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作 者: 陈洁燕
导 师: 李明
学 校: 广东外语外贸大学
专 业: 外国语言学及应用语言学
关键词: 商品广告 人际意义 系统功能语法
分类号: H315
类 型: 硕士论文
年 份: 2005年
下 载: 914次
引 用: 13次
阅 读: 论文下载




Declaration  3-4
Acknowledgements  4-5
Abstract (English)  5-6
Abstract (Chinese)  6-7
List of Figures and Tables  7-14
Chapter Ⅰ Introduction  14-21
  1.1 General Statement  14-15
  1.2 Rationale for the present research  15-18
    1.2.1 The motivation of the present research  15-16
    1.2.2 Reasons for adopting a systemic-functional grammar approach  16-17
    1.2.3 Data and approach to data analysis  17-18
  1.3 Significance of the present research  18-19
  1.4 Research questions  19-20
  1.5 Organization of the present thesis  20-21
Chapter Ⅱ Literature Review  21-32
  2.1 Overview  21
  2.2 Interpersonal meaning  21-22
  2.3 Different approaches to interpersonal meaning  22-25
  2.4 Application of systemic-functional grammar to the study of interpersonal meanings of discourses  25-28
  2.5 Application of systemic-functional grammar to the interpersonal meaning studies in advertising texts  28-31
  2.6 Summary  31-32
Chapter Ⅲ Theoretical Framework  32-40
  3.1 Overview  32
  3.2 Halliday's conceptual framework  32-36
  3.3 A theoretical framework for the present research  36-38
  3.4 Summary  38-40
Chapter Ⅳ Tenor of Commercial consumer advertising texts  40-49
  4.1 Overview  40
  4.2 Context of situation  40-42
  4.3 Tenor---the interpersonal variable of the context of situation  42-45
  4.4 Tenor of commercial consumer advertising texts  45-47
  4.5 Summary  47-49
Chapter Ⅴ The Realization of Interpersonal Meaning of Advertising Discourse  49-132
  5.1 Person system  49-68
    5.1.1 Interpersonal meaning of person system  49-51
    5.1.2 Interpersonal functions of various pronouns used in commercial advertising texts  51-67 Interpersonal functions of the first person pronouns used in ads  51-54 Interpersonal functions of the second person pronouns used in ads  54-58 Interpersonal functions of the third person pronouns  58-60 Proper names  60-61 Interpersonal function of the referential switch  61-62 Interpersonal function created by combining the first and second person pronouns  62-64 Interpersonal function created by combining the first person pronouns 'I' and 'we'  64-66 Interpersonal function created by combining the second and third person pronouns  66-67
    5.1.3 Summary  67-68
  5.2 Interpersonal meaning of mood system  68-86
    5.2.1 Speech roles and speech functions  68-70
    5.2.2 Typical mood structures of four basic speech functions  70-72
    5.2.3 Interpersonal metaphor of mood  72-73
    5.2.4 Interpersonal function of mood used in ads  73-85 Advertiser/writer's speech roles in ads  73-81 Information giving  74-79 Action demanding  79-81 Soft selling ads and hard selling ads  81-83 A sense of "dialogue" in ads  83-85
    5.2.5 Summary  85-86
  5.3 Modality  86-120
    5.3.1 Halliday's viewpoint on modality  86-87
    5.3.2 Types of modality  87-88
    5.3.3 Functional categorization of modal expressions  88-89
    5.3.4 Subjectivity vs. objectivity orientation of modal expressions  89-91
    5.3.5 Value of modal expressions  91-93
    5.3.6 Interpersonal function of Modality used in ads  93-106 Modalization  93-101 Modulation  101-106
    5.3.7 Responsibility taken by the advertiser/writer in ads  106-112
    5.3.8 Commitment made by the advertiser/writer in ads  112-113
    5.3.9 Modality as politeness strategies  113-119 Modal expressions of probability  115-118 Modal expressions of inclination  118-119 Modal expressions of obligation  119
    5.3.10 Summary  119-120
  5.4 Evaluation  120-132
    5.4.1 Definition of evaluation  120-121
    5.4.2 Parameters of evaluation  121-122
    5.4.3 Functions of evaluation  122-123
    5.4.4 Ways to identify evaluation  123-124
    5.4.5 Evaluations in ads  124-130 Expressing opinion  124-129 Maintaining relations  129-130
    5.4.6 Summary  130-132
Chapter Ⅵ Conclusion  132-138
  6.1 Efforts made in the present research  132-135
  6.2 Implications of the present research  135-136
  6.3 Limitations of the present research and suggestions for future research  136-138
References  138-142


  1. 非体育领域商品广告中运动项目元素分析,G80-05
  2. 英语教师话语标记语的元功能分析,H319
  3. 系统功能语法视角下唐诗《送友人》及其英译对比分析,I046
  4. 系统功能视角下中外酒店英文简介的体裁分析,H315
  5. 普通医学英语的人际意义研究,H314
  6. 高中英语课堂教师话语研究,G633.41
  7. 论沃顿小说《欢乐之家》情态附加语和情态助动词的人际意义,H314
  8. 试论无前缀俄语运动动词,H35
  9. 《苔丝》人物话语的人际意义分析,H314
  10. 从系统功能语法角度对中文保险广告的人际意义研究,H152
  11. 汉语杂志广告中劝说性的批评性话语分析,H152
  12. 英语公益广告中的评价资源研究,H315
  13. 英语商业社论的人际意义研究,H315
  14. 英语广播新闻话语的语言学分析,H315
  15. 奥巴马公开政治演讲中身份构建的共时与历时分析,H315
  16. 奥巴马演讲辞之人际功能分析,H315
  17. 基于语料库的莎士比亚戏剧汉译本中Lord人际意义显化研究,H315.9
  18. 从系统功能语法角度分析美国之音新闻特征,H314
  19. 中英国际政治新闻语篇中人际功能的对比研究,H315
  20. 女性商品广告语中认知一致性的实现,H052
  21. 中英报纸政治新闻语篇的对比分析,H05

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