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作 者: 夏忠燕
导 师: 刘绍龙
学 校: 扬州大学
专 业: 英语语言文学
关键词: 核心概念共享词 表征质量 词汇提取 词频效应 表象值效应
分类号: H315.9
类 型: 硕士论文
年 份: 2010年
下 载: 48次
引 用: 0次
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Acknowledgements  6-7
Abstract in English  7-9
中文摘要  9-17
Chapter One Introduction  17-19
  1.1 Researchorientation of this study  17
  1.2 Significance of the Study  17
  1.3 Content of the remaining chapters  17-19
Chapter Two Literature Review  19-35
  2.1 Overview  19
  2.2 Research methods to investigate bilingual mental lexicon  19-21
    2.2.1 Word association experiment  19-20
    2.2.2 Reaction time experiment  20-21
  2.3 Previous studies on mental lexicon representation  21-26
    2.3.1 Hierarchical semantic network  21
    2.3.2 Spreading activation model  21-22
    2.3.3 Four main categories of bilingual mental lexicon representation models  22-26 Independent storage and integrated storage  23-24 Dong’s shared (distributed) asymmetrical model  24-26
  2.4 The quality of mental lexicon representation  26-28
    2.4.1 Factors affecting the representation of bilingual mental lexicon  27-28 Word frequency  27-28 Imageabiliy of words  28
  2.5 Description of core-concept-shared words  28-29
  2.6 Mental lexicon selection  29-32
    2.6.1 Lexical selection in translation  29-30
    2.6.2 Logogen model and connectionist model of lexical selection  30-31
    2.6.3 Liu’s model of information process in translation  31-32
  2.7 Brief summary of the literature reviewed  32-35
    2.7.1 Major strength of the previous studies  33
    2.7.2 Major weakness of the previous studies  33-35
Chapter Three Theoretical foundation & framework  35-42
  3.1 Description of Core-concept-shared words from Psycholinguistic Perspective  35-36
  3.2 Theoretical Framework  36-39
    3.2.1 Representation of Core-concept-shared words in mental lexicon network  36-38
    3.2.2 Representation of Core-concept-shared words in Translating Process  38-39
  3.3 The Variables to be Explored  39-40
  3.4 The Specific Research Questions  40-42
Chapter Four An Empirical Study and Its Process  42-50
  4.1 Research design  42-47
    4.1.1 The First --- reaction time experiment  42-46 Subjects  42-43 Experiment material  43-45 Experiment process  45-46
    4.1.2 The Second --- translation experiment  46-47 Experiment materials  46-47
  4.2 Data preparation and analysis  47-48
  4.3 Statistical techniques for quantitative analysis  48-50
Chapter Five Results for the Empirical Study  50-64
  5.1 Quantitative results  50-64
    5.1.1 Representation features of core-concept-shared words within the higher level group  51-53
    5.1.2 Representation features of core-concept-shared words within the lower level group  53-57
    5.1.3 Comparison of representation features of core-concept-shared words between the higher and the lower groups  57-59
    5.1.4 Features of word selection in translation within the two groups respectively  59-62
    5.1.5 Comparison of word selection features in translation between the two groups  62-64
Chapter Six Findings, Discussion and Conclusion  64-79
  6.1 Major findings  64-66
    6.1.1 Findings in higher level group  64-65 Findings regarding the representation features of core-concept-words  64 Findings regarding the word selection features in translation  64-65
    6.1.2 Findings in lower level group  65-66 Findings regarding the representation features of core-concept-words  65 Findings regarding the word selection features in translation  65-66
    6.1.3 Differences in findings between the higher and lower level group  66
  6.2 Discussion  66-72
    6.2.1 Findings contradict with common expectation in the performance of two groups  66-69
    6.2.2 Discussion on distinctions of the representation features between the higher and the lower level groups  69-71
    6.2.3 The mental representation features of the core-concept-shared words within the higher level groups  71-72
    6.2.4 The representation features of the core-concept-shared words within the lower 1evel groups  72
  6.3 The effect of the representation quality of the core-concept-shared words on corresponding word selection in translation  72-77
    6.3.1 A tentative model theorizing the word selection process of core-concept-shared words in translation  73-76
    6.3.2 Dynamic characteristics of the information process model  76-77
  6.4 Conclusions  77
  6.5 Recommendation for further research  77-79
References  79-83
Appendix 1 Contents of Experiment Testing EFL Learners’Representation Quality of Core-concept-shared Words  83-88
Appendix 2 Instrument for Testing EFL Learners’Lexical Selection  88-90


  1. 透过舌尖现象探析英语心理词汇提取过程,H313
  2. 预制语块心理表征对汉—英翻译过程中词汇提取的影响,H315.9
  3. 二语学习者心理词库结构的认知分析,H319.3
  4. 词汇联想策略与大学英语词汇学习效果的实证研究,H319
  5. 丹参素冰片酯的结构表征、质量控制及其药代动力学研究,R285
  6. 词汇提取对于外语环境下中国英语学习者的生词记忆的影响,H319
  7. 中国英语学习者词汇选择的实证研究,H313
  8. 认知心理学在英语词汇习得中的应用,H319
  9. 词汇教学:从视角到策略,H319.3
  10. 中国大学生英语学习的汉英双语“认知—知识双元结构”表征,H319
  11. Representation of Mental Lexicon in Chinese-English Late Proficient Bilinguals,H319
  12. 中国学生英、汉语视觉词汇提取中的语音效应,H311
  13. 中国英语专业大学生词汇提取过程中的跨语言竞争研究,H319.3
  14. 从词在唇边现象看中国英语学习者英语词汇的提取过程,H319.3
  15. 影响图式归纳和类比迁移的三因素实验研究,B842
  16. 嵌段共聚丙烯结构表征及质量改进,TQ325.14
  17. 从《道德经》英译看概念整合理论对汉语典籍英译的解释力,H315.9
  18. 从西方修辞的角度评析新华网对外报道的有效性,H315
  19. 基于语料库的汉译英政治语篇限定性状语从句位置研究,H315.9
  20. 英文教科书多模态语篇的对比分析,H315
  21. 汉英报刊体育新闻语篇的主位推进模式对比,H315

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