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作 者: 蔡灿煌
导 师: 刘绍龙
学 校: 广东外语外贸大学
专 业: 外国语言学及应用语言学
关键词: 术语翻译 理据性 任意性 索绪尔
分类号: H059
类 型: 硕士论文
年 份: 2007年
下 载: 199次
引 用: 1次
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Declaration  3-4
Abstract  4-5
摘要  5-6
List of Tables  6
List of Figures  6-7
Contents  7-9
Chapter One Introduction  9-19
  1.1 Rationale  10-11
  1.2 Aims and significance  11-13
  1.3 Research methodology  13-16
    1.3.1 Object of study  13-14
    1.3.2 Theoretical approach  14-15
    1.3.3 Methods of data collection and analysis  15-16
  1.4 Research questions  16-17
  1.5 Topographic convention  17-18
  1.6 Organization of the thesis  18-19
Chapter Two Literature Review  19-40
  2.1 Previous research in the three modes of term translation  19-20
  2.2 Previous research in linguistic motivation of term translation  20-22
    2.2.1 Motivation as implied in norms for term translation  20
    2.2.2 Motivation as implied in desirability of individual translations  20-21
    2.2.3 Research in word-formation motivations  21-22
  2.3 Relative motivation: Saussure's philosophy of linguistics  22-27
    2.3.1 Arbitrariness as the first principle of language  23-24
    2.3.2 Conventionality  24-26
    2.3.3 Relative motivation  26-27
  2.4 An overview of terminology: theoretical fundamentals  27-30
    2.4.1 Onomasiology and semasiology  28
    2.4.2 Objectivist and cognitivist  28-30
  2.5 Summary  30-40
    2.5.1 Three modes of term translation: an unquestionable classification  30-31
    2.5.2 Motivation: a working definition  31-33
    2.5.3 Three types of motivations  33-37
    2.5.4 Inter-and intra-linguistic aspect of motivation  37-39
    2.5.5 Motivation against the onomasiology-semasiology dimension  39-40
Chapter Three Theoretical Framework  40-51
  3.1 Term translation: both onomasiological and semasiological  40-41
  3.2 Arbitrary onomasiology  41-43
  3.3 Motivated semasiology  43-47
  3.4 A motivation-and semasiology-oriented research  47-49
  3.5 Theoretical framework: a model  49-51
Chapter Four Examining Modes of Term Translation against Linguistic Motivations  51-67
  4.1 Transliteration  51-58
    4.1.1 Phonological motivation  51-53
    4.1.2 Morphological motivation  53-54
    4.1.3 Semantic motivation  54-55
    4.1.4 "Five Categories of Untranslated Terms"  55-56
    4.1.5 Three assumptions in the research  56-58
  4.2 Meaning-extension  58-61
    4.2.1 Phonological motivation  58-59
    4.2.2 Morphological motivation  59
    4.2.3 Semantic motivation  59-60
    4.2.4 Impact of meaning-extension on meaning diversification and unification  60-61
  4.3 Coinage  61-64
    4.3.1 Phonological motivation  61
    4.3.2 Morphological motivation  61-63
    4.3.3 Semantic motivation  63-64
  4.4 Summary  64-67
    4.4.1 A sequence of priority between the three types of motivations  64-65
    4.4.2 Interrelation between inter-and intra-linguistic aspect of motivation  65
    4.4.3 A comparison between the three modes of term translation  65-66
    4.4.4 Uncertain relation between motivation and desirability  66-67
Chapter Five Discussion and Conclusion  67-80
  5.1 Possible implications of linguistic motivation in term translation  67-74
    5.1.1 A model for the thinking process of term translation  67-71
    5.1.2 A tentative mathematical model of aggregate motivation  71-73
    5.1.3 Desirability of term renditions: a hypothesis  73
    5.1.4 Inter-linguistic motivation and "pure language"  73-74
  5.2 A priori arbitrariness and a posteriori motivation  74-78
    5.2.1 An a priori-a posteriori distinction assumed by Saussure  74-77
    5.2.2 Linguistic and non-linguistic description of language  77
    5.2.3 Consistency between a priori-a posteriori and onomasiology-semasiology  77-78
  5.3 Limitations  78-80
    5.3.1 A purely linguistic research  78
    5.3.2 A limited number of data  78-80
References  80-83


  1. 时枝诚记语法研究,H04
  2. 科技文翻译之实、准、简—译Harmony有感,H059
  3. 句法象似性及其修辞效果在英语读写中的应用,H319
  4. 从比较法律文化的视角论法律术语翻译,H315.9
  5. 航空术语的特点及其翻译,H35
  6. 文化视角下的英汉词语理据性对比研究,H313
  7. 《简化字总表》中简化字与其对应繁体字理据性比较与分析,H124.2
  8. 自白任意性规则研究,D925.2
  9. 俄语词汇理据性探讨,H35
  10. 语言学术语汉译规范化研究,H059
  11. 基于在线语料库的术语特征及其翻译研究,H059
  12. “被XX”结构研究,H146
  13. 汉字的理据性与对外汉语汉字教学研究,H195
  14. 语言符号任意性与翻译创造性的关系研究,H059
  15. 公司法中的公司自治与国家强制,D922.291.91
  16. 共犯中止的认定,D924.1
  17. 作为爱情符号的日食,H030
  18. 论翻译的“信”,H059
  19. 公司法的强制性与任意性规范研究,D922.291.91
  20. 公司章程效力研究,D922.291.91
  21. 口供制度研究,D925.2

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