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Enterprise Employment Relationship and Employee Behavior

作 者: Pavka Orkhonchimeg
导 师: Wen Peng
学 校: 华中师范大学
专 业: MBA
关键词: 雇佣关系 竞争关系 依赖关系
分类号: F272.92
类 型: 硕士论文
年 份: 2014年
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摘要  4-5
Abstract  5-6
Table of contents  6-8
Chapter Ⅰ. Introduction  8-13
  1.1 Research Background  8-9
  1.2 Research Meaning  9-10
  1.3 The purpose and framework  10-13
    1.3.1 Research ideas  10
    1.3.2 The purpose of research  10-11
    1.3.3 Research Methods  11-12
    1.3.4 The paper framework  12-13
Chapter Ⅱ. Literature review  13-22
  2.1 Employment Relations Theory  13-17
  2.2 Content dimension of the employment relationship  17-18
  2.3 Research of the effect on employment relationship  18-19
  2.4 Evaluation of the research status at home and abroad  19-22
Chapter Ⅲ. The analysis of the employment relationship  22-32
  3.1 The nature of employment:the exchange of control power over employee behavior  22-24
  3.2 Analysis of attribute of control power over the employee behavior exchange  24-27
  3.3 Structural dimension of the employment relationship  27-32
Chapter Ⅳ. The empirical research of relationship between employment relationship and employee's performance  32-50
  4.1 The theoretical foundation and hypotheses  32-40
    4.1.1 Different effects of different interdependencies on employee's attitude, behavior and performance  32-35
    4.1.2 Different effects of different competition relations on employee attitudes, behavior and performance  35-37
    4.1.3 Different effects of different authority relations on employee attitudes, behavior and performance  37-40
  4.2 Research Methods  40-42
    4.2.1 The variables and measurement of the study  40-42
    4.2.2 The sample and data acquisition  42
  4.3 Data analysis and hypothesis testing  42-47
  4.4 Results and Discussion  47-50
Chapter Ⅴ. Conclusions  50-52
  5.1 Research conclusion  50-51
  5.2 Research Prospects  51-52
References  52-54
Appendix  54-58
Acknowledgement  58


  1. 杂草稻杂草化特性、与栽培稻竞争关系以及化感潜力的研究,S451
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  3. 社会支持对个体创新行为的影响研究,F224
  4. 雇主责任法律分析,D923
  5. 不正当竞争行为法律认定相关制度研究,D922.294
  6. 基于粗糙集与动态模糊依赖关系的上市公司并购重组绩效评价模型的研究,F224
  7. 一种可发现复杂循环结构的扩展α过程挖掘算法,TP311.13
  8. 基于多核的程序并行优化的研究与实现,TP332
  9. 雇主替代责任初探,D923
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  11. 基于依赖关系的多议题协商模型研究,TP393.02
  12. 基于构件的软件包度量方法研究,TP311.52
  13. 基于代码层次的软件资源信息挖掘系统的设计与实现,TP311.52
  14. 雇主责任研究,D923
  15. 铁电薄膜的频率依赖关系研究,TM221
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  20. 面向对象软件FMEA方法研究,TP311.52
  21. 基于动态模糊理论的高校教学评价体系的研究与应用,N945.16

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