学位论文 > 优秀研究生学位论文题录展示


作 者: 付磊
导 师: 许丽芹
学 校: 南昌航空大学
专 业: 外国语言学与应用语言学
关键词: 概念整合理论 文化意象 奈保尔 多元文化身份
分类号: I561.074
类 型: 硕士论文
年 份: 2012年
下 载: 28次
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摘要  3-4
Abstract  4-7
Contents  7-9
Chapter 1 Introduction  9-15
  1.1 Rationale of the Study  9-11
  1.2 Significance and Purpose of the Study  11-12
  1.3 The Questions and Hypothesis of the research  12-13
  1.4 Methodology of the Research  13
  1.5 Organization of the Dissertation  13-15
Chapter 2 Literature Review  15-27
  2.1 The Studies on V. S. Naipaul  15-17
    2.1.1 A brief introduction of V.S. Naipaul  15-16
    2.1.2 The studies on Naipaul's cultural identity  16-17
  2.2 The Studies on Image  17-20
    2.2.1 The definition of image  17-19
    2.2.2 The studies on images in Naipaul's fiction  19-20
  2.3 The Studies on Conceptual Blending Theory  20-23
    2.3.1 The previous studies on the applications of CBT  20-22
    2.3.2 The studies on images in terms of conceptual blending theory  22-23
  2.4 The Application of CBT to the Cultural Images  23-27
    2.4.1 The application of conceptual blending theory  23
    2.4.2 The blending process of images  23-24
    2.4.3 Cultural elements in blending of images  24-25
    2.4.4 The blending of cultural images in Naipaul's works  25-27
Chapter 3 Theoretical Framework-Conceptual Blending Theory  27-31
  3.1 Key Elements of the Network Model of CBT  27-28
  3.2 Process of Blending Network  28-29
  3.3 Principles of Conceptual Blending  29-30
  3.4 Types of Blending Networks  30-31
Chapter 4 Application of CBT to Cultural Images in Naipaul's Works  31-60
  4.1 Case 1:The image "the Enigma of Arrival"  31-39
    4.1.1 The introduction of the painting "the Enigma of Arrival"  31-33
    4.1.2 The interpretation of the image "the Enigma of Arrival" in terms of CBT  33-37
    4.1.3 The connotations and implications of the image "the Enigma of Arrival"  37-39
  4.2 Case 2:The House Images  39-47
    4.2.1 The significance of the house image  39-40
    4.2.2 The interpretation of the house image in terms of CBT  40-46
    4.2.3 The connotations and implications of the house image in A House for Mr. Biswas  46-47
  4.3 Case 3:The "Darkness" Image  47-53
    4.3.1 The different perspective on the "Darkness" image  47-48
    4.3.2 The interpretation of the "Darkness" image in terms of CBT  48-51
    4.3.3 The connotations and implications of the "Darkness" image in An Area of Darkness  51-53
  4.4 Case 4:The "Bend" Image  53-60
    4.4.1 The significance of the "Bend" image  53-54
    4.4.2 The interpretation of the "Bend" image in terms of CBT  54-58
    4.4.3 The connotations and implications of the "Bend" image in A Bend in the River  58-60
Chapter 5 Conclusion  60-63
  5.1 Major Findings of the Study  60-61
  5.2 Limitations of the Research and Implications for the Further study  61-63
Bibliography  63-67
发表论文和参加科研情况说明  67-68
Acknowledgements  68-69
Appendix  69-70


  1. 从《道德经》英译看概念整合理论对汉语典籍英译的解释力,H315.9
  2. 藏族姓名文化意象研究,G122
  3. 谈中国当代油画风景的地域文化性,J213
  4. 罗伯特·弗罗斯特诗歌中的隐喻研究,H315
  5. 概念整合理论对汉语名名复合词的语义分析,H136
  6. 概念整合理论对讽刺性幽默的阐释力,H315
  7. 从概念整合理论角度解读双关语翻译,H315.9
  8. 隐喻视角下的语篇连贯研究,H15
  9. 幽默解读中的支配原则分析,H030
  10. 为印度历史塑型:V·S·奈保尔的印度形象书写,I561
  11. 帕尔默文化语言学视角下红楼梦诗歌意象翻译研究,H315.9
  12. 人称指示映射现象的认知研究,H04
  13. 概念整合理论视域下的英语经济语篇中隐喻的认知研究,H315
  14. 来自加勒比的普世情怀,I561
  15. 寓言意义成因的整合研究,I057
  16. 帕尔默语篇情节视角下的汉语导游词英译研究,H315.9
  17. 英语谚语翻译过程中的概念整合,H315.9
  18. 基于概念整合理论下的英语谚语分析,H313
  19. 概念整合理论对委婉语的解读,H030
  20. 从认知视角分析隐喻,H05
  21. 用概念整合理论探析隐喻的在线处理机制,H05

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