学位论文 > 优秀研究生学位论文题录展示


作 者: 刘娟娟
导 师: 郑仰成
学 校: 山西大学
专 业: 英语语言文学
关键词: 需求分析 需求矛盾 大学英语 教学改革
分类号: H319
类 型: 硕士论文
年 份: 2011年
下 载: 19次
引 用: 0次
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Acknowledgements  4-5
Abstract  5-7
摘要  7-12
Chapter one Introduction  12-15
  1.1 General Description of the Research  12-13
  1.2 Significance of the Research  13-14
  1.3 General Organization of the Thesis  14-15
Chapter Two Theories of Needs Analysis  15-23
  2.1 The interpretations of Needs Analysis  15-18
  2.2 The Concrete Contents of Needs Analysis  18-20
    2.2.1 The analysis contents to the learners  18-20
    2.2.2 The analysis contents to the society  20
  2.3 The Analysis to the Needs Contradiction  20-23
Chapter Three Needs Analysis and The College English Teaching Reform  23-28
  3.1 Needs Analysis is the Core of the Research of College English Theories  23-24
  3.2 Needs Analysis is the Core of the Process of Foreign Language Teaching  24-25
  3.3 The Practical Meaning of the Needs Analysis to the College English Teaching Reform  25-28
Chapter Four the Needs Survey and The Analysis to the Results  28-35
  4.1 The Survey to the Learners and the Needs Analysis  28-32
  4.2 The Survey to the Society and Needs Analysis  32-33
  4.3 the Analysis to the Needs Contradiction  33-35
Chapter Five the Influence of the Needs Contradiction to the College EnglishTeaching Reform  35-40
  5.1 The Current Situation of College English Teaching and the Needs Contradiction theCollegeEnglish Teaching is Facing  35-36
  5.2 The Necessity to Reform the College English  36-39
    5.2.1 Learner's needs Ask for the College English Teaching Reform  37
    5.2.2. The Social Needs Ask For the College English Teaching Reform  37-38
    5.2.3 The Needs Contradiction Ask For the College English Teaching Reform  38-39
  5.3 The Importance of the College English Teaching Reform  39-40
Chapter six the Ponder to the College English Teaching Reform  40-46
  6.1 The Principle of the College English Teaching Reform  40
  6.2 Reforming the Curriculum Structure  40-41
  6.3 Adapting the Communicative Language Teaching and Testing to Cultivate the Learners' Communicative Language Ability  41-42
  6.4 Strengthening the Language Training, Enhancing the Practical Language Skills  42-43
  6.5 Taking Full Use of the Advanced Technologies to Stimulate the Study Interest  43-44
  6.6 Implementing the Comprehensive Evaluation System  44-46
Chapter seven Conclusion  46-47
Bibliography  47-50
Appendix  50-53
Publication  53-54
Personal Information  54-56


  1. 基层公务员培训现状及对策分析,D630.3
  2. 矿山安全培训体系的构建及培训效果评估研究,TD791
  3. 基于《国家体质健康测试标准》的重庆市独立学院体育教学改革实效性研究,G804.49
  4. 建构主义视阈下高中思想政治课教学探究,G633.2
  5. 物流园区布局规划与建设方案,F259.2
  6. 公安边防院校大学英语课程设置个案研究,H319
  7. 大型水电工程事故管理信息系统的设计与开发,TP311.52
  8. 人才培养状态数据网络平台需求分析及用户权限设计,TP311.52
  9. 大学英语教师教学动机及其影响因素,H319
  10. 二语词汇习得中的文化因素,H09
  11. 基于新课程要求下的新视野听力教材评估,H319
  12. 大学英语课堂学生动机削弱现象研究,H319
  13. 商务英语在校学习者的需求分析,H319
  14. 基于技术路线图的产品创新过程与方法研究,F273.1
  15. 大学英语教学中项目学习的实证研究,H319
  16. 长沙市农田生态系统战略调整研究,S181
  17. 高职会计理论实训一体化教学改革研究,F230-4
  18. 麻醉状态下心血管多参数监护系统的软件开发,R614
  19. 基于多元概化理论的CET-SET信度分析,H310.4
  20. 大学英语报刊阅读的批评性话语分析,H313
  21. 大学英语写作教学中同伴反馈效应的实证研究,H319

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