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作 者: 李香春
导 师: 李晶
学 校: 延边大学
专 业: 音乐与舞蹈学
关键词: Chinese Korean nationality origin Influence type features
分类号: J607
类 型: 硕士论文
年 份: 2012年
下 载: 12次
引 用: 0次
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Chinese Korean folk songs have flowed into Korean society with immigration and show its transmission and stagnation with the change of Korean society.This thesis is mainly focused on the aspects and the characteristics that are formed through not losing the original roots, but the ongoing creation of the whole genre based on that basis by looking at the Korean folk song’s development and the evolution of its characteristics. First of all, this thesis examines systematically the research subject and the existing similar studies. It also skillfully newly defines the concept of limitations and provisions within the category of Chinese Korean folk songs that forms the basis of this study.It examines the creative environment, stages of development and the latest type of Korean music culture in the area of transmission of Korean-nationality traditional folk songs and dominant Chinese cultural environment. In addition, it unveils the foundations of DPRK new folk songs’creation and highlights its features. Therefore, it presents foundations, roots and the different aspects and features that affect bilateral relations that may arise.It also classifies the traditional and creative folk songs that are handed down to Chinese Korean society with their content and formats. So it can specifically analyze the typical new folk songs’melody, patterns, and the changes in styles, concentrating on the Yan Bian region. It also clarifies the influence of Korean folk songs based on the analysis of our new folk songs’melody, forms and styles. At the same time, it shows affinities and differences between the two.As a whole, it illuminates our traditional folk songs’influx, policy context and the genre on the basis of the above facts. It also unveils the relevance of DPRK’s newly created folk songs, which are developed by the traditional roots and more focused on the current circumstances of Korean folk songs.


LHgS 马  6-7
Abstract  7-9
目录  9-10
正文  10-51
参考文献  51-52
附录  52-60
致谢  60


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