学位论文 > 优秀研究生学位论文题录展示


作 者: 胡竹
导 师: 许余龙
学 校: 上海外国语大学
专 业: 外国语言学及应用语言学
关键词: 语词意义 概念(认知)研究方法 概念结构模式 语词意义方面 神经研究方法 神经证据 神经认知视角 神经表征过程 语词意义与真值
分类号: H030
类 型: 硕士论文
年 份: 2008年
下 载: 35次
引 用: 1次
阅 读: 论文下载




Acknowledgements  4-5
Abstract  5-6
摘要  6-9
Chapter 1. Introduction  9-12
  1.1 Purpose and basic assumptions  9-10
  1.2 Specification of terminology  10-11
  1.3 Research method and organization of the thesis  11-12
Chapter 2. Conceptual approaches to word meaning  12-31
  2.1 The issue of word meaning  12-14
  2.2 General assumptions of conceptual approaches  14-16
  2.3 Models of conceptual structure  16-22
    2.3.1 Image schema theory  16-17
    2.3.2 Categorization and ICMs  17-18
    2.3.3 Conceptual metaphor and metonymy  18-19
    2.3.4 Mental spaces and conceptual blending  19-21
    2.3.5 Conceptual frames  21-22
  2.4 Aspects of word meaning  22-29
    2.4.1 Conventional and contextual aspects  23-24
    2.4.2 Relevance-inferential aspects  24-25
    2.4.3 Contextualism: use-conditional aspect  25-26
    2.4.4 Intentionality as word meaning  26
    2.4.5 Encyclopedic nature of word meaning  26-28
    2.4.6 The protean nature of word meaning  28-29
  2.5 Limitations of conceptual approaches  29-31
Chapter 3. Neural approaches to word meaning  31-43
  3.1 Approaching word meaning from within human brain  31
  3.2 Findings from general neurolinguistics  31-35
    3.2.1 Mental semantic representation  32-33
    3.2.2 Semantic relations: lesion studies  33
    3.2.3 Word meaning problems with right-hemisphere lesions  33-34
    3.2.4 Word and meaning mapping models  34-35
  3.3 Findings from neuroimaging studies  35-39
    3.3.1 Aspects of word representations  35-36
    3.3.2 Non-word information activations  36-37
    3.3.3 Right hemisphere activations  37-38
    3.3.4 Future neuroimaging orientations  38-39
  3.4 Findings from neuroscience  39-43
    3.4.1 The neural bio-electrochemical process  39-40
    3.4.2 Word meaning as memory  40-41
    3.4.3 Meaning as neural correlate of consciousness  41-42
    3.4.4 A reductionist view  42-43
Chapter 4. A Neurocognitive perspective on word meaning  43-52
  4.1 Word meaning instantiation process  43-44
  4.2 A case description of word and meaning process  44-45
  4.3 Neurocognitive accommodationism  45-46
  4.4 Neurocognitive interpretation of metaphor  46-47
  4.5 Word meaning revisited in neurocognitive terms  47-49
  4.6 A neurocognitive philosophy of word meaning and truth  49-52
Chapter 5. Conclusion  52-55
Bibliography  55-60


  1. 指称论研究的语境维度,H030
  2. 公司治理结构若干问题之法律分析,D922.29
  3. 语词意义的探索,H0
  4. 股票经纪人与客户会话中的礼貌策略分析,H030
  5. 语用逻辑真值问题研究,H030
  6. 论普通语义学对其后语义研究的影响,H030
  7. IN/OUT和里、外的对比研究,H030
  8. 关于CMC环境下中日语码转换现象的研究,H030
  9. 关联理论视角下的军事用语语义泛化研究,H030
  10. 中西面子观的差异与语用策略,H030
  11. 在线上聆听她的声音,H030
  12. 顺应论视角下政治外交辞令的语用策略研究,H030
  13. 评语类网络流行语的语用意义研究,H030
  14. 法庭会话的语境分析,H030
  15. 语境理论在法律语言模糊性明晰化中的应用,H030
  16. 模糊限制语的语用交际功能探究,H030
  17. 广告语言的模因现象及其强势模因策略,H030
  18. 幽默解读中的支配原则分析,H030
  19. 基于概念隐喻的文学语篇连贯研究,H030
  20. 中美大学生反对语实施模式跨文化性别对比研究,H030
  21. 对中国医患对话中模糊限制语的语用研究,H030

中图分类: > 语言、文字 > 语言学 > 语义学、语用学、词汇学、词义学 > 语义学、语用学
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