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作 者: 刘洪丽
导 师: 祝朝伟
学 校:
专 业: 英语语言文学
关键词: 主位结构 主位推进模式 语篇连贯 主语突出性语言 话题突出型语言 《捕蛇者说》 翻译
分类号: H315.9
类 型: 硕士论文
年 份: 2013年
下 载: 74次
引 用: 0次
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摘要  4-5
Abstract  5-7
Acknowledgements  7-10
Introduction  10-17
Chapter one Theme-Rheme Theory of Halliday  17-36
  1.1 Halliday’s functional linguistics and its influence  17-20
  1.2 Halliday’s Theme-Rheme theory  20-26
  1.3 Application of Theme-Theme theory in translation studies  26-36
    1.3.1 Thematic Structure model as a unit of translation  29-32
    1.3.2 Impact of Thematic Structure model on discourse translation  32-36
Chapter two English and Chinese Thematic Structures in Complaints of a Snake-catcher: differences and reasons  36-55
  2.1 Analysis of sentences in its English versions with English Thematic Structures  36-41
    2.1.1 English as a subject-prominent language  36-37
    2.1.2 Its embodiment in Thematic Structures of sentences in its English version  37-41
  2.2 Analysis of sentences in the Chinese text with Chinese Thematic Structures  41-47
    2.2.1 Chinese as a topic-prominent language  41-43
    2.2.2 Its embodiment in Thematic Structures of Sentences in the Chinese Text  43-47 Subject-specific Sentences in Chinese Thematic Structure and Thematic Progression Patterns  44-45 Subject-free Sentences in Chinese Thematic Structure and Thematic Progression Patterns  45-47
  2.3 The reasons of differences between English and Chinese Thematic Structures  47-55
    2.3.1 Different thinking patterns between eastern and western countries  47-52
    2.3.2 Differences in language and culture between Chinese and English  52-55
Chapter three Strategies of handling Thematic Structures in translating Complaints of a Snake-Catcher  55-80
  3.1 Types of Thematic Structures in Complaints of a Snake-Catcher  55-59
    3.1.1 Subject-specific sentences  55-57
    3.1.2 Subject-free sentences  57-58
    3.1.3 Subject-ambiguous sentences  58-59
  3.2 Translation methods of Theme-Rheme structures in Complaints of a Snake-Catcher  59-80
    3.2.1 Differences in sentence types and their Thematic Progression Patterns  59-62
    3.2.2 Translation methods for different sentence types  62-69 Subject-specific sentences and literal translation  62-65 Subject-free sentences and the amplification method  65-67 Subject-ambiguous sentences and the conversion method  67-69
    3.2.3 Textual cohesion and translation methods  69-80
Conclusion  80-82
Bibliography  82-86
Appendix  86-90


  1. 统计机器翻译中结构转换技术的研究,TP391.2
  2. 论德国功能翻译理论对高职应用英语翻译教学的启示,H319
  3. 英汉翻译中逻辑问题的研究,B812
  4. 鲁迅的翻译与20世纪中国现代文学语言的产生,I206.6
  5. 中国日报经济新闻语篇中主位推进模式研究,H15
  6. 从语篇功能角度对大学生英语写作连贯的研究,H319
  7. 关联—顺应模式下英汉词语文化联想意义的翻译研究,H315.9
  8. 关联理论视角下的法律译者主体性研究,H315.9
  9. 从语义翻译和交际翻译的角度看《论语》的英译,H315.9
  10. 关联理论视角下的影视字幕翻译分析,H059
  11. 关联理论视角下的影视习语翻译,H059
  12. 温家宝演讲中的语篇连贯性及其英译研究,H315.9
  13. Analyze the Reductionist Approach to Translatology from Relevance Theory,H059
  14. 语境视角下的隐喻翻译,H059
  15. 段落翻译的认知过程研究,H059
  16. 于连·索雷尔的文学形象在中国的变迁,I046
  17. 从想象的客观到有节制的主观-有关翻译活动中动态关系的研究,H059
  18. 态度系统视角下《飘》的原/译文对比研究,I712.074
  19. 从关联理论看翻译中的文化缺省处理策略,H059
  20. 译者审美心理视角下《水浒传》两英译本对比研究,I046
  21. 从新闻叙事话语角度看翻译中的意识形态操纵,H059

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