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作 者: 潘群辉
导 师: 贾德江
学 校: 南华大学
专 业: 外国语言学及应用语言学
关键词: 社会符号学翻译法 粗俗语 意义 功能 语境 文化
分类号: H315.9
类 型: 硕士论文
年 份: 2010年
下 载: 186次
引 用: 0次
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摘要  7-8
Abstract  8-10
Chapter One Introduction  10-14
  1.1 The scope and purpose of the research  10-11
  1.2 Methodology  11-12
  1.3 Outline of the thesis  12-14
Chapter Two Literature Review of Vulgar Language  14-20
  2.1 Introduction to vulgar language  14-16
    2.1.1 Definition of vulgar language  14
    2.1.2 Characteristics of vulgar language  14-15
    2.1.3 Classification of vulgar language  15-16
  2.2 Previous research on vulgar language translation  16-20
    2.2.1 Achievements of previous research on vulgar language translation  16-18
    2.2.2 Problems in previous research on vulgar language translation  18-20
Chapter Three Shuihuzhuan and its Vulgar Language  20-27
  3.1 Shuihuzhuan and its popularity  20-21
  3.2 Shapiro and Buck and their English versions of Shuihuzhuan  21-22
  3.3 The vulgar language in Shuihuzhuan  22-27
    3.3.1 Classification  22-23
    3.3.2 Features  23-24
    3.3.3 Functions  24-27
Chapter Four Theoretical Framework of the Thesis  27-44
  4.1 Theoretical basis of the thesis  27-34
    4.1.1 Semiotics  27-30
    4.1.2 Sociosemiotics  30-34 Language as social semiotic  30-31 Essential ingredients in a sociosemiotic theory  31-34
  4.2 Asociosemiotic approach to translation  34-44
    4.2.1 A review of a sociosemiotic approach to translation  34-36
    4.2.2 Principles of a sociosemiotic approach to translation  36-42
    4.2.3 The translation criterion in the light of sociosemiotics  42-44
Chapter Five Application of a Sociosemiotic Approach to the Translation of the Vulgar Language in Shuihuzhuan  44-74
  5.1 Translation of the vulgar language concerning morality  44-53
    5.1.1 Translation of the Chinese word “贼”  44-50
    5.1.2 Translation of other Chinese words related to morality  50-53
  5.2 Translation of the Chinese word “鸟”  53-57
    5.2.1 Reproduction of the pragmatic meaning and the relevant functions  54-56
    5.2.2 Reproduction of the designative meaning and the informative function  56-57
  5.3 Translation of animal words  57-65
    5.3.1 Translation of the Chinese words “狗”and “猪”  58-61
    5.3.2 Reproduction of meanings and functions in translation of the Chinese word “驴”  61-63
    5.3.3 Reproduction of meanings and functions in translation of the Chinese words “猴子”and “猢狲”  63-65
  5.4 Translation of the Chinese word “屁”  65-69
    5.4.1 Reproduction of the pragmatic meaning and the relevant functions  65-67
    5.4.2 Reproduction of the designative and linguistic meanings and the relevant functions  67-69
  5.5 Reproduction of meanings and functions in translation of the vulgar language pertaining to seniority  69-70
  5.6 Translation of the vulgar language of cursing or threatening  70-74
    5.6.1 Reproduction of the designative meaning and the informative function  70-71
    5.6.2 Reproduction of the pragmatic meaning and the expressive function  71-73
    5.6.3 Reproduction of the linguistic meaning and the aesthetic function  73-74
Chapter Six Discussions on the Translations by Sydney Shapiro and Pearl S. Buck  74-81
  6.1 Translation methods adopted by the two translators  74-76
    6.1.1 Literal translation  74
    6.1.2 Free translation  74-75
    6.1.3 Combination of free translation and literal translation  75
    6.1.4 Zero translation  75-76
  6.2 Different features of the two English versions and possible reasons for the differences  76-77
    6.2.1 Buck’s “less crude”version  76
    6.2.2 Shapiro’s more flexible version  76-77
    6.2.3 Possible reasons for the differences  77
  6.3 Obvious losses or gains in meaning and function in the two English versions  77-80
  6.4 Reflections on the the noncorrespondence in meaning and function  80-81
Chapter Seven Conclusion  81-84
  7.1 Main research findings  81-83
  7.2 Implications for other researches  83
  7.3 Limitations and suggestions for future research  83-84
Bibliography  84-87
Appendix 1  87-104
Appendix 2  104-105
Acknowledgements  105


  1. 大豆乳清蛋白的微滤技术研究及蛋白粉的研制,TQ936.2
  2. 东北满族民居的文化涵化研究,TU241.5
  3. 金源文化影响下的阿城街区建筑改造设计研究,TU984.114
  4. 吉林市历史风貌区保护研究,TU984.114
  5. 新世纪高层建筑形式表现研究,TU971
  6. 当代品牌展销店建筑设计研究,TU247
  7. 铁电薄膜与组分梯度铁电薄膜的性能研究,TM221
  8. 中国当代汉语诗歌阐释方法上存在的问题,I207.25
  9. 女人与城市二重奏,I207.42
  10. 文学语言的模糊修辞研究,H05
  11. 影视剧时尚元素研究,J905
  12. 航天科技研发建筑设计研究,TU244
  13. 高校艺术教学建筑设计研究,TU244.3
  14. 白族文化对学生德育的影响,G410
  15. 校园文化语境下的初中思想品德教育研究,G633.2
  16. 中学思想政治教育与儒学传统思想的继承,G633.2
  17. 新建本科院校的校园文化建设研究,G641
  18. 苗族传统文化与苗族教育的关系研究,G759.2
  19. 基于功能节点的无线传感器网络多对密钥管理协议研究,TP212.9
  20. 电视文化生态的建构,G220
  21. 中国电视媒体话语范式演变的多视角分析,G220

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