学位论文 > 优秀研究生学位论文题录展示


作 者: 贾艳梅
导 师: 王正元
学 校: 燕山大学
专 业: 英语语言文学
关键词: 寓言 心理空间 概念整合理论 新创意义 意义生成
分类号: I057
类 型: 硕士论文
年 份: 2010年
下 载: 47次
引 用: 0次
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摘要  5-6
Abstract  6-11
Abbreviati  11-12
List of Figure  12-14
Chapter 1 Introduction  14-21
  1.1 Research background  14-16
    1.1.1 About the Aesop’s Fables  14-16
    1.1.2 About the conceptual integration theory  16
  1.2 Objectives of the thesis  16-18
  1.3 The significance of the study  18-19
  1.4 Data collection and methodology  19-20
  1.5 The creativities of the study  20-21
Chapter 2 Literature Review  21-32
  2.1 Researches on the Aesop’s Fables abroad  22-25
    2.1.1 Aspects of the origin  22
    2.1.2 Aspects of the rhetoric  22-23
    2.1.3 Aspects of the editions  23-25
  2.2 Researches on Aesop’s Fables at home  25-27
  2.3 Researches on conceptual integration theory abroad  27-29
  2.4 Researches on conceptual integration theory at home  29-30
  2.5 Summary  30-32
Chapter 3 Theoretical Foundation  32-44
  3.1 The mental space theory  33-34
  3.2 The conceptual integration theory  34-44
    3.2.1 Elements of the conceptual integration theory  35-41
    3.2.2 Networks of the conceptual integration  41-44
Chapter 4 Meaning Production: Analysis of Aesop’s Fables  44-90
  4.1 Introduction  44
  4.2 Grounding box and the backstage cognition  44-45
  4.3 Case 1: the dogs and the hides  45-52
    4.3.1 Spaces, grounding box and the first blending  45-47
    4.3.2 Spaces, grounding box and the second blending  47-48
    4.3.3 Spaces, grounding box and the third blending  48-50
    4.3.4 Summary  50-52
  4.4 Case 2: the ass and the grasshopper  52-59
    4.4.1 Spaces, grounding box and the first blending  53-54
    4.4.2 Spaces, grounding box and the second blending  54-56
    4.4.3 Spaces, grounding box and the third blending  56-57
    4.4.4 Summary  57-59
  4.5 Case 3: the farmer and his sons  59-66
    4.5.1 Spaces, grounding box and the first blending  60-61
    4.5.2 Spaces, grounding box and the second blending  61-62
    4.5.3 Spaces, grounding box and the third blending  62-63
    4.5.4 Summary  63-66
  4.6 Case 4: the ant and the dove  66-73
    4.6.1 Spaces, grounding box and the first blending  67-69
    4.6.2 Spaces, grounding box and the second blending  69-70
    4.6.3 Spaces, grounding box and the third blending  70-72
    4.6.4 Summary  72-73
  4.7 Case 5: the lion and the dolphin  73-81
    4.7.1 Spaces, grounding box and the first blending  74-76
    4.7.2 Spaces, grounding box and the second blending  76-78
    4.7.3 Spaces, grounding box and the third blending  78-79
    4.7.4 Summary  79-81
  4.8 Case 6: the trumpeter taken prisoner  81-87
    4.8.1 Spaces, grounding box and the first blending  81-83
    4.8.2 Spaces, grounding box and the second blending  83-84
    4.8.3 Spaces, grounding box and the third blending  84-85
    4.8.4 Summary  85-87
  4.9 Summary and the major findings  87-90
Chapter 5 Conclusion  90-95
  5.1 Major findings of the study  90-91
  5.2 Implications of the study  91-93
  5.3 Limitations of the study  93
  5.4 Suggestions for further study  93-95
References  95-102
Appendix  102-104
  Fable resources  102
  Aesop’s Fables  102
  Case 1: The Dogs and Hides  102
  Case 2: The Ass and the Grasshopper  102
  Case 3: The Farmer and His Sons  102
  Case 4: The Ant and the Dove  102-103
  Case 5: The Lion and the Dolphin  103
  Case 6: The Trumpeter Taken Prisoner  103-104
Acknowledgements  104-105
作者简介  105


  1. 从《道德经》英译看概念整合理论对汉语典籍英译的解释力,H315.9
  2. 试论藏族寓言小说的产生和发展及其特点,I207.9
  3. 柏拉图《理想国》中寓言的双重性,B502.232
  4. 从空间叙事视角分析《核时代》中的核焦虑,I712.074
  5. 从概念整合理论角度解读双关语翻译,H315.9
  6. 隐喻视角下的语篇连贯研究,H15
  7. 幽默解读中的支配原则分析,H030
  8. 人称指示映射现象的认知研究,H04
  9. 在概念整合理论下分析幽默手机短信,H052
  10. 广告双关的概念整合研究,H052
  11. 赵本夫对小说艺术的探索之路,I207.42
  12. 《洪堡的礼物》中叙事空间的分析,I712
  13. 概念整合理论视域下的英语经济语篇中隐喻的认知研究,H315
  14. 一笔双叙和轭式搭配的认知研究,H05
  15. 《吕氏春秋》寓言结构研究,I207.7
  16. 《庄子》寓言的美学阐释,I207.7
  17. 马克斯·弗里施戏剧《比得曼与纵火犯》的影射与警示意义,I522
  18. 勒克莱齐奥前期小说寓言性研究,I565.074
  19. 概念整合理论视阙下的中国古典诗歌英译研究,I046
  20. 从目的论看《中国古代寓言选》的翻译,H315.9

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