学位论文 > 优秀研究生学位论文题录展示


作 者: Kosal THUL
导 师: 陈辉萍
学 校: 厦门大学
专 业: 中国民商法
关键词: 替代性争端解决机制 调解 仲裁
分类号: D915.7
类 型: 硕士论文
年 份: 2009年
下 载: 100次
引 用: 0次
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摘要  6-7
Abstract  7-10
Introduction  10-12
Chapter 1 Mediation  12-20
  A.Mediation in China  12-16
    1.1.1.The History of Mediation in the Dispute Settlement in China  12
    1.1.2.Private mediation  12-14
    1.1.3.Civil Procedure Law also provide for mediation within litigation proceedings  14
    1.1.4.Combination of Arbitration and Mediation in CIETAC  14-15
    1.1.5.Outcome of Mediated Settlement  15-16
  B.Mediation in Cambodia  16-20
    1.2.1.The History of Dispute Mediation in Cambodia  16
    1.2.2.Mediation in Cambodia  16-17
    1.2.3.What Cambodia can learn from China's Mediation?  17-20
Chapter 2 Arbitration  20-37
  A.Arbitration in China  20-32
    2.1.1.A brief history of arbitration in China  20-21
    2.1.2.China's Legislation Governing Commercial Arbitration in China  21-22
    2.1.3.China's Arbitration Law(CAL)1994  22-23
    2.1.4.Domestic Arbitration  23-24
    2.1.5.Foreign-Related Arbitration  24
    2.1.6.Distinctions between Domestic and Foreign Arbitration  24
    2.1.7.Advantages of Arbitration  24-25
    2.1.8.Arbitration Process  25-32
  B.Arbitration in Cambodia  32-37
    2.2.1.Brief History of Cambodia's arbitration  32-33
    2.2.2.Cambodia's Arbitration Law  33
    2.2.3.Arbitration Center and Practice of Arbitration in Cambodia  33
    2.2.4.Arbitration Process in Cambodia  33-37
Chapter 3 The Institutional Arbitration in China and Cambodia  37-44
  A.The institutional arbitration in China  37-41
    3.1.1.Arbitration institutions before 1994  37
    3.1.2.Arbitration insticutions since 1994  37-41
  B.Arbitration institutions in Cambodia  41-44
    3.2.1.National Arbitration Center  41
    3.2.2.Objectives  41-42
    3.2.3.Organization  42-44
Chapter 4 Mediation & Arbitration in Labor and Employment in China and Cambodia  44-53
  A.Labor and Employment Disputes in China  44-49
    4.1.1.Enterprise Mediation  44-47
    4.1.2.Labor Arbitration Committee  47-48
    4.1.3.People's Courtt  48-49
    4.1.4.Tripartism Mechanism in Collective Labor Dispute Settlement  49
  B.Labor and Employment Disputes in Cambodia  49-53
    4.2.1.Overview  50
    4.2.2.Mediation and Arbitration in Labor's Law  50-51
    4.2.3.Overview of labor dispute resolution processes  51-52
    4.2.4.Tripartite structures in the Arbitration Council  52-53
    4.2.5.Consequences of filling an opposition to an award  53
Conclusion  53-56
Reference  56-58
  Bibliographies  56-57
  Internet resources  57-58


  1. 劳动争议受案范围探析,D922.5
  2. 人事争议仲裁工作问题研究,D922.5
  3. 中国情感真人秀节目本土化探析,G222
  4. 我国刑事附带民事诉讼调解制度研究,D925.2
  5. 我国现行民事调解制度之反思,D925.1
  6. 对我国民事诉讼调解制度的实证分析,D925.1
  7. 完善治安调解制度的思考,D926
  8. 我国劳动争议案件仲裁时效问题研究,D922.5
  9. 安徽省人民调解工作调研报告,D926
  10. 美国早期中立评估制度的探析与借鉴,DD915
  11. 苏州地区人民调解制度运作实证研究,D926
  12. 论我国法院诉前委托调解机制的构建,D925.1
  13. 德国著作权法修改及实施研究,DD913
  14. 刍议我国劳动争议仲裁和诉讼关系架构,D922.5
  15. 论我国劳动保障监察制度的完善,D922.5
  16. 浅议中国民事诉讼中的司法能动性理念,D926.2
  17. 基于E1传输的多路网桥交换机的关键技术研究,TN915.05
  18. 社会保险争议民事解决途径探析,D925.1
  19. 国际投资仲裁中的“第三方参与”法律问题研究,D997.4
  20. 论我国承认与执行外国仲裁裁决的程序规则,D925.1
  21. 基于有蓝牙共存情况下的Wi-Fi射频模块设计,TN929.5

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