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Asset Securitization in China

作 者: Altan Haider
导 师: Wan Yifang
学 校: 南昌大学
专 业: Masters in Business Management
关键词: assets securities Securities securitization credit Asset market futures transaction ratings 资产证券化 资产支持证券 China bankruptcy 中小企业融资 funds trading develop liquidity companies
分类号: F224
类 型: 硕士论文
年 份: 2012年
下 载: 111次
引 用: 0次
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摘要  4-5
Abstract  5-10
Chapter 1 Introduction to Securitization and Asset Backed Securities  10-21
  1.1  10-13
    1.1.1 Securitization  10-11
    1.1.2 Parties Involvement In Securitization  11-12
    1.1.3 Graphical representation of the process  12-13
  1.2 Details of Parties to a Securitization Transaction  13-14
    1.2.1 The Originator  13
    1.2.2 The SPV  13
    1.2.3 The Investors  13
    1.2.4 The Obligor(s)  13
    1.2.5 The Rating Agency  13-14
    1.2.6 Administrator or Servicer  14
    1.2.7 Agent and Trustee  14
    1.2.8 Structurer  14
  1.3 Pass and Pay Through Structures  14-15
  1.4 Asset and Mortgage Backed Securities  15
  1.5 Credit Enhancement  15-17
    1.5.1 External Credit Enhancements  16
    1.5.2 Internal Credit Enhancements  16-17
  1.6 Future Flow Securitization  17
  1.7 Asset Classes Securitized  17-19
    1.7.1 Tpes of Asset Classes  18
    1.7.2 Motives for Future Flow Securitization  18-19
  1.8 Risks  19-20
    1.8.1 Bankruptcy/Performance Risk  19
    1.8.2 Generation Risk  19-20
    1.8.3 Price Risk and Off-take Risk  20
  1.9 Other Considerations  20-21
    1.9.1 True Sale  20
    1.9.2 Negative Pledges  20
    1.9.3 Accounting Treatment  20-21
Chapter 2 Asset Backed Securitization in China Theory and Practice  21-35
  2.1. Background  21-23
    2.1.1 SAMP  21
    2.1.2 CSRC and SAMP Regulation  21
    2.1.3 The Program  21
    2.1.4 The Structure  21-22
    2.1.5 The Assets  22
    2.1.6 Advantages  22
    2.1.7 Legal Issues  22-23
  2.2 Current Market and legal regime  23-25
    2.2.1 Overview of the China securitization market  23
    2.2.2 Credit Assets Securitization  23-24
    2.2.3 Corporate assets securitization  24
    2.2.4 Corporate assets securitization  24-25
  2.3 Authorities Governing Securitization  25
    2.3.1 Credit Assets Securitization  25
    2.3.2 Corporate assets securitization  25
  2.4 Accounting practices  25-26
  2.5 Reliability In Implementing Capital adequacy  26
  2.6 The Special Purpose Vehicle(SPV)In China  26-28
    2.6.1 Establishing the SPV  26
    2.6.2 Legal Status Of SPV  26-27
    2.6.3 Geographical Limitations Of SPV  27
    2.6.4 Ensuring the SPV is insolvency remote  27-28
    2.6.5 Ensuring the SPV is treated separately from the originator  28
  2.7 Transferring the receivables  28-30
    2.7.1 Issuing the securities  28
    2.7.2 Classes of receivables  28-29
    2.7.3 The transfer of the receivables from the originator to the SPV  29
    2.7.4 Property Rights Law And The SPV  29-30
    2.7.5 Restrictions On Transfer  30
  2.8 Security and Risk  30-32
    2.8.1 Establishing The Applicable Law  30
    2.8.2 Setting Up A Trust  30-31
    2.8.3 Risk of the transfer being re-characterized  31
    2.8.4 If the originator becomes insolvent  31-32
    2.8.5 Risk management and liquidity support  32
  2.9 Cash Flow In The Structure  32-33
    2.9.1 Profit Extraction  32
    2.9.2 The Role Of The Rating Agencies  32
    2.9.3 Tax Issues Concerning Securitization  32-33
  2.10 Miscellaneous Subjects  33-35
    2.10.1 Securitization Of Future Receivables  33
    2.10.2 Securities Listing  33-34
    2.10.3 Credit Enhancement  34
    2.10.4 Svnthetic Securitizations  34-35
Chapter 3 Study of China Securities Regulatory Authority  35-43
  3.1.  35-36
    3.1.1 CSRC  35
    3.1.2 CSRC Responsibilities  35
    3.1.3 Self Regulation Within Regulatory System  35-36
    3.1.4 Position Of SC(State Council) With Respect To CSRC  36
  3.2  36-38
    3.2.1 The People's Bank of China (PBC)  36
    3.2.2 The Shanghai Stock Exchange (SSE)  36-37
    3.2.3 The Shenzhen Stock Exchange (ShSE)  37
    3.2.4 Commodities and Futures  37-38
  3.3. Additional Regulatory Support  38-39
    3.3.1 SD&C  38-39
    3.3.2 The SAC and CFA  39
  3.4 Supplementary Market Structure  39-43
    3.4.1 Collective Investment Scheme  39
    3.4.2 Wealth Management  39-40
    3.4.3 Growth of ABS in China  40
    3.4.4 Regulatory Reforms Supporting Finance  40-41
    3.4.5 Accounting and Auditing  41
    3.4.6 Lawmaking Within China  41-43
Chapter 4 Analysis and Conclusion  43-51
  4.1 Internal Factors Affecting ABS Securitization China  43-44
    4.1.1 Chinese Banks  43
    4.1.2 Chinese Regulatory Regime  43-44
    4.1.3 Risk Valuation  44
  4.3 Legalities  44-46
    4.3.1 Domestic Credit Ratings  44-45
    4.3.2 Special Purpose Vehicle and Trusts  45
    4.3.3 Disclosure Obligations With Respect To The Trust Property  45-46
  4.4 External factors  46-49
    4.4.1 World Global Economic Crisis 2008  46-48
    4.4.2 International Credit rating agencies  48-49
    4.4.3 Economic Position and Strategy  49
  4.5 Conclusions  49-51
Acknowledgement  51-52
References  52-54


  1. X精细化工有限公司私募股权融资方案研究,F426.7
  2. 西部地区中小企业融资环境研究,F276.3
  3. 影子银行对中小企业融资影响的研究,F832.4
  4. 中小企业融资风险研究,F276.3
  5. 我国资产证券化法律问题研究,F832.51
  6. 我国国有商业银行不良资产证券化研究,F832.5
  7. XX银行扶持中小企业融资方案研究,F832.2
  8. 中非贸易研究,F752.7
  9. 中小企业融资模式研究,F276.3
  10. 我国中小企业融资困境及对策研究,F276.3
  11. 我国中小企业融资难的经济学分析,F224.32
  12. 我国中小企业融资方式创新研究,F276.3
  13. 我国中小企业融资方式及其效率研究,F276.3
  14. 银行视角下的中小企业融资担保问题探讨,F832.4
  15. 中小企业信贷融资瓶颈破解的应用研究,F832.4
  16. 高密市中小企业融资问题研究,F276.3
  17. 农村信用社在中小企业融资中的作用问题研究,F276.3
  18. 我国艺术品投资证券化模式研究,J124
  19. 创新型中小企业融资法律制度研究,F276.3
  20. 我国中小企业融资难问题及对策研究,F276.3
  21. 缓解中小企业融资困境的机制设计,F276.3

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