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作 者: 杨琴
导 师: 蔡平
学 校: 湖南师范大学
专 业: 英语语言文学
关键词: 模因论 广告口号翻译 顺应 模因
分类号: H059
类 型: 硕士论文
年 份: 2010年
下 载: 152次
引 用: 0次
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Abstract  4-6
摘要  6-10
Introduction  10-16
  0.1 A Brief Introduction to Memetics  10-12
  0.2 Rationale and Objective of the Present Study  12-13
  0.3 Research Questions  13
  0.4 Research Methodology and Data Collection  13-14
  0.5 Outline of the Thesis  14-16
Chapter 1 Literature Review  16-34
  1.1 Previous Research on Advertising and Advertising Slogan  16-25
    1.1.1 A Brief Retrospect of Advertising  16-19 The Definition of Advertising  16-17 The Structure of Advertising  17-18 The Functions of Advertising  18-19
    1.1.2 A Basic Overview of Advertising Slogan  19-23 The Definition and Features of Advertising Slogan  19-20 Classification of Advertising Slogan  20-23
    1.1.3 Research on Advertising Translation  23-25 Traditional Chinese Theories for Translation  23-24 Equivalence-based Linguistic Theory  24 Functionalist Theory  24-25
  1.2 Previous Research on Memetics  25-34
    1.2.1 Research on Memetics Abroad  26
    1.2.2 Research on Memetics in China  26-27
    1.2.3 Memetic Study in Advertising  27-30
    1.2.4 Memetic Study in Translation  30-34
Chapter 2 Theoretical Framework  34-50
  2.1 Relative Concepts about Memes  34-38
    2.1.1 Meme and Memeplex  34-35
    2.1.2 Genotype and Phenotype  35-36
    2.1.3 Strong Meme and Weak Meme  36-38
    2.1.4 Host and Vector  38
  2.2 The Lifecycle of Memes  38-40
  2.3 Meme and Language  40-42
    2.3.1 Language as the Principle Means to Spread Memes  40-41
    2.3.2 Memes Influencing Language  41-42
  2.4 Memetic Selection  42-43
  2.5 Adaption Theory  43-50
Chapter 3 Advertising Slogan Translation:A Process of Strong Advertising Slogan Memes Creation  50-76
  3.1 Strong Advertising Slogan Meme Creation in Translation  50-67
    3.1.1 Adapting to Cognitive Factors  50-57 Constraints of Working Memory  51-52 Adapting to the Constraints of Working Memory  52-54 Adapting to the Target Language's Linguistic Features  54-57
    3.1.2 Adapting to Cultural Factors  57-67 Core Value:Group Orientation vs. Individual Orientation  58-61 Consuming Tendency:Group Tendency vs.Individual Needs  61-64 Authority:Governmental Authority vs.Scientific Evidence  64-65 Mode of Thinking  65-67
  3.2 Strategies to Make Strong Advertising Slogan Memes in the Process of Translation  67-76
    3.2.1 Application of Phenotype of Memes  68-73 The associative meme transmission  68-70 Partially changed meme transmission  70-73
    3.2.2 Application of Genotype of Memes  73-76
Conclusion  76-78
Bibliography  78-82
Appendix  82-84
Acknowledgements  84-86


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