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Constructivism-based Design and Application of CALL Courseware

作 者: 程凯文
导 师: 伍忠杰
学 校: 电子科技大学
专 业: 外国语言学及应用语言学
关键词: 计算机辅助语言教学 多媒体课件 建构主义 多媒体教学模式 设计原则 课件开发 应用
分类号: G434
类 型: 硕士论文
年 份: 2004年
下 载: 282次
引 用: 0次
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Chapter Ⅰ Introduction  11-21
  1.1 Development of CALL and second language acquisition  11-13
    1.1.1 Behavioristic CALL  11-12
    1.1.2 Communicative CALL  12-13
    1.1.3 Integrative CALL  13
  1.2 Types of courseware  13-17
    1.2.1 Behavioristic, communicative, integrative courseware  14-15 Behavioristic CALL courseware  14 Communicative CALL courseware  14-15 Integrative CALL courseware  15
    1.2.2 Drill-and-practice, Instructional and Simulation courseware  15-16 Drill-and-practice courseware  15-16 Instructional courseware  16 Simulating courseware  16
    1.2.3 Courseware for teachers and courseware for learners  16-17
  1.3 Advantages of CALL courseware  17-18
    1.3.1 Variety of the ways of information demonstration  17
    1.3.2 Great amount of comprehensive language input  17-18
    1.3.3 Individual learning  18
    1.3.4 Improvement of interaction between student and computer  18
  1.4 Weaknesses of courseware  18-21
    1.4.1 Lack of guidance from advanced teaching theory  18-19
    1.4.2 Role displacement of courseware designers and users  19
    1.4.3 Resistance to use  19-20
    1.4.4 Decrease of interaction between students and teachers  20-21
Chapter Ⅱ Constructivism-based CALL  21-30
  2.1 The basics of constructivism  21-22
  2.2 Constructivism learning theory and SLA  22-25
    2.2.1 Assimilation and accommodation  22-23
    2.2.2 Piaget’s modal and Krashen’s theory  23-24
    2.2.3 Constructivist learning and teaching theory  24-25
  2.3 Constructivism and Integrative CALL  25-26
  2.4 Constructivist environment and CALL courseware design  26-30
    2.4.1 Constructivist learning environment designing  26-28
    2.4.2 Guidance for CALL courseware design  28-30
Chapter Ⅲ Modes of CALL Software and Designing Principles Based on Constructivism  30-43
  3.1 Ordinary Classroom Teaching Mode  30-33
    3.1.1 Characteristics of classroom teaching  30-31
    3.1.2 Call for constructivist courseware  31
    3.1.3 Principles of courseware design  31-33
  3.2 Individualized Learning Mode  33-35
    3.2.1 Advantages and disadvantages of individualized learning  33
    3.2.2 Principles of courseware design  33-35
  3.3 Network Classroom Mode  35-38
    3.3.1 Limitations of the above two modes  35
    3.3.2 Characteristics of Network Classroom teaching  35-36
    3.3.3 Principles for courseware design  36-38
  3.4 Virtual Reality Mode  38-40
    3.4.1 Computer simulation  38-39
    3.4.2 Principles for courseware design  39-40
  3.5 Distance Education Mode  40-42
    3.5.1 Characteristics of distance education  40-41
    3.5.2 Advantages of networks in distance education  41
    3.5.3 Principles of courseware design  41-42
  3.6 Summary  42-43
Chapter Ⅳ The Development of CALL courseware for classroom teaching  43-50
  4.1 Identification of the objectives of instruction  43-45
    4.1.1 The cognitive domain  43-44
    4.1.2 The affective domain:  44
    4.1.3 The psychomotor domain:  44-45
  4.2 Selection of topics  45
  4.3 Draft of Design  45-47
  4.4 Materials seeking:  47
  4.5 Design of instruction  47-48
  4.6 Evaluating  48
  4.7 Other Perspectives on courseware development  48-50
Chapter Ⅴ Criteria for Application of CALL Software  50-57
  5.1 Content and methodology  50-51
  5.2 Instructional criteria  51-53
  5.3 Interface criteria  53-55
    5.3.1 Interactivity  53-54
    5.3.2 Display of elements and connections between them  54
    5.3.3 Colors, highlighting, and display building  54-55
  5.4 Pragmatic criteria  55-57
Chapter Ⅵ Application of CALL Courseware  57-78
  6.1 For Reading  57-63
    6.1.1 Research on reading in CALL  57-58
    6.1.2 Ways to improve reading  58-63 Hypertext  58-60 Multimedia reading  60-61 Text manipulation  61 Providing comprehensible input  61-62 Timed or paced readings  62 Websites for further information  62-63
  6.2 For Listening and for speaking  63-73
    6.2.1 An overview  63-64
    6.2.2 Four types of courseware and their application  64-73 Listen/watch-Repeat  64-65 Record-Compare  65-68 ASR (automatic speech recognition)  68-71 Simulated Game  71-73
  6.3 For Vocabulary  73-78
    6.3.1 Development of Lexical CALL courseware  74
    6.3.2 Ways to help vocabulary acquisition  74-78 Hypertext in reading courseware  74-75 Repetition and recall  75-76 Games for learning vocabulary  76-77 Electronic dictionary  77-78
Chapter Ⅶ Conclusion  78-80
Bibliography  80-87


  1. 基于WinCE平台的故障分析仪应用程序设计与开发,TP311.52
  2. SOA高校迎新系统中的SDO模型的研究与实现,G647
  3. 肇庆供电局员工绩效考核结果应用研究,F272.92
  4. 美国“写作教室”理论与实践初探,G633.3
  5. 建构主义学习理论指导下的科教电视节目编导策略研究,G222.3
  6. 中学教师情绪劳动问卷的编制与初步应用,B841
  7. 老子思想在中学语文教学中的应用研究,G633.3
  8. 应用型本科院校课程管理研究,G642.3
  9. 铁尾矿砂混凝土的配制与应用研究,TU528
  10. 网位仪信号采集与处理平台的设计与实现,S951.2
  11. 初中生反学校文化问卷的编制及初步应用,G631
  12. 地方高校产学研合作培养应用型人才的研究,G647
  13. 型染纹样的研究及应用设计,TS193
  14. 手工钩针编织的创新设计与应用研究,TS941.2
  15. 中医升降理论治疗慢性肾衰的应用研究,R277.5
  16. 高校精品课程视频资源应用现状与对策研究,G642.3
  17. 探究式教学在体育教育专业武术专选课中的应用研究,G852-4
  18. 废弃氟石膏改性利用及高含氟废水处理研究,X703
  19. 部队兵员管理系统的设计与实现,TP311.52
  20. 论德国功能翻译理论对高职应用英语翻译教学的启示,H319
  21. 常用修辞在小学古诗词教学中的应用,G623.2

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