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作 者: 高碧云
导 师: 余凡
学 校: 上海交通大学
专 业: 金融
关键词: 公司债券 季度盈利公告 非对称反应 事件研究
类 型: 硕士论文
年 份: 2013年
下 载: 30次
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Abstract  7-8
摘要  8-9
Introduction  9-11
1 Chapter One:Background  11-14
2 Chapter Two: Literature Review  14-25
  2.1 Foreign literature of bond market reaction  14-17
    2.1.1 Symmetric reaction  15-16
    2.1.2 Asymmetric reaction  16-17
    2.1.3 Influence of ownership type  17
  2.2 Domestic literature on bond market reaction  17-21
    2.2.1 Early stage literature on Treasury market  18-19
    2.2.2 Efficiency comparison of segmented markets  19-20
    2.2.3 Bond market asymmetric reaction  20-21
    2.2.4 Influence of ownership type  21
  2.3 Event study approaches  21-23
    2.3.1 Three models in foreign studies  22-23
    2.3.2 Domestic approaches and problems  23
  2.4 Summary and thesis highlights  23-25
3 Chapter Three: Domestic Market Overview  25-35
  3.1 Overview of Chinese bond market  25-26
  3.2 Three milestones for domestic credit bond market  26-27
  3.3 Current restrictions and problems  27-31
    3.3.1 Segmented bond market with low liquidity  27-30
    3.3.2 Lack of real default and distorted market reaction  30-31
    3.3.3 Questionable and lagged ratings  31
  3.4 Reform measures to improve liquidity and efficiency  31-34
    3.4.1 Lower entry standard  32
    3.4.2 Five unifications for integration  32-33
    3.4.3 Simplification of the approval procedure  33-34
    3.4.4 More diversified market players  34
  3.5 Promising outlook for future development  34-35
4 Chapter Four: Research Design  35-44
  4.1 Hypotheses and assumptions  35-38
    4.1.1 Efficient market hypothesis  35-36
    4.1.2 Bondholder’s asymmetric reaction towards bad news  36-37
    4.1.3 Reaction to bad news weakened by protection  37-38
  4.2 Data and sample selection  38-39
  4.3 Event window selection  39
  4.4 Definition of good and bad news  39-40
  4.5 Market reaction measured by return and volume  40-41
  4.6 Judgment of asymmetric reaction  41-42
  4.7 Breakdown analysis  42-44
5 Chapter Five: Empirical Results  44-58
  5.1 Descriptive statistics  44-46
    5.1.1 Sample overview  44-45
    5.1.2 Inflated credit ratings  45-46
    5.1.3 Significance of daily abnormal return  46
  5.2 Qualitative comparison from CAR chart  46-51
    5.2.1 Positive/Negative CAR towards good/bad news  47-48
    5.2.2 Market reaction at early stage is distorted (year 2008)  48-50
    5.2.3 Bond with SOEs background is sensitive to good news  50
    5.2.4 Reaction without SOE-backed is stronger to bad news  50-51
  5.3 Quantitative comparison from regression  51-55
    5.3.1 Reaction is only sensitive towards bad news  52-53
    5.3.2 Reaction in early stage is distorted with inverted CAR  53-54
    5.3.3 SOEs background serves as protection against default  54-55
  5.4 Supporting evidence from trading activity  55-58
    5.4.1 Liquidity is low with abnormality in 2008  55-56
    5.4.2 Market is sensitive towards bad news  56-57
    5.4.3 Trading activity backed by SOEs is stable and weak  57-58
6 Chapter Six: Robust Test  58-63
  6.1 Abnormal return calculated based on other indices  58-59
  6.2 Alternative definitions of good and bad news  59-61
  6.3 Breakdown analysis based on guarantee clause  61-63
7 Chapter Seven: Empirical Results Illustration  63-67
  7.1 Market is progressing with sensible reactions  63-64
  7.2 Reaction is asymmetrically stronger towards bad news  64
  7.3 SOEs background weakens market reaction  64-65
  7.4 Anticipation may be led by information leakage  65
  7.5 Four indispensable factors in macro level  65-67
8 Chapter Eight:Conclusion and Suggestion  67-69
Bibliography  69-72
Acknowledgments  72-73
附件  73


  1. 中国纺织服装业上市公司的汇率风险暴露研究,F832.6
  2. 不利公告的信息传递效应研究,F832.51;F224
  3. 我国新油气准则对会计信息质量的影响研究,F233
  4. 现阶段商业银行再融资行为分析,F832.33
  5. 股票股利与超额投资回报,F224
  6. 上市公司信息披露质量与公司价值关系研究,F832.51;F224
  7. 可转债公司债券与基础股票的关联性研究,F224
  8. 上市公司发行公司债券与企业盈利能力相关性的实证研究,F275
  9. 股权再融资公告效应的实证研究,F224
  10. 我国上市公司换股并购效应研究,F271;F224
  11. 中国上市银行再融资公告效应研究,F224
  12. 可转换债券融资选择动机及绩效影响研究,F224
  13. 后股改时期定向增发对上市公司业绩影响的实证研究,F832.51
  14. 中金岭南铊污染事件市场反应分析及启示,F426.32
  15. 股指期货对我国股票市场有效性影响的实证分析,F832.51
  16. 上市公司价值信息披露及市场反应研究,F224
  17. 基于对象差异化的增发市场效应研究,F832.51
  18. 我国货币政策对股票价格的影响研究,F822.0;F832.51
  19. 我国投资者过度自信行为与证券价格波动的实证研究,F832.51
  20. 我国上市公司定向增发公告效应研究,F832.51
  21. 可转换债券融资分析,F830.91

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