成绩的关系研究,H319
  19. 英语二学位学生的学习观念,H319
  20. 新疆高校维吾尔族学生英语学习中母语负迁移现象的研究,H319

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