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Study on English Classroom Anxiety of Non-english Major Freshmen in Independent Colleges-A Case Study of Haojing College of Shaanxi University of Science and Technology

作 者: 陈倩
导 师: 高艳贺
学 校: 西安外国语大学
专 业: 课程与教学论
关键词: 英语课堂焦虑 独立学院 一年级学生
分类号: G447
类 型: 硕士论文
年 份: 2013年
下 载: 21次
引 用: 0次
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摘要  2-3
Abstract  3-8
1. Introduction  8-13
  1.1 Background of Research  8-10
  1.2 Purpose of Research  10-12
  1.3 Organization of Thesis  12-13
2. Literature Review  13-32
  2.1 The Definition of Anxiety  13-14
  2.2 Classifications of Anxiety  14-17
    2.2.1 Trait anxiety, State anxiety and Situational anxiety  14-16
    2.2.2 Debilitating anxiety and Facilitating anxiety  16-17
  2.3 Foreign Language Anxiety (FLA)  17-21
    2.3.1 The Definition of Foreign Language Anxiety  17-18
    2.3.2 The components of FLA  18-20
    2.3.3 The Manifestation of FLA  20-21
  2.4 Researches on FLA  21-29
    2.4.1 Researches on FLA abroad  21-25
    2.4.2 Researches on FLA in China  25-29
  2.5 The Theoretical Foundation of FLA  29-32
    2.5.1 The Input Hypothesis  29-30
    2.5.2 The Affective Filter Hypothesis  30-32
3. Research Procedure and Data Analysis  32-37
  3.1 The Objective of Research  32-33
  3.2 The Methodology of Research  33-37
    3.2.1 Subjects  33
    3.2.2 Instruments  33-35 Foreign Language Classroom Anxiety Scale (FLCAS)  33-34 Interview  34-35
    3.2.3 Research Procedure  35-37
4. Results and Discussion  37-66
  4.1 The overview of English Classroom Anxiety of the Freshmen in Independent College  37-41
  4.2 Differences in English Classroom Anxiety between Male and Female Freshmen of independent Colleges  41-46
  4.3 The findings of interview  46-57
    4.3.1 The Causes of Test anxiety  46-51 Lack of self-confidence  46-48 The Failure to Meet the Requirements of Colleges  48-49 Low Self-esteem  49-50 The Low Competence in Listening and Speaking English  50-51
    4.3.2 The Various Attitudes towards Negative Evaluation  51-53
    4.3.3 No Awareness of English Classroom Anxiety  53-54
    4.3.4 The Ways of Teachers’ Questioning  54-55
    4.3.5 The Serious Classroom Atmosphere  55-56
    4.3.6 The Expectations of the Freshmen  56-57
  4.4 Pedagogical Implications  57-66
    4.4.1 Building Students’ Self-confidence and Protecting Self-esteem  57-59
    4.4.2 Diversifying the Ways of Evaluations  59-60
    4.4.3 Proper Ways of Mistake Correction  60-61
    4.4.4 Awakening Freshmen’s Awareness of Anxiety  61-62
    4.4.5 Modifying the Ways of Teacher’s Questioning  62-63
    4.4.6 Relaxing and Lively Atmosphere  63-64
    4.4.7 The Harmonious Relationship between Students and Teacher  64-66
5. Conclusions  66-70
  5.1 Major Findings  66-68
  5.2 The Limitations of the Present Research  68
  5.3 The Suggestions for the Future Researches  68-70
References  70-78
Appendix I  78-80
Appendix II  80


  1. 独立学院通识教育的课程设置研究,G642.3
  2. 网络环境下独立学院德育课程实效性研究,G641
  3. 运用心智图促进小学高年级学生英语单词记忆,G623.31
  4. 数字时代不同类型高校图书馆读者阅读倾向比较研究,G258.6
  5. 论高校毕业年级学生党支部建设,D267.6
  6. 基于《国家体质健康测试标准》的重庆市独立学院体育教学改革实效性研究,G804.49
  7. 独立学院大学生道德现状研究,G641
  8. 一项关于高中生英语课堂焦虑感的调查研究,G633.41
  9. 小学高年级学生消费问题研究-以某小学为个案,G625.5
  10. 独立学院社会责任探研,G648
  11. 数据挖掘技术在独立学院教学评估中的应用研究,TP311.13
  12. CG教师薪酬体系诊断与研究,G647.2
  13. 借鉴企业模式的独立学院的发展研究,G648
  14. 独立学院青年教师心理应激及应对策略研究,G443
  15. 独立学院学生职业生涯规划现状分析及策略研究,G647.38
  16. 独立学院“三位一体”的班级建设模式研究,D267
  17. 我国独立学院筹资问题与对策研究,G648
  18. 我国独立学院发展的战略研究,G648
  19. 全日制成人教育大学三年级学生跨文化交际能力研究,H319
  20. 基于平衡记分卡的Z学校绩效管理应用研究,G647
  21. 独立学院区域发展研究,G648

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