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作 者: 王炳权
导 师: 刘德新
学 校: 大连海事大学
专 业: 航海科学与技术
关键词: channel plan case standard multi-layers and multi-objects fuzzy optimization
分类号: U612
类 型: 硕士论文
年 份: 2008年
下 载: 148次
引 用: 2次
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Along with china’s opening and reforms further,accompany world’s economy and trade of global and one-systematize,the national economy has turned to keep steady,rapid and healthy development.The import and export foreign trade is rapid growth.Ship market is flourish.And along with it,the speed of the harbor channel construction speeds up.The channel plan is one of prerequisites that harbor channel construction.Speaking of some harbor channel project,it is difficulty to choose the suitable channel plan.The theory of the multi-objects and multi-layers system for form fuzzy optimization is rigorous,and the solution of it is simple.If the target value is representative,the optimal result will reflect objectively the sorting situation of system for several different harbor channel plan form fuzzy optimization.In this paper,I introduces the model for multi-layers and multi-objects system fuzzy optimization,the development process from the unit system fuzzy optimization to the multi-layers and multi-objects system fuzzy optimization.I takes the elaboration and analysis of the standard for designing the harbor channel plan.The objects are separated into interrelated parts to make the problem consecutive,the model factor indicators system of multi-layers and multi-objects system fuzzy optimization is established by using fuzzy optimization theory.In this paper,I unifies the actual case to apply the model for multi-layers and multi-objects system fuzzy optimization.I makes the analysis for situation of lvshun new harbor channel,then establishes the factor indicator system by using the multi-layers and multi-objects system fuzzy optimization.every layer cell system of is calculated by inputting the output of lower layer into higher layer.Using pricing vectors,the sequence of all cases are arranged,the optimal selection for harbor cha(?)el plans is performed.This method has provided the confidence level high advisory opinion for the channel plan’s final decision-making.


Abstract  6-10
第1章 绪论  10-13
  1.1 本文研究背景  10
  1.2 国内外现状  10-11
  1.3 本文主要的研究内容和研究方法  11-13
    1.3.1 研究内容  11
    1.3.2 研究的主要方法  11-13
第2章 多层次多目标系统模糊优选方法  13-23
  2.1 模糊决策概述  13-14
  2.2 多层次多目标决策系统模糊优选模型  14-23
    2.2.1 目标相对优属度矩阵  15-17
    2.2.2 单元系统模糊优选理论模型  17-19
    2.2.3 多目标系统模糊关系优选模型  19-20
    2.2.4 指标权向量的确定  20-23
第3章 多层次多目标航道方案优选指标  23-46
  3.1 航道规划设计标准  23-42
    3.1.1 航道选线  23-27
    3.1.2 航道主要尺度  27-37
    3.1.3 航道限界要求  37-38
    3.1.4 航道稳定性分析  38-39
    3.1.5 航道边坡设计  39-40
    3.1.6 船行波对船舶和护岸的影响  40-42
  3.2 多层次多目标航道方案优选指标体系  42-46
    3.2.1 方案优选指标体系建立的依据  42
    3.2.2 建立指标体系的基本原则  42-43
    3.2.3 多层次多目标航道规划方案优选体系的建立  43-46
第4章 旅顺新港扩建工程航道规划方案模糊优选  46-72
  4.1 旅顺新港航道规划方案简介  46-56
    4.1.1 旅顺新港地理位置  46-47
    4.1.2 水文气象  47-56
  4.2 旅顺新港航道规划方案概要  56-66
    4.2.1 港口性质与功能  56-57
    4.2.2 岸线开发利用现状  57-59
    4.2.3 方案一、二的陆域与水域规划  59-61
    4.2.4 方案三、四的陆域及水域规划  61-66
  4.3 旅顺新港航道方案模糊优选指标体系  66-68
  4.4 旅顺新港航道规划方案模糊优选  68-72
第5章 结论  72-73
参考文献  73-76
致谢  76-77
研究生履历  77


  1. 导航台站设备远程监控系统的研究与实现,V351.37
  2. 量贩交易平台的设计与实现,TP311.52
  3. 大红山铜矿空间数据库的设计,P208
  4. 制造业设备e-维护系统结构体系和关键技术研究,F424
  5. 中日両国语における略语の考察,H36
  6. 汽车集成BCM嵌入式系统的研究与设计,TP368.1
  7. 基于CASE建模的矿产资源数据库建设与应用研究,P628.4
  8. TLR4基因多态性及其与家兔肠炎易感性的关联分析,S858.291
  9. 论我国反倾销司法审查标准的完善,D922.295
  10. web应用的需求检查,TP311.52
  11. 腔隙性脑梗死病人经颅多普勒及脑微栓子监测的临床研究,R743.3
  12. 基于UML的营销型电脑公司管理信息系统的设计与开发,TP311.52
  13. 基于C/S和B/S混合结构的中职学校教务管理系统设计与实现,TP311.52
  14. Research on a Normal File Encryption and Decryption,TP309.7
  15. 高应变桩基承载力检测法的分析与应用研究,TU473.16
  16. 基于SOA的一体化调度支持平台的SCADA应用研究,TP311.52
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  18. PVR数字电视机顶盒特殊功能的研究与实现,TN949.197
  19. 一个支持数据库和数据仓库建模的CASE工具的实现,TP311.13
  20. ROADI可复用方案及其CASE环境的研究,TP311.52

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