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作 者: Ndoye Ndeye Fatou Laye
导 师: 肖红蓉
学 校: 华中师范大学
专 业: 工商管理
关键词: Marketing Customer Relationship Management Satisfaction
分类号: F274
类 型: 硕士论文
年 份: 2014年
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As part of the training Master2in Business Administration, Operations Research work is carried out. The research is presented as a memory validated and defended in front of a panel of professors. It is in this perspective that we reflect on the topic "Customer Relationship Management as a Tool of Satisfaction of Customer and Company:The case of SONATEL Dakar."This topic is very interest because telecom sector is spearheading Senegal. In recent years, mobile telephony, internet, fixed merge simultaneously growth dynamism and innovation due to increased competition in this market segment.Customer Relationship Management (CRM) is a branch of marketing. It is more relevant in the field of telecommunications as it is essential for any business. CRM allows the company to build a single customer relationship as the company and the customer gain from the exchange, providing both parties benefit in the long term relationship.The purpose of this research is to analyze the CRM and also evaluate customer satisfaction of SONATEL Dakar. To approach this understanding, the thesis begins with three questions on which the first studies were published. Among these previous studies were collected and through them a questionnaire was created and submitted to102persons, taken as sample, within the customers of SONATEL Dakar. Then the data were collected and were analyzed by using SPSS software.The findings show that there has a relationship between a successful CRM and customer satisfaction and company. The study shows that CRM is a pillar of customer satisfaction. Indeed, if a customer is satisfied it is faithful and profitable for the company. It was also found that the relationship between SONATEL and his client should be improved. Most customers are satisfied because of the quality and safety of the products as the relationship with the company.The recommendations, in summary, are that the company should more invest in the relationship with their clients and also reduce the tariffs. SONATEL should insert a policy to train and teach the CRM tools to these agents and especially who are in direct contact with customers. Customer loyalty depends on his degree of satisfaction.


Abstract  6-10
Chapter Ⅰ Introduction  10-15
  Ⅰ.1. Background  10-11
  Ⅰ.2. Research Problem  11-12
  Ⅰ.3. Research Questions  12-13
  Ⅰ.4. Objectiyes of the research  13
  Ⅰ.5. Hypothesis  13
  Ⅰ.6. Relevance of the research  13-15
Chapter Ⅱ Literature Review  15-19
  Ⅱ.1. Introduction  15
  Ⅱ.2. Customer Attitude  15-16
  Ⅱ.3. Customer Relationship Management as a key of success  16-19
Chapter Ⅲ Conceptual Framework  19-24
  Ⅲ.1. Marketing  19-20
  Ⅲ.2. Customer Relationship Management(CRM)  20-21
  Ⅲ.3. Relationship marketing  21-22
  Ⅲ.4. Satisfaction  22-23
  Ⅲ.5. Loyalty  23
  Ⅲ.6. CRM as an organizational effectiveness  23-24
Chapter Ⅳ Research Design  24-34
  Ⅳ.1. Methodology  24
  Ⅳ.2. Area of study  24-26
    Ⅳ.2. a Environment selected  24-26
  Ⅳ.3 Telecommunication in the national economy  26-32
    Ⅳ.3. a Bref presentation of TIGO  26-28
    Ⅳ.3. b Brief presentation of EXPRESSO  28-29
    Ⅳ.3. c Brief presentation of ARTP  29-32
  Ⅳ.4. Technical investigation  32-33
  Ⅳ.5. Sample  33
  Ⅳ.6. Difficulties  33-34
Chapter Ⅴ Case Study SONATEL Dakar  34-43
  Ⅴ.1 The history  34-36
  Ⅴ.2 Organization of SONATEL Dakar agency  36
  Ⅴ.3 Products and services SONATEL  36-40
    Ⅴ.3. a Fixed  36-38
    Ⅴ.3. b Mobile  38-39
    Ⅴ.3. c Internet  39-40
  Ⅴ.4. Different phases of SONATEL business  40-43
    Ⅴ.4. a Reception/handshake  40
    Ⅴ.4. b Discovery  40
    Ⅴ.4. c. Argumentation  40-41
    Ⅴ.4. d. Conclusion  41
    Ⅴ.4. e. Taking off  41-43
Chapter Ⅵ Analysis of the Relational Strategy  43-48
  Ⅵ.1. Internal analysis  45-46
    Ⅵ.1. a Strength of SONATEL  45-46
    Ⅵ.1. b Weaknesses  46
  Ⅵ.2. External analysis  46-48
    Ⅵ.2. a Opportunities  46-47
    Ⅵ.2. b.Threats  47-48
Chapter Ⅷ Results and Analysis of Survey Data  48-56
  Ⅷ.1. Identification  48
  Ⅷ.2. Notoriety of SONATEL  48-49
  Ⅷ.3. Reception  49-50
  Ⅷ.4. Discovery  50
  Ⅷ.5. Motivation  50-51
  Ⅷ.6. Aftersales relationship  51-52
  Ⅷ.7. Competition  52-53
  Ⅷ.8. Change of operator  53-54
  Ⅷ.9. Argumentation  54
  Ⅷ.10. Customer satisfaction  54-55
  Ⅷ.11. Customer preference  55-56
Chapter Ⅷ Recommendations and Conclusion  56-59
  Ⅷ.1. Recommendations  56-57
  Ⅷ.2. Conclusion  57-59
Acknowledgments  62-63
References  63-64


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