学位论文 > 优秀研究生学位论文题录展示


作 者: 周莎莎
导 师: 王志云
学 校: 贵州大学
专 业: 外国语言学及应用语言学
关键词: 本族语者 中国英语学习者 词语搭配 相关性 比较 搭配错误 搭配错误错误分析 英语写作
分类号: H319
类 型: 硕士论文
年 份: 2009年
下 载: 141次
引 用: 0次
阅 读: 论文下载




Acknowledgements  3-4
English Abstract  4-7
Chinese Abstract  7-10
A List of Figures and Tables  10-11
Abbreviations Used in This Thesis  11-12
A Table of Contents  12-17
Chapter 1 Introduction  17-23
  1.1 Research Background  17-18
  1.2 Purpose of the Study  18-19
  1.3 Significance of the Study  19-20
  1.4 Research Questions  20
  1.5 Definitions of the Key Terms  20-21
  1.6 The Overall Structure of the Study  21-23
Chapter 2 Literature Review  23-42
  2.1 The Detailed Definitions of Collocation  23-27
  2.2 The Classification of Collocation  27-32
    2.2.1 Classification in Terms of Its Character and Function  27-30
    2.2.2 Classification in Terms of Degree of Collocation Restriction  30-31
    2.2.3 Classification in Terms of Word Nature  31-32
    2.2.4 The Identification of English Collocation  32
  2.3 Previous Studies on English Collocations in EFL Context  32-34
  2.4 Contrastive Analysis  34-35
  2.5 The Study of Error Analysis  35-39
    2.5.1 Error Explanation from the Perspective of Lexical Representation  37-39
  2.6 Detailed Definitions of Writing Accuracy and Fluency  39-42
    2.6.1 T-unit and Error-free T-units  39-40
    2.6.2 Writing Accuracy  40
    2.6.3 Writing Fluency  40-42
Chapter 3 Research Methodology and Implementation  42-58
  3.1 Overview of the Design for the Research  42-43
  3.2 Participants of the Study  43-45
    3.2.1 Detailed Information for Choosing the Chinese Advanced English Learners  43-44
    3.2.2 Detailed Information for Choosing the Native Speakers' Group  44-45
  3.3 Time Span of the Study  45
  3.4 Instruments  45-47
    3.4.1 The Language Proficiency Test Scores  45
    3.4.2 Writing Tasks  45-46
    3.4.3 Dictionaries and Corpus  46-47
  3.5 The Implementation Procedure of the Study  47-50
    3.5.1 Choosing the Qualified Participants  47-48
    3.5.2 Settling the Writing Topics  48
    3.5.3 Pilot Study  48-49 Participants' Feedback from the Pilot Study  49
    3.5.4 The Main Study  49-50
  3.6 Data Collection and Processing  50-58
    3.6.1 Demarcations between Collocations and Non-collocations  50-51
    3.6.2 Identifying Collocation Errors  51-53
    3.6.3 Identifying Writing Errors  53-54
    3.6.4 Measurement of Writing Quality  54-56
    3.6.5 Data Collection  56-58
Chapter 4 the Presentation of the Research Results  58-66
  4.1 The Results of Two Writing Tests in Main Study  58-63
  4.2 The Results of Frequency of GL and LC in Native and Non-Natives' Writings  63-64
  4.3 Collocational Error Types in the Writing by the Chinese Advanced Learners  64-66
Chapter 5 Analysis and Discussion  66-82
  5.1 Correlation between the Use of Collocations and the Quality of Writing  66-68
  5.2 Collocation Comparison between the Native and the Non-Natives in Their Writing  68-71
    5.2.1 Use of Grammatical Collocation in Native and Non-natives' Composition  69-70
    5.2.2 Use of Lexical Collocation in Native and Non-natives' Composition  70-71
  5.3 Analysis on Common Collocation Errors in Non-Natives' Writing  71-82
Chapter 6 Conclusion  82-89
  6.1 Conclusions  82-83
    6.1.1 Correlative Relationship between Collocation Competence and Writing Ability  82
    6.1.2 Comparison between Native and Non-native in terms of Using Collocation in their Writing  82-83
    6.1.3 Analysis of Collocational Error in Chinese English Learner's Writing  83
  6.2 Recommendations for Language Teachers in Language Teaching Classroom Teaching Classroom  83-86
  6.3 Recommendations for Language Learners  86-87
  6.4 Limitations and Recommendations for the Further Study  87-89
Bibliography  89-94
Appendix 1 Writing Topic Prepared for the Participants  94
Appendix 2 Analytic Methods of Scoring the Writing Samples  94-96
Appendix 3 Some Writing Samples in Main Study  96-101


  1. 光纤陀螺温度漂移建模与补偿,V241.5
  2. 具有变截面臂架的格构式起重机结构计算分析方法研究,TH21
  3. 唐代妇女在婚姻中的地位,K242
  4. 对促进中学生写作中自我纠错能力提高的研究,G633.41
  5. 极化SAR图像超分辨算法的研究,TN957.52
  6. 个性化检索中相似用户群的获取与更新,TP391.3
  7. 普通高校体育教育专业运动解剖学教材结构的研究,G807.4
  8. 中印小学信息技术课程内容之比较研究,G623.58
  9. 初中数学新旧教材几何内容的比较研究,G633.6
  10. 广州市中学生英语课堂写作焦虑与写作成绩的相关研究,G633.41
  11. 过程写作法与中职英语写作教学,G633.41
  12. 大豆品种对腐竹品质的影响及其品质评价体系的初步构建,TS214.2
  13. 紫花苜蓿根系生长与地上部生长的相关性分析,S541.9
  14. 肉牛养殖过程中重金属类危害性因素分析,S823
  15. 桃杂交后代(F1)幼苗光合效能评价,S662.1
  16. 基于框架的词汇教学对高一学生写作中的假朋友现象的影响,G633.41
  17. 教育等级性与收入差距相关性研究,G520
  18. 晋江社会体育资源禀赋的比较优势,G812.7
  19. 穗港中文报纸新闻标题语言比较研究,G213
  20. 公共档案馆社会责任研究,G270
  21. 大豆品种对北豆腐品质的影响及其品质评价方法的研究,TS214.2

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