学位论文 > 优秀研究生学位论文题录展示


作 者: 陈瑶
导 师: 陈刚
学 校: 浙江大学
专 业: 英语语言文学
关键词: 比较研究 外来词 翻译与文化 翻译策略 翻译与文化视角 日语与汉语
分类号: H136.5
类 型: 硕士论文
年 份: 2010年
下 载: 70次
引 用: 0次
阅 读: 论文下载




Acknowledgements  4-5
摘要  5-6
Abstract  6-9
Chapter 1 Introduction  9-14
  1.1 Language, Culture, and Translation  9-10
  1.2 Significance and Purpose of the Study  10-11
  1.3 Methodology and Data Collection of the Thesis  11-12
  1.4 Structure of the Thesis  12-14
Chapter 2 Theoretical Framework of This Study  14-20
  2.1 Functional Approaches  14-15
  2.2 Domestication and Foreignization  15-17
    2.2.1 Nida's Equivalence  16
    2.2.2 Semantic and Communicative Translation  16-17
    2.2.3 Summary  17
  2.3 Cultural Studies  17-19
  2.4 Conclusion  19-20
Chapter 3 Studies on the Translation of Loanwords  20-29
  3.1 What is a Loanword?  20
  3.2 Previous Studies on Loanword Translation  20-24
    3.2.1 Studies Abroad  21-23 Traditional Linguistic Studies  21-22 Emergence of Cultural Approach  22-23
    3.2.2 Studies at Home  23-24
  3.3 Translation Choices of Loanwords  24-25
    3.3.1 Transliteration and Semantic Translation  24-25
    3.3.2 The Interrelations with Domestication and Foreignization  25
  3.4 Language Contact and Loanword Translation  25-27
  3.5 Research Questions  27-29
Chapter 4 English Loanwords in Japanese:Seeking a Higher Status  29-47
  4.1 Introduction  29-30
  4.2 Language Contacts of Japanese  30-32
  4.3 A Historical Study of English Loanwords in Japanese  32-43
    4.3.1 Period 1:the Early Meiji Period  33-35
    4.3.2 Period 2:the Late Meiji to the Taisho Period of the 1930s  35-38
    4.3.3 Period 3:the Early 20~(th) Century  38-40
    4.3.4 Period 4:Post-WWII to the Present  40-43
  4.4 Conclusion:from a Cultural Perspective  43-47
    4.4.1 The First Wave in Strategy Variation:from Semantic Translation to Transliteration  43-44
    4.4.2 The Second Wave in Strategy Variation:from Re-encouraged Semantic Translation to Transliterating of English Loans at an Ever Quickening Pace  44-45
    4.4.3 Discussion on Translation Strategy and Cultural Status  45-47
Chapter 5 English Loanwords in Chinese:Policy of Resistance  47-56
  5.1 Introduction  47
  5.2 Loanword Translation in the Ming and Qing Dynasties  47-54
    5.2.1 Period before the Opium War:Translation as a Phonetic Supplement  48
    5.2.2 Period after the Opium War:from Transliteration to Semantic Translation  48-52
    5.2.3 Period from the Reform and Opening-up to the Present:a Trend towards Transliteration  52-54
  5.3 Conclusion  54-56
Chapter 6 A Comparative Study of Loanword Translation in Japanese and Chinese:an Integrated Approach  56-61
  6.1 Culture as a Dynamic Process:underlying Factors of Loanword Adoption  56-58
  6.2 Cultural Status and Translation Strategy in Loanword Translation  58-59
  6.3 Foreignization as a "Strategic Construction"  59-60
  6.4 Conclusion  60-61
Chapter 7 Conclusion  61-63
Bibliography  63-66


  1. 普通高校体育教育专业运动解剖学教材结构的研究,G807.4
  2. 中印小学信息技术课程内容之比较研究,G623.58
  3. 中国大陆与台湾专业体育院校体操类课程内容的比较研究,G831
  4. 数字时代不同类型高校图书馆读者阅读倾向比较研究,G258.6
  5. 艺术体操教学中三种直观教学法的比较研究,G834
  6. 新时期我国东西部农民分化比较研究,D663.2
  7. 人教版、苏教版《普通高中课程标准实验教科书·语文(必修)》的比较研究,G633.3
  8. 河南省新乡市中学学校美术教学和校外美术教学的比较研究,G633.955
  9. 基于互文性视角的广告翻译研究,H059
  10. 英国和美国公务员录用制度比较研究,D756.1
  11. “人教版”与“上科版”高中物理教科书必修本STS内容的比较研究,G633.7
  12. 藏文新闻网页新词语调查研究,H214
  13. 接受美学视角下苏州古典园林介绍英译之研究,H315.9
  14. 目的论视角下河南自然景观景介的英译,H315.9
  15. 改琦与罗塞蒂女性绘画形象比较研究,J20-03
  16. 中日初中数学教材例题的综合难度之比较研究,G633.6
  17. 中职物理(通用类)教材的比较研究,G633.7
  18. 中英两国中学历史课史料教学比较研究,G633.51
  19. 现行人教版和苏教版高中语文教科书(必修)助学系统的比较研究,G633.3
  20. 关联—顺应模式下英汉词语文化联想意义的翻译研究,H315.9
  21. 毛泽东诗词英译本的文化翻译研究,I046

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