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Internal Communication in Congo Company, Case of Mucodec

作 者: Magali Jose Murielle Loko Balounga
导 师: 段钊
学 校: 华中师范大学
专 业: 信息管理
关键词: Internal Communication Relationship Mucodec
分类号: F272
类 型: 硕士论文
年 份: 2014年
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This research addressed to organizations, is a contribution to the resolution of industrial communicative practices. The world should show the place occupied by latter in the management of organizations in the Congo and to answer the question, analyze its functions the latter, especially internally, that will focus on the strategic, relational study hierarchies and involvement of employees. So in order to properly address this memory work, we took the case of microfinance in the Republic of Congo, which is MUCODEC. Through this study we show how this micro finance explores internally with its environment and by what means or tool they use to convey information within the organization. We consider the same functions and types of organizational communication that influences how direct and indirect organizational structure of hierarchies and employees.Our study is a typical example of multidimensional research. It has compiled and summarized data at the individual level to operationalize the concepts of organizational level such as organizational structure and internal communication. The main multidimensional nature of the study was discussed with the functional analysis. Data were collected by conducting a survey of agents of the firm are anonymous.The results suggest that the organizational structure and the system of internal strategy communication were associated with salaries relationships organization, playing the role of the membership of these in the company. Specifically commitment, trust and satisfaction. In addition, the communication was associated symmetric positive community relations.Finally, the favorable communication function of the organic structure related to management and exchange relationships is positively related to the good image of the organization.On the other hand the lack of communicative political causes of noise or conflict within the organization.


Abstract  6-9
Dedications  9-10
1. Introduction  10-18
  1.1 Choice and interest of the subject  12
  1.2 Conceptual and theoretical framework  12-15
    1.2.1 Conceptual framework  12
    1.2.2 Internal communication  12-14
    1.2.3 Company  14-15
  1.3 Theoretical framework  15
  1.4 Hypothesis  15-16
    1.5.1 Analysis of the internal communication of the MUCODEC  16
    1.5.2 Methodological Protocol  16-18
2. Review Of The Literature  18-29
  2.1 Case background  18
  2.2 Internal communication  18-21
  2.3 Role of internal communication  21-23
  2.4 Review and critical literary  23-28
  2.5 Summary  28-29
3. Case Of Congo  29-38
  3.1 Organization  29-33
    3.1.1 Organization and functioning of the MUCODEC  29
    3.1.2 Organization of MUCODEC  29-30
    3.1.3 Proportions  30
    3.1.4 Departments  30
    3.1.5 Operation of the MUCODEC  30-31
    3.1.6 Federal General Assembly  31-32
    3.1.7 Delegations  32
    3.1.8 Branchs  32-33
  3.2 History of the MUCODEC  33-37
    3.2.1 Operation of the MUCODEC  34
    3.2.2 The principles of the MUCODEC  34-37
  3.3 Objective and legal framework of the MUCODEC  37-38
    3.3.1 Legal status of the MUCODEC  37
    3.3.2 Objective and capital the MUCODEC social  37-38
4. Internal Communication:Analysis Of Mucodec  38-46
  4.1 Internal communication  38
  4.2 Internal communication objectives  38-40
  4.3 Aalysis process  40-45
    4.3.1 Analysis itself  40-43
    4.3.2 Types of Internal Communiaation  43
    4.3.3 Formal and Informal Communication  43
    4.3.4 Upward and downward Communication  43-44
    4.3.5 One-way and two-way Communication  44-45
  4.4 Summary  45-46
5. Case Study Of Mucodec  46-52
  5.1 Conclusion  46-47
  5.2 RecommendationS  47-48
    5.2.1 Business agents  47-48
    5.2.2 The establishment of a suggestion box  48
  5.3 Project AND learned lessonS  48-51
  5.4 Summary  51-52
References  52-55
Acknowledgements  55


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