学位论文 > 优秀研究生学位论文题录展示


作 者: 张志江
导 师: 肖肃
学 校: 四川外语学院
专 业: 英语语言文学
关键词: 积极词汇 消极词汇 心理词汇 lexicon vocabulary words 中国英语学习者 词汇联想 词汇知识 心理组织 lexical paradigmatic 非英语专业 receptive clang 词汇研究 英语语言文化 hypothesis 二语 词汇习得
分类号: H319
类 型: 硕士论文
年 份: 2006年
下 载: 58次
引 用: 0次
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Acknowledgements  3-7
Abstract  7-9
摘要  9-11
Chapter 1 Introduction  11-16
  1.1 Importance of vocabulary and its teaching and learning  11-12
  1.2 Present situation of the studies of L2 vocabulary teaching and learning  12-13
  1.3 Significance of this thesis  13-14
  1.4 Definitions of terms  14-15
    1.4.1 Vocabulary, lexicon, and mental lexicon  14
    1.4.2 RV and PV  14-15
    1.4.3 Other terms  15
  1.5 Layout of this thesis  15-16
Chapter 2 Literature Review  16-31
  2.1 Introduction  16
  2.2 A general survey of the L2 mental lexicon research  16-24
    2.2.1 Lexical knowledge in the L2 mental lexicon  16-18
    2.2.2 Lexical organization in the L2 mental lexicon  18-21
    2.2.3 Lexical representation in the L2 mental lexicon  21-24
  2.3 RV and PV aspect in the L2 mental lexicon  24-29
    2.3.1 RV vs. PV and reception vs. production  25-26
    2.3.2 Continuum of RV and PV knowledge  26-27
    2.3.3 Scales of RV and PV knowledge  27-28
    2.3.4 C-representation and P-representation  28-29
  2.4 Summary  29-31
Chapter 3 The Empirical Research  31-53
  3.1 Introduction  31
  3.2 Hypothesis  31-32
  3.3 Methodology  32-34
    3.3.1 Subjects  32
    3.3.2 Instruments  32-34 Prompt words  32-33 VKS  33 WAT  33-34
  3.4 Procedure of the study  34-35
  3.5 Pilot study  35
  3.6 Scoring procedure  35-38
    3.6.1 Scoring the VKS  36-37
    3.6.2 Scoring the WAT  37-38
  3.7 Result analysis  38-46
    3.7.1 The overall scale levels and response patterns of the CLE  39-41
    3.7.2 Response patterns of the CLE according to VKS scores  41-46 Response patterns for the words eliciting a score of 1  41-42 Response patterns for the words eliciting a score of 2  42-43 Response patterns for the words eliciting a score of 3  43-44 Response patterns for the words eliciting a score of 4  44-45 Response patterns for the words eliciting a score of 5  45-46
  3.8 Interpretation and discussion  46-51
    3.8.1 Lexical organization of RV and PV in the CLE mental lexicon  46-48
    3.8.2 Lexical representation of RV and PV in the CLE mental lexicon  48-50
    3.8.3 The problems in the CLE vocabulary acquisition  50-51 Lack of native-like language input and situation  50 Less attention to semantic content than form of L2 words  50 Less attention to depth than breath of vocabulary  50-51
  3.9 Summary  51-53
Chapter 4 Conclusion  53-58
  4.1 Implications  53-56
    4.1.1 Learning vocabulary through abundant reading  53-54
    4.1.2 Creating word-meaning awareness  54
    4.1.3 Using L1 lexical knowledge rationally  54-55
    4.1.4 Acquiring vocabulary through activities and exercises  55-56
  4.2 Limitations of the present study and expectation for future studies  56-58
Note  58-60
Appendixes  60-65
References  65-69


  1. 学习策略训练对初中生英语词汇习得的影响,G633.41
  2. 二语词汇习得中的文化因素,H09
  3. 基于语块的非英语专业大学生产出性词汇习得研究,H319
  4. 大学英语听力课堂不同投入量听力任务中词汇附带习得的实证研究,H319
  5. 美国留学生汉语词汇学习策略调查与分析,H195
  6. 农村高中英语词汇习得语境化研究,G633.41
  7. 模态对第二语言词汇习得的影响,H319
  8. FonF和FonM对第二语言词汇习得的影响,G633.41
  9. 两种认知风格影响下的附带词汇习得研究,H319
  10. 大学英语课堂互动词汇教学模式的实证研究,H319
  11. 英语词汇学与英语词汇习得的关系研究,H319
  12. 二语词汇习得的认知路线,H319.3
  13. 输出对二语词汇习得的影响,H319
  14. 书面输出在大学生英语词汇习得中的作用,H319
  15. The Effects of Metacognitive Strategies on the Width and Depth of Second Language Vocabulary Acquisition,H319
  16. 从模因论角度分析词汇输入方式对高中英语产出性词汇习得的实证研究,H319
  17. 儿童早期词汇习得与概念形成,H193.1
  18. 论语境对高中英语学困生词汇习得的影响,G633.41
  19. 动机取向下二语词汇习得模式的结构研究,H319
  20. 合作输出对大学生英语词汇习得效果的实证研究,H319
  21. 高中生“以写促学”的词汇习得研究,G633.41

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