学位论文 > 优秀研究生学位论文题录展示


作 者: 栾岚
导 师: 郑新民
学 校: 上海外国语大学
专 业: 英语语言文学
关键词: 有效性 协商互动 支架 最近发展区 英语口语熟练度
分类号: H319.3
类 型: 博士论文
年 份: 2014年
下 载: 11次
引 用: 0次
阅 读: 论文下载




Acknowledgments  4-5
摘要  5-6
Abstract  6-8
Contents  8-13
Abbreviations  13-14
List of Figures  14-15
List of Tables  15-17
Chapter One Introduction  17-37
  1.1 Introduction  17-18
  1.2 Personal Motivation  18-20
  1.3 The Background of This Study  20-26
    1.3.1 Theoretical Background  20-22
    1.3.2 ELT in the Chinese Context and the Challenges  22-26
  1.4 The Scope, Purpose and Necessity of This Study  26-33
    1.4.1 The Scope of This Study  26-28
    1.4.2 The Purpose of This Study  28-30
    1.4.3 The Necessity of This Study  30-33
  1.5 Working Definition for This Study  33-35
  1.6 Organization of This Dissertation  35-37
Chapter Two Literature Review  37-70
  2.1 Introduction  37
  2.2 Basic Concepts of SCT  37-46
    2.2.1 ZPD  38-42
    2.2.2 Scaffolding  42-46
  2.3 Previous Studies on Scaffolding and ZPD within the Vygotskian Framework  46-54
    2.3.1 Studies on Scaffolding in Expert-novice Interaction  46-50
    2.3.2 Studies on ZPD in Expert-novice Interaction  50-54
  2.4 Empirical Studies of Negotiated Interaction  54-64
    2.4.1 Negotiated Interaction in NS-NS/NS-NNS vs. NNS-NNS Conversation  55-57
    2.4.2 Classroom-based Research on Negotiated Interaction  57-61
    2.4.3 Negotiation in Teacher-fronted vs. Group-work Organization  61-64
  2.5 Research on Language Proficiency in Terms ofAccuracy, Complexity and Fluency  64-67
  2.6 Conceptual Framework of This Study  67-69
  2.7 Summary  69-70
Chapter Three Research Methodology  70-115
  3.1 Introduction  70-71
  3.2 Research Questions  71-73
  3.3 Research Ethics  73-74
  3.4 Research Setting and Participants'Selection  74-82
    3.4.1 Research Setting  75-76
    3.4.2 Participants'Selection  76-82
  3.5 Research Methods  82-96
    3.5.1 Classroom Observation and Recording  85-87
    3.5.2 Interview  87-89
    3.5.3 Pre-test and Post-test  89-90
    3.5.4 Questionnaire  90-91
    3.5.5 Data Collection Procedure of This Study  91-93
    3.5.6 Trustworthiness of the Data  93-96
  3.6 DataAnalysis and Interpretation  96-104
    3.6.1 Analysis of Classroom Observation Data  96-101
    3.6.2 Analysis of Interview Data  101-102
    3.6.3 Analysis of Questionnaire Data  102
    3.6.4 Analysis of Pre-test and Post-test Data  102-104
  3.7 Measurement of Students'Oral English Proficiency  104-110
    3.7.1 The Basic Unit ofAssessing Language Proficiency  106-107
    3.7.2 Measurement ofAccuracy  107-108
    3.7.3 Measurement of Complexity  108-109
    3.7.4 Measurement of Fluency  109-110
  3.8 Research Procedure  110-112
  3.9 Summary  112-115
Chapter Four Qualitative Data Analysis  115-142
  4.1 Introduction  115
  4.2 Analysis of Ms. Wang's Class  115-129
    4.2.1 Analysis of Responses from Ms. Wang's Interview  116-118
    4.2.2 Ms. Wang's Teaching Practice  118-129
  4.3 Analysis of Ms. Ma's Class  129-137
    4.3.1 Analysis of Responses from Ms. Ma's Interview  130-132
    4.3.2 Ms. Ma's Teaching Practice  132-137
  4.4 Summary of Students' Interview  137-140
    4.4.1 Students'Background Information of English Learning  137-138
    4.4.2 Oral English Learning Method  138-139
    4.4.3 Students'Attempts in Coping with Difficulties in Learning Oral English  139
    4.4.4 Students'Evaluation of Teachers'Help  139-140
  4.5 Summary  140-142
Chapter Five Quantitative Data Analysis  142-164
  5.1 Introduction  142
  5.2 QuantitativeAnalysis of Classroom Observation  142-146
    5.2.1 QuantitativeAnalysis of Scaffolding Episodes  143
    5.2.2 QuantitativeAnalysis of Scaffolding Functions  143-146
  5.3 Report on the Student Questionnaire  146-151
    5.3.1 General Quantitative Description  147-148
    5.3.2 Comparing Results of the Two Groups  148-151
  5.4 Analysis of Results from Pre-test and Post-test  151-155
  5.5 The Effectiveness of Teacher-student Negotiated Interaction on Students' Oral English Proficiency  155-162
    5.5.1 The Changes ofAccuracy  155-158
    5.5.2 The Changes of Complexity  158-160
    5.5.3 The Changes of Fluency  160-162
  5.6 Summary  162-164
Chapter Six Findings and Discussions  164-181
  6.1 Introduction  164
  6.2 Findings of the Study  164-174
    6.2.1 Findings for Research Question  164-170
    6.2.2 Findings for Research Question  170-172
    6.2.3 Findings for Research Question  172-174
  6.3 Discussions  174-180
    6.3.1 Negotiated Interaction, Scaffolding and Language Learning  175-177
    6.3.2 Effects of Negotiated Interaction on Students'Oral English Proficiency  177-179
    6.3.3 Teachers' Strategies in Providing Scaffolding During the Negotiated Interaction Process  179-180
  6.4 Summary  180-181
Chapter Seven Conclusions and Implications  181-192
  7.1 Introduction  181-182
  7.2 The Major Findings of This Study  182-185
  7.3 Theoretical Contributions  185-187
  7.4 Pedagogical Implications  187-189
    7.4.1 Implications for EFL Teachers  187-188
    7.4.2 Implications for Classroom Language Learning  188-189
  7.5 Limitations of This Study  189-191
  7.6 Recommendations for Further Research  191-192
Bibliography  192-211
Appendix1 Student Interview  211-212
Appendix2 Teacher Interview  212-213
Appendix3 Pre-test and Post-test  213-214
Appendix4 Score Scales  214-216
Appendix5 Student Questionnaire  216-219
Appendix6 Transcription Conventions  219-220
Appendix7 Interview Abstract of Ms. Ma  220-221
Appendix8 Interview Abstract of Ms. Wang  221-223
Appendix9 Sample of Student Interview  223-225


