学位论文 > 优秀研究生学位论文题录展示


作 者: 安书伟
导 师: 付维宁
学 校: 兰州大学
专 业: 工商管理
关键词: 国际学院 员工 绩效考核体系 绩效考核方法 优化方案
分类号: G647
类 型: 硕士论文
年 份: 2013年
下 载: 11次
引 用: 0次
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中文摘要  3-4
1. Introduction  7-9
  1.1 Research background and significance  7
  1.2 Research methods  7-8
  1.3 Research contents and thesis framework  8-9
2. Literatures review about performance appraisal  9-16
  2.1 The basic concepts of performance appraisal  9-11
  2.2 The methods of the performance appraisal  11-13
  2.3 The index system setting of the performance appraisal system  13
  2.4 The procedure and classification of staff performance appraisal  13-15
  2.5 Overseas and domestic research status  15-16
3. The constructing background of staff performance appraisal system of SIAS  16-18
  3.1 The introduction of SIAS  16
  3.2 The sources of funds for running the college  16-17
  3.3 The selection and hiring mechanism  17
  3.4 The incentive mechanism of SIAS  17-18
4. The problems and analysis of the staff performance appraisal system of SIAS  18-21
  4.1 The problems of the staff performance appraisal system  18-19
  4.2 The reason analysis of the problems of the SIAS staff performance appraisal  19-21
5. The optimization plan for the staff performance appraisal system of SIAS  21-29
  5.1 The goals and principles for the optimization of staff performance appraisal of SIAS  21-22
  5.2 The optimization for the method of staff performance appraisal of SIAS  22-23
  5.3 The optimization for the procedures of staff performance appraisal of SIAS  23-25
  5.4 The optimization for the index and assessment criteria of staff performance appraisal of SIAS  25-26
  5.5 The optimization of the feedback and application of the performance appraisal results of SIAS  26-29
6. The implementation conditions and safeguard measures of staff performanceappraisal of SIAS  29-31
  6.1 Support and participation of the leaders  29
  6.2 Establishment of a rigorous organizational structure  29-30
  6.3 The construction of culture which can support the implementation of staff performance appraisal  30
  6.4 The corresponding salary system  30
  6.5 The establishment of full-time appraisal personnel  30-31
7. Conclusions and prospects  31-33
  7.1 Research conclusions  31-32
  7.2 The shortage and prospects of this research  32-33
References  33-35
Acknowledgement  35-36
About author  36


  1. 延长石油工贸有限公司绩效考核体系优化设计,F272.92
  2. 对食品企业员工认知水平及消费者满意度的调查,F224
  3. 2型糖尿病胰岛素治疗的优化方案及其相关因素分析,R587.1
  4. 山西省企业员工职业教育合作模式研究,G726
  5. 深圳超越五金塑胶公司员工激励研究,F426.72
  6. 中国区可口可乐员工流失率研究,F426.82
  7. 在公务员队伍中开展员工帮助计划(EAP)的实践探索,D630
  8. 兰州石化公司员工培训管理改进研究,F426.72
  9. JF煤化工企业绩效管理的研究,F426.72
  10. 青海油田技术服务企业知识型员工激励策略研究,F426.22
  11. 外企知识型员工满意度影响因素及提升举措研究,F224
  12. 科技型中小企业员工激励因素及其激励机制研究,F276.44;F224
  13. 国有企业员工福利计划改革研究,F272.92
  14. 甘肃省大型公立医院绩效考核体系构建研究,R197.322
  15. 我国民营中小企业核心员工激励机制的效应研究,F276.5
  16. 知识型员工薪酬公平满意度与工作绩效关系的实证研究,F272.92
  17. 我国国有商业银行员工激励机制研究,F832.2
  18. 国有商业银行员工流失状况及对策研究,F832.2
  19. 基于知识管理XX银行员工培训体系再设计,F830.3
  20. 德国跨国公司在华人力资源管理本土化研究,F276.7;F224
  21. BD化工公司的物流管理与优化方案,F252

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