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作 者: 张伟卓
导 师: 张文英
学 校: 哈尔滨理工大学
专 业: 英语语言文学
关键词: 多元系统理论 中国近代文学翻译史 意义 局限性
分类号: I046
类 型: 硕士论文
年 份: 2010年
下 载: 193次
引 用: 0次
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Abstract  5-7
摘要  7-15
Part 1 Introduction  15-18
  1.1 The Problem  15-16
  1.2 Research Questions and Objectives  16-17
  1.3 Type of Research and Hypotheses  17-18
Part 2 Theoretical Framework and Related Literature  18-31
  2.1 Theoretical Framework  18-23
    2.1.1 Introduction  18
    2.1.2 Even-Zohar’s Polysystem  18-23
  2.2 Other Relevant Theories and Concepts  23-29
    2.2.1 Gideon Toury’s work towards Polysystem Theory  23-27
    2.2.2 Chinese Scholar's contribution towards Polysystem Theory  27-29
  2.3 An Overview of the Modern Literary Translation History of China  29-31
Part 3 Method  31-35
  3.1 Introduction  31
  3.2 Material  31-32
  3.3 Design and Data Analysis  32-33
    3.3.1 Research design  32-33
    3.3.2 Data analysis  33
  3.4 Procedure  33-35
Part 4 Result  35-48
  4.1 Introduction  35
  4.2 Study on Modern Literary Translation History from 1840 to 1898  35-37
    4.2.1 Historical background of literary translation from 1840 to 1898  35-37
    4.2.2 Features of literary translation from 1840 to 1898  37
  4.3 Study on Modern Literary Translation History from 1898 to 1919  37-41
    4.3.1 Historical background of literary translation from 1898 to 1919  37-39
    4.3.2 Representative translators from 1898 to 1919  39-40
    4.3.3 Features of literary translation from 1898 to 1919  40-41
  4.4 Study on Modern Literary Translation History from 1919 to 1949  41-47
    4.4.1 Historical background of literary translation from 1919 to 1949  41-44
    4.4.2 Representative translators from 1919 to 1949  44-45
    4.4.3 Features of literary translation from 1919 to 1949  45-47
  4.5 Summary  47-48
Part 5 Discussion  48-70
  5.1 Introduction  48
  5.2 Study on the Modern Literary Translation History from them Perspective  48-62
    5.2.1 Recognition of the status of translated literature  48-50
    5.2.2 Notions of “Center”and “Periphery”  50-52
    5.2.3 Notions of “Primary”and “Secondary”  52-53
    5.2.4 Selection of the source texts  53-59
    5.2.5 Influence on target literature  59-62
  5.3 Limitation of Polysystem Theory in Studying Modern Literary Translation History of China  62-67
    5.3.1 Introduction  62
    5.3.2 Neglect of the translator’s subjectivity  62-64
    5.3.3 Psychological subjectivism  64-65
    5.3.4 Dichotomy of central and periphery position  65-67
    5.3.5 Inadequacy in focusing on the culture  67
  5.4 Research Findings  67-68
  5.5 Summary  68-70
Part 6 Conclusion  70-75
  6.1 Summary  70-71
  6.2 Significance of the Thesis  71-72
    6.2.1 Theoretical Significance  71
    6.2.2 Practical Significance  71-72
  6.3 Validity and Reliability  72-73
  6.4 Limitation and Further Research  73-75
Bibliography  75-78
Published Paper  78-79
Acknowledgements  79


  1. 中国当代汉语诗歌阐释方法上存在的问题,I207.25
  2. 维特根斯坦“语言游戏说”新探,B521
  3. 毛泽东哲学思想的创新精神与现实意义,A841
  4. 后冷战时期国际关系民主化探究,D819
  5. 自主课堂构建,G424.21
  6. 河南省燃化集团并购仰韶华源燃气公司案例研究,F271
  7. 形式、意义、运用相结合的高中英语语法教学研究,G633.41
  8. 遮蔽于意义之中的真之理论,B81
  9. 塔尔斯基真之定义与意义理论关系的探析,B812
  10. 概念隐喻的认识论意义,B842.1
  11. 大细胞性贫血相关疾病的初步临床探讨,R556.2
  12. p53、PCNA和PTEN在胃癌组织中的表达及其临床意义研究,R735.2
  13. 艾米莉·狄金森诗歌的认知隐喻研究,I712.072
  14. 周礼全意义理论研究,B812
  15. 论列宁公仆思想及当代意义,D262.6
  16. 社会科学中的语境问题,C0
  17. 陶行知社会教育思想简论,G40-092
  18. 全国城市运动会的历史、现状及其发展战略意义研究,G80-05
  19. 语境论真理观探究,N02
  20. 论我国报纸新闻时评的发展,G212
  21. 鲍德里亚媒介批判理论研究,B089.1

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