  1. 建构主义学习理论指导下的科教电视节目编导策略研究,G222.3
  2. 根系分泌物及其组分对土壤中多环芳烃的活化作用,X53
  3. 支架式教学策略在小学语文教学中的运用研究,G623.2
  4. 多环芳烃在土壤不同粒径组分中的分配特征及其生物有效性研究,X131.3
  5. 新型非病毒基因转染体系的构建及其在骨髓间充质干细胞基因重组中的应用,R346
  6. 初中语文教学多媒体运用有效性的实验和探索,G633.3
  7. 交往视野下的高校思想政治教育有效性研究,G641
  8. 初中英语校本研修现状的调查研究,G633.41
  9. “非常规”实验提高初中物理概念教学有效性的行动研究,G633.7
  10. 和谐社会背景下的大学生思想政治教育有效性研究,G641
  11. 索法酮片治疗胃溃疡安全性和有效性的研究,R573.1
  12. 异种去抗原松质骨的生物学特性研究,R318.08
  13. 壳聚糖/磷酸三钙复合组织工程支架材料的制备及其性能研究,R318.08
  14. 提高新时期对村干部思想政治教育的有效性研究,D422.62
  15. 高中思想政治课教学有效性探析,G633.2
  16. 高中语文课堂有效性教学研究,G633.3
  17. 基于虚拟样机的液压支架试验主机设计与研究,TD355.4
  18. SZL1000/300型液压支架寿命试验台的研制,TD355.4
  19. 卡塞格林激光发射望远镜支架的结构分析和优化,TH743
  20. 任务型教学法在高中英语写作教学中的有效性研究,G633.41
  21. 支架式结合CALL在高中英语阅读教学中的实效研究,G633.41

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