学位论文 > 优秀研究生学位论文题录展示


作 者: 郭李琴
导 师: 宋亚菲
学 校: 广西大学
专 业: 外国语言学与应用语言学
关键词: 英语专业四级考试 反拨作用 玉林师范学院
分类号: H319
类 型: 硕士论文
年 份: 2011年
下 载: 37次
引 用: 0次
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摘要  4-5
List of Tables  7-8
List of Figures  8-9
List of Appendices  9-12
Chapter 1 Introduction  12-14
  1.1 Background Information of the Study  12
  1.2 Significancc of the Study  12-13
  1.3 Structure of the Thesis  13-14
Chapter 2 Literature Review  14-30
  2.1 Definitions of Washback  14-15
  2.2 Classification of Washback  15-17
    2.2.1 General and Specific Washback  15-16
    2.2.2 Strong and Weak Washback  16
    2.2.3 Short-term and Long-term Washback  16
    2.2.4 Unintended and Intended Washback  16
    2.2.5 Positive and Negative Washback  16-17
  2.3 Related Theories  17-23
    2.3.1 Hughes' PPP Washback Model  17-18
    2.3.2 Alderson and Wall's Washback Hypothesis  18-19
    2.3.3 Bailey's Model of Washback  19-20
    2.3.4 Burrows' Model of Washback  20
    2.3.5 Shih's Model of Washback  20-21
    2.3.6 Chen Xiaokou's Model of Washback  21-23
  2.4 Previous Researches  23-28
    2.4.1 Researches on Washback Abroad  23-24
    2.4.2 Researches on Washback in China  24-27
    2.4.3 Comments on the Previous Research  27-28
  2.5 TEM4 and Current Washback Research  28-30
    2.5.1 Brief Introduction of TEM4  28-29
    2.5.2 TEM4 Washback Research  29-30
Chapter 3 Research Methods and Design  30-37
  3.1 Research Purpose  30
  3.2 Methods and Procedures  30-36
    3.2.1 Questionnaire Survey  31-34
    3.2.2 Classroom Observations  34-35
    3.2.3 Interviews  35-36
  3.3 Data Analysis  36-37
Chapter 4 Research Results and Discussion  37-63
  4.1 Washback on Teachers  37-46
    4.1.1 Influence on Teaching Policy of Department  37-38
    4.1.2 Psychological Influence on Teachers  38-39
    4.1.3 Influence on Teachers' Perceptions of Teaching Assessment  39-41
    4.1.4 Influence on Teaching Contents  41-43
    4.1.5 Influence on Ways of Teaching  43-45
    4.1.6 Comments on the TEM4 Washback Effects on Teachers' Teaching  45-46
  4.2 Washbak on Students  46-55
    4.2.1 Influence on Students' Psychology  46-49
    4.2.2 Influence on Students' Perceptions of the Learning Assessment  49-51
    4.2.3 Influence on What Students Learn  51-53
    4.2.4 Influence on How Students Learn  53-55
  4.3 Different Washback on Students with Different Language Foundations  55-61
  4.4 Causes of Negative Washback  61-63
    4.4.1 Causes of Negative Washback on Teachers  61-62
    4.4.2 Causes of Negative Washback on Students  62-63
Chapter 5 Conclusions  63-69
  5.1 Findings and Conclusions  63-64
  5.2 Implications  64-67
    5.2.1 Implications for Test Designers  64-65
    5.2.2 Implications for School Authorities  65-66
    5.2.3 Implications for Teachers and Students  66-67
  5.3 Limitations  67-69
Bibliography  69-73
Appendix 1 Questionnaire  73-79
Appendix 2 Interview  79-81
Appendix 3 Classroom Observation Checklist  81-82
Appendix 4 Results of Open-ended Questions  82-84
Appendix 5 Results and Discussions of Classroom Observation  84-85
Acknowledgements  85-86
攻读硕士学位期间的发表论文情况  86


  1. 英语专业四级考试阅读理解内容效度研究,H319
  2. 小学交际式英语测试框架,G623.31
  3. 英语专业四级完形填空题效度研究(2005年-2010年),H319
  4. 基于BEC考试设计的商务英语精读考试反拨效应的研究,H319
  5. 交际性测试对大学英语听力教学的反拨作用,H319
  6. 高考英语测试对高中英语教学的反拨作用,G633.41
  7. 高考英语写作测试(江西卷)对江西高中英语写作教学的反拨作用研究,G633.41
  8. 期望与现实:新大学英语四级考试对大学英语教学的反拨作用调查研究,H319
  9. 新四级阅读理解测试与旧四级、雅思阅读理解测试的对比研究,H319
  10. 四级、托福和雅思听力试题的对比研究,H310.4
  11. 大学英语四级考试对大学英语教学反拨作用研究,H319.3
  12. 传统大学英语四级考试听力测试与新大学英语四级考试听力测试对比研究,H319.9
  13. 成绩测试对高中英语教学的反拨作用,G633.41
  14. 英语专业四级考试及格与不及格的蒙古族学生英语语言学习策略使用对比研究,H319
  15. 乌鲁木齐高校英语专业学生英语学习中翻译使用观念及翻译使用策略研究,H319
  16. 高考对高三阅读教学的反拨作用,G633.3
  17. 新大学英语四级阅读测试对大学英语阅读教学的反拨作用,H319
  18. 英语专业四级考试阅读理解测试答题策略,H319
  19. An Empirical Study of PEPEC Washback on English Teaching and Learning,H319
  20. A Study of the Washback Effects of the Nmet (Sichuan) on Senior High School English Teaching and Learning,G633.41

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