学位论文 > 优秀研究生学位论文题录展示


作 者: 李金红
导 师: 宫欣怡
学 校: 天津师范大学
专 业: 教育
关键词: 高中英语 词汇教学 故事教学法 认知叙事学理论 学习兴趣
分类号: G633.41
类 型: 硕士论文
年 份: 2011年
下 载: 89次
引 用: 0次
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Abstract  9-11
摘要  11-12
Acknowledgements  12-13
Chapter 1 Introduction  13-21
  1.1 Research Background  13-18
    1.1.1. The Demand for English Vocabulary in the New Curriculum Criterion at Senior High School  13-15
    1.1.2. The Current Situations of Vocabulary Teaching and Learning at Senior High school  15-18
  1.2. The Purpose and Significance of the Research  18-19
  1.3. The Structure of the Research  19-21
Chapter 2 Literature Review  21-33
  2.1. Definition of Vocabulary Knowledge  21-22
  2.2. Nature and Features of Vocabulary  22-24
  2.3. Aspects of Lexical Knowledge  24-26
  2.4. Defintion of Vocabulary Teaching Approach  26
  2.5. The Related Vocabulary Research and Teaching Approaches Abroad  26-29
    2.5.1. The Grammar Translation Method  28
    2.5.2. The Natural Approach  28
    2.5.3. The Direct Method  28
    2.5.4. The Reading Method  28-29
    2.5.5. The Audio-lingual Method  29
    2.5.6. Communicative Language Teaching Method  29
  2.6. Major Vocabulary Research and Teaching Approaches at Home  29-33
    2.6.1. Contextual Approach  31-32
    2.6.2. Cognitive Association Approach  32
    2.6.3. Communicative Approach  32
    2.6.4. Culture Background Approach  32
    2.6.5. Memory Strategy  32-33
Chapter 3 Theoretical Basis  33-38
  3.1. Cognitive Theory  33
  3.2. The Introduction of Narratology  33-38
    3.2.1. The Introdution of Cognitive Narratology  35-36
    3.2.2. Two Major Narrative Tense  36-37
    3.2.3. Two Major Narrative Mode  37-38
Chapter 4 The Experiment Design  38-48
  4.1. The Hypothesis of the Experiment  38
  4.2. The Research Subjects  38
  4.3. The Experimental Instruments  38-39
  4.4. The Method and Experimental Procedure  39-48
    4.4.1. The Types of Narrative Story  40-43
    4.4.2. Designing Stories Used in Class  43-46
    4.4.3 Training in the Experiment  46-48
Chapter 5 Data Analysis and Discussion  48-58
  5.1. Data Analysis and Discussion of the Questionnaire  48-53
    5.1.1. The Similarities between EC and CC Based on Pre-Questionnaire  48-49
    5.1.2. The Comparison between EC and CC Based on Post-Questionnaire  49-51
    5.1.3. The Comparison between Pre-Questionnaire and Post-Questionnaire of EC  51-53
  5.2. Data Analysis and Discussion of the Tests  53-58
    5.2.1. The Similarities between EC and CC Based on Pre-test  53-54
    5.2.2. The Comparison between EC and CC Based on Mid-test  54-56
    5.2.3. The Comparison between EC and CC Based on Post-test  56
    5.2.4. The Comparison between Pre-test, Mid-test and Post-test of EC  56-58
Chapter 6 Conclusion  58-62
  6.1. Research Findings  58-59
  6.2. The Limitations of the Study  59-60
  6.3. Suggestions for Further Study  60-62
Reference  62-65
Appendix ⅰ Questionnaire  65-66
Appendix ⅱ Pre-Questionnaire(EC)  66-67
Appendix ⅲ Pre-Questionnaire(CC)  67-68
Appendix ⅳ Post-Questionnaire(EC)  68-69
Appendix ⅴ Post-Questionnaire(CC)  69-70
Appendix ⅵ(pre-test)  70-73
Appendix ⅶ(mid-test)  73-76
Appendix ⅷ(post-test)  76-78


  1. 对农村初级中学学生数学学习兴趣的调查与研究,G633.6
  2. 提高初中生学习化学兴趣的研究,G633.8
  3. 广州市高中生生物实验学习兴趣现状及对策研究,G633.91
  4. 三位初中英语教师词汇教学策略的案例研究,G633.41
  5. 基于框架的词汇教学对高一学生写作中的假朋友现象的影响,G633.41
  6. 高中英语教材母语文化缺失分析,G633.41
  7. 以写前活动提高英语“基础写作”能力的行动研究,G633.41
  8. 高中英语写作教学存在的问题及对策研究,G633.41
  9. 基于任务型教学理论的认知听力策略培训模式研究,G633.41
  10. 语块与高中生英语写作能力,G633.41
  11. 高中英语小班化分层教学的实验研究,G633.41
  12. 录音档案袋评价方法在小学英语教学中的实践,G623.31
  13. 修辞格教学与高中英语写作,G633.41
  14. 概念隐喻在高中英语词汇教学中的实证性研究,G633.41
  15. 衔接理论在高中英语完形填空中的应用调查研究,G633.41
  16. 任务型语言教学在高中英语口语教学中的运用研究,G633.41
  17. 高中英语词汇教学现状调查分析,G633.41
  18. 任务型教学法在高中英语阅读教学中的应用研究,G633.41
  19. 高中英语课堂互动研究,G633.41
  20. 军校飞行学员学习绩效机制研究,E251.3
  21. 合作学习在高中英语教学中的实施效果研究,G633.41

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