学位论文 > 优秀研究生学位论文题录展示


作 者: 左会芳
导 师: 王尚志;张思明
学 校: 首都师范大学
专 业: 课程与教学论
关键词: mathematics task-based learning questionnaire survey current situation case study teaching
分类号: G633.6
类 型: 硕士论文
年 份: 2008年
下 载: 418次
引 用: 2次
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"National Compulsory Education Mathematics Curricular Criteria" and "General Senior High School Mathematics Curricular Criteria" (Experiment) are respectively issued in 2001 and in April 2003. Some of these ideas which are advocated are the bright spots and the keys of the mathematics curriculum reform. For example, two standards all emphasize that learning mathematics can not be limited to accept, memorize, imitate and practice, which should be initiated the ways of learning mathematics which are self-exploring, handing on and practicing, cooperating and exchanging, reading and self-learning etc. under the direction of this concept, "task-based learning" and three plates "mathematical modeling", "inquiry learning","mathematics culture" are separately added in the Compulsory Education Curricular Criteria and the Senior High School Mathematics Curricular Criteria. All these have created favorable conditions for the students forming initiative, various methods, stimulating interest in learning math, developing the habit of independently thinking and actively exploring, and these also enable the students to experience the role of mathematics well in the solution of actual problem, the link of mathematics and daily life and other disciplines. Otherwise, these can also promote the students to form and develop the consciousness of mathematical application, to enhance the practical ability.But since the new curricular standards have implemented for five years, what on earth is the development situation of the mathematics task-based learning in the junior and senior high school. How do the teachers teach the mathematics task-based learning. These will be the focus of this paper.The paper starts from dating from historical development skeleton of task based-learning, and defines the "task-based learning" on the basis of the previous research. Simultaneously , the author also compared it with project-based learning and focused on the theoretical basis of task-based learning from three aspects.In the hard-core of this paper, the author first scheduled the questionnaire, then investigated and compared the current situation of task-based learning in the junior and senior high school. Finally, came to the following conclusions: The mathematics task-based learning is not effectively carried out in the middle and high school, moreover, the situation of middle school is worse than that of high school.In the course of carrying out task-based learning, the difficulty or the resistance that the teachers met according to the important degree are in turn: the pressure of examination is great, or the teachers’ and the students’ time is insufficient because of the examination’s pressure; the students’ mathematics achievements are bad or are not interested in task-based learning; teachers’ knowledge and ability are insufficient; The materials of task-based learning in the textbooks are improper and the teachers can not find good projects; besides the author also analyzed the causation of the findings.To some questions of the survey, the author summed up the principles which should be followed and the ways of choosing the project materials, five kinds of operation modes of the teaching of mathematics task-based learning; Several kinds of relations which should be dealt with well and some teaching strategies in the class through analyzing and thinking some teaching cases of task-based learning.Given the above two parts, some advices were given to the administrative department of education、teaching and research group of the schools and the teachers who will carry out the task-based learning. I hope these can bring some useful enlightenments and reflections for the teachers and mathematics educational researchers.


Abstract  4-6
目录  6-8
第一章 数学课题学习的理论概述  8-23
  1.1 "课题学习"的历史发展脉络  8-10
  1.2 关于数学课题学习  10-12
    1.2.1 数学课题学习的涵义  10-11
    1.2.2 数学课题学习与数学研究性学习的比较  11-12
  1.3 数学课题学习的特征  12-14
  1.4 数学课题学习的主要呈现方式  14-16
  1.5 数学课题学习的理论基础  16-23
    1.5.1 数学课题学习的教育心理学基础  16-19
    1.5.2 数学课题学习的数学教育基础  19-20
    1.5.3 课题学习开展的数学基础  20-23
第二章 问题的提出与研究方法  23-27
  2.1 前人研究综述  23-24
  2.2 问题提出  24
  2.3 研究方法  24-27
第三章 数学课题学习的调查研究  27-40
  3.1 调查的目的和方法  27
  3.2 调查的对象和工具  27-28
  3.3 调查数据的分析及结果  28-36
    3.3.1 "对数学课题学习的认识"的调查数据分析  28-30
    3.3.2 "对开展数学课题学习的态度"的调查数据分析  30
    3.3.3 对数学课题学习开展情况的调查分析  30-35
    3.3.4 对"开展数学课题学习的因难"的调查数据分析  35-36
  3.4 调查结果小结及其归因分析  36-40
第四章 数学课题学习的案例研究  40-88
  4.1 四个案例的分析  40-65
    4.1.1 案例分析所依据的几个方面  40-41
    4.1.2 案例一:周期现象  41-52
    4.1.3 案例二:测量  52-59
    4.1.4 案例三:制作视力表  59-62
    4.1.5 案例四:怎样由y=f(x)的图像画出y=1/f(x)的图像?  62-65
  4.2 数学课题学习课题内容的选择  65-71
    4.2.1 课题选择时应遵循的原则  65-67
    4.2.2 课题内容选择的途径  67-71
  4.3 数学课题学习开展的操作模式  71-77
  4.4 数学课题学习的教学中所应处理好的几个关系  77-81
  4.5 数学课题学习的教学策略  81-88
    4.5.1 以教师选题为主的课题学习的教学策略  81-84
    4.5.2 对学生自主做小课题研究的指导策略  84-88
第五章 对开展数学课题学习的建议与反思  88-98
  5.1 对教育、考试部门提出的若干建议  88-91
  5.2 对学校、教研组提出的几点建议  91-92
  5.3 对开展数学课题学习的教师的几点建议  92-96
  5.4 总结与反思  96-98
    5.4.1 总结  96-97
    5.4.2 反思  97-98
参考文献  98-101
致谢  101-102
附录1 问卷调查  102-105
附录2 访谈提纲  105
附录3 案例一的观察量表  105-109
附录4 初高中数学课题学习调查情况对比的统计表  109-111


  1. 大学英语教学中跨文化交际能力新框架的构建,H319.3
  2. 试论传统语文教育的回归与拓新,G633.3
  3. 应用语料库提高高中生英语写作水平的研究,G633.41
  4. 基于数字图像处理的喷釉机器人示教研究,TP242
  5. 中国与日本英语习得和英语教学比较研究,H319.9
  6. 韩国语连接语尾教学研究,H55
  7. A Turn-Taking Analysis of Teacher Talk in Tertiary English Class in Chinese Mainland,H319
  8. A Preliminary Study of Rater Language Background in the English Writing Assessment,H319
  9. 体裁教学法在高中英语阅读中的应用,G633.41
  10. 移情与二语阅读理解相关关系实证研究,H319
  11. 基于交互式电子白板的英语教与学,G434
  12. 初中英语写作教学现状的调查,G633.41
  13. 词汇衔接在大学英语阅读教学中的应用,H319
  14. 多元智能理论对小学英语教学的启示,G623.31
  15. 双语活动课的实践与研究,H09
  16. 新中国成立以来基础教育教材改革的回顾与反思,G632.3
  17. 北京市商业健身俱乐部营销现状的调查与分析研究,G80-05
  18. 对多媒体环境下英语学习者阅读过程的研究,G434
  19. 计算机辅助英语写作教学在中国英语写作课堂中的应用,H315
  20. 基于语料库及语料索引软件的英语教学,H319.3

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