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Efficacy of Calcipotriol Plus Betamethasone Dipropionate Topical Ointment on100Targeted Lesions of52Cases of Psoriasis Vulgaris: an Open-label, Non-Randomized, Clinical Observational Study

作 者: 舒皖(Shuva Kant Sharma Gautam)
导 师: 黄长征
学 校: 华中科技大学
专 业: 皮肤性病学
关键词: psoriasis vulgaris calcipotriol betamethasone dipropionate PASI
分类号: R758.63
类 型: 硕士论文
年 份: 2013年
下 载: 1次
引 用: 0次
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Background/Objectives: The objective of this clinical study was to evaluatethe efficacy of a combined topical ointment containing calcipotriol50μg/gplus betamethasone dipropionate0.5mg/g in the treatment of mild to moderatepsoriasis vulgaris on the trunk and limbs.Methods: This study was an open-label, non-randomized, clinicalobservational study. A combination topical ointment containing calcipotriolplus betamethasone dipropionate was applied once daily on100targetedlesions of psoriasis vulgaris, from the trunk, limbs in52subjects. Theeffectiveness of the combined topical ointment was evaluated by PsoriasisArea and Severity Index (PASI). The primary response criteria werepercentage reduction in PASI score from baseline to the end of (1to10) weeksof treatment.Results: The mean reduction in PASI from mean baseline PASI of9.6to theend of10weeks of treatment was56.35%, without any substantial drugadverse reactions notified. At week10, a statistically significantly (P<0.0001)was achieved in comparison with the PASI score at baseline.Conclusions: Once a day treatment with the combined topical ointmentcontaining calcipotriol50μg/g plus betamethasone diproprionate0.5mg/g is asafe and effective therapeutic regimen for psoriasis vulgaris on the body.


RESULTS  20-31


  1. 从血论治寻常型银屑病的临床研究,R275.9
  2. 苦必春消银方治疗寻常性银屑病湿热蕴肤证的临床研究,R275
  3. 消疕汤对银屑病患者临床疗效及对血清TNF-α、sICAM-1、MCP-1变化的观察,R275.9
  4. 寻常型银屑病患者外周血中细胞因子的表达及其相关性研究,R758.63
  5. 寻常型银屑病患者血清IL-17、IL-22水平的表达,R758.63
  6. 寻常型银屑病患者外周血CD4~+CD25~+Treg细胞表达水平的测定,R758.63
  7. 寻常型银屑病患者中医体质类型与病情严重程度相关性研究,R275
  8. 扫癣灵治疗寻常型银屑病(风热型)的临床观察及对血清sIL-2R的影响,R275
  9. CCL27、CCR10在寻常型银屑病皮损区的高表达及其与PASI的相关性,R758.63
  10. Fractalkine和其受体CX3CR1在寻常型银屑病中的表达及意义,R758.63
  11. 土槐虎杖汤治疗寻常型银屑病进行期的临床研究,R275
  12. 姜黄治疗寻常型银屑病的临床疗效及外周血免疫学指标变化,R758.63
  13. 祛风败毒汤治疗寻常型银屑病静止期的临床观察,R275.9
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  16. 寻常型银屑病患者外周血中Th22细胞及血清中IL-22的表达,R758.63
  17. CD4~+CD25~+调节性T细胞与Th17细胞在寻常型银屑病中的表达及意义,R758.63
  18. 寻常型银屑病患者血清中IL-21及IL-31水平的表达,R758.63
  19. HBD-2,-3和TNFα在寻常型银屑病皮损中的表达及意义,R758.63
  20. VEGF与P21活化激酶1信号通路相互作用在银屑病致病机制中的研究,R758.63

中图分类: > 医药、卫生 > 皮肤病学与性病学 > 皮肤病学 > 原因未明的皮肤病 > 牛皮癣(银屑病)
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