学位论文 > 优秀研究生学位论文题录展示


作 者: 赵小雨
导 师: 徐继旺
学 校: 广西师范大学
专 业: 外国语言学及应用语言学
关键词: 语篇功能 主位结构 主位推进模式 信息结构 衔接手段
分类号: H319
类 型: 硕士论文
年 份: 2010年
下 载: 224次
引 用: 0次
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中文摘要  4-5
Abstract in English  5-10
Chapter 1 Introduction  10-13
  1.1 Background and Basis of the Research  10-11
    1.1.1 Why Is Functional Approach Chosen?  10
    1.1.2 Why Is the Film Schindler’s List Chosen?  10
    1.1.3 Why Are the Dialogues Focused on?  10-11
  1.2 Objective and Significance of the present research  11
  1.3 Methodology  11
  1.4 Research Questions  11-12
  1.5 Outlines of the Present Thesis  12-13
Chapter 2 Literature Review  13-22
  2.1 An Overview of Film and Filmic Language  13-15
    2.1.1 Definition and Development of Film  13 Definition  13 Development  13
    2.1.2 Definition and Development of Filmic Language  13-15 Definition  13-14 Development  14-15
  2.2 Literature on Textual Function  15-20
    2.2.1 Studies of Thematic Structure at Home and Abroad  16-17 Studies of Thematic Structure Abroad  16 Studies of Thematic Structure at Home  16-17
    2.2.2 Studies of Thematic Progression at Home and Abroad  17-18 Studies of Thematic Progression Abroad  17-18 Studies of Thematic Progression at Home  18
    2.2.3 Studies of Information Structure at Home and Abroad  18-19 Studies of Information Structure Abroad  18-19 Studies of Information Structure at Home  19
    2.2.4 Studies of Cohesion at Home and Abroad  19-20 Studies of Cohesion Abroad  19 Studies of Cohesion at Home  19-20
  2.3 A Brief Account of the Film Schindler’s List  20-22
Chapter 3 Theoretical Framework  22-31
  3.1 Thematic Structure  22-24
    3.1.1 Simple and Multiple Theme  22-23
    3.1.2 Marked and Unmarked Theme  23-24
  3.2 Thematic Progression  24-25
  3.3 Information Structure  25-27
    3.3.1 Given/New  26
    3.3.2 Topic/Focus  26-27
    3.3.3 Marked and Unmarked Information Structure  27
  3.4 Cohesive Devices  27-31
    3.4.1 Grammatical Cohesive Devices  27-29 Reference  27-28 Substitution  28 Ellipsis  28 Conjunction  28-29
    3.4.2 Lexical Cohesive Devices  29-31 Reiteration  29 Collocation  29-31
Chapter 4 Analysis of the Dialogues from the Perspective of Thematic Structure and Thematic Progression  31-42
  4.1 Analysis of Dialogue 1 to 5  31-40
    4.1.1 Analysis of Dialogue 1  31-33 Simple and Multiple Theme in Dialogue 1  32 Marked and Unmarked Theme in Dialogue 1  32 Thematic Progression in Dialogue 1  32-33
    4.1.2 Analysis of Dialogue 2  33-34 Simple and Multiple Theme in Dialogue 2  33-34 Marked and Unmarked Theme in Dialogue 2  34 Thematic Progression in Dialogue 2  34
    4.1.3 Analysis of Dialogue 3  34-36 Simple and Multiple Theme in Dialogue 3  35-36 Marked and Unmarked Theme in Dialogue 3  36 Thematic Progression in Dialogue 3  36
    4.1.4 Analysis of Dialogue 4  36-38 Simple and Multiple Theme in Dialogue 4  37 Marked and Unmarked Theme in Dialogue 4  37-38 Thematic Progression in Dialogue 4  38
    4.1.5 Analysis of Dialogue 5  38-40 Simple and Multiple Theme in Dialogue 5  39 Marked and Unmarked Theme in Dialogue 5  39 Thematic Progression in Dialogue 5  39-40
  4.2 Summary  40-42
Chapter 5 Analysis of the Dialogues from the Perspective of Information Structure  42-49
  5.1 Analysis of Dialogue 6-9  42-47
    5.1.1 Analysis of Dialogue 6  42-43
    5.1.2 Analysis of Dialogue 7  43-44
    5.1.3 Analysis of Dialogue 8  44-46
    5.1.4 Analysis of Dialogue 9  46-47
  5.2 Summary  47-49
Chapter 6 Analysis of the Dialogues from the Perspective of Cohesive Device  49-59
  6.1 Analysis of Dialogue 10-13  49-57
    6.1.1 Analysis of Dialogue 10  49-51
    6.1.2 Analysis of Dialogue 11  51-53
    6.1.3 Analysis of Dialogue 12  53-56
    6.1.4 Analysis of Dialogue 13  56-57
  6.2 Summary  57-59
Chapter 7 Conclusion  59-61
  7.1 Main Findings of the Present Study  59-60
  7.2 Limitations and Suggestions for Future Studies  60-61
Bibliography  61-64
Publications during the Postgraduate Program  64-65
Acknowledgements  65-66


  1. 茶典籍英译中的语篇衔接研究,H315.9
  2. 英语商务信函的衔接手段研究,H315
  3. 英译汉中的主位结构转换,H315.9
  4. 英语商务信函语篇衔接手段研究,H315
  5. 中美领导人演讲词的主位推进模式对比分析,H315
  6. 现代汉语换言类话语标记研究,H13
  7. 英语限定性定语从句的语篇功能,H315
  8. 语篇动态性的系统功能语言学研究,H052
  9. 政治与娱乐新闻主位推进模式对比研究,H052
  10. 基于语篇衔接理论的留学生汉语写作偏误分析,H195
  11. 功能—语用视角的翻译质量评估模式建构,H059
  12. 基于组织信息结构框架的供应链信息共享及合作博弈研究,F224.32
  13. 企业实务翻译主述位结构模式探析,H059
  14. 基于WEB的校园网网络管理系统的设计与实现,TP393.07
  15. 英汉海事新闻语篇主位推进模式对比研究,H152
  16. 基于SECCL的英语专业学生口语语篇主位结构研究,H319
  17. 黑色幽默语篇中省略的功能研究,H314
  18. 海洋科学类学术论文英文摘要的语篇衔接研究,H314
  19. 陶渊明《饮酒(五)》及其英译文主位结构对比分析,I046
  20. 翻译中的衔接,H059
  21. 拉祜语话题结构研究,H258

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