学位论文 > 优秀研究生学位论文题录展示


作 者: 刘星
导 师: 顾立行
学 校: 上海外国语大学
专 业: 英语语言文学
关键词: 性别角色态度 数学成绩 学术情感 跨文化研究
分类号: C913
类 型: 硕士论文
年 份: 2009年
下 载: 187次
引 用: 0次
阅 读: 论文下载




Acknowledgments  4-5
摘要  5-7
Abstract  7-11
Chapter 1 Introduction  11-17
  1.1 The myth of gender  11-13
  1.2 The myth of math  13-14
  1.3 The myth of emotion  14
  1.4 Significance of this study  14-15
  1.5 Organization of the thesis  15-17
Chapter 2 Literature Review  17-34
  2.1 Gender and gender-related issues  17-23
    2.1.1 gender  17-18 Gender-related definitions  17-18
    2.1.2 Gender stereotypes  18-20
    2.1.3 Cultural difference in gender role attitude  20-22 Gender role attitudes in China  20-21 Masculinity and femininity as a cultural dimension  21-22
    2.1.4 Gender difference in gender role attitude  22-23
  2.2 Mathematic performance gap  23-28
    2.2.1 Stereotypes of gender difference in achievement  23-24
    2.2.2 Attribution for male and female performance  24-25
    2.2.3 Social factors causing achievement gap  25-28 Expectancy / value model of achievement  25 The influence of parents  25-26 The influence of teachers  26 The influence of peers and neighborhood  26-28
  2.3 Emotion, culture and gender  28-33
    2.3.1 Brief introduction into emotion study  29
    2.3.2 Gender difference in emotion experience and expression  29-30
    2.3.3 Culture difference in emotion experience and expression  30-31 Emotion in the individualism and collectivism dimensions  30-31
    2.3.4 Academic emotion and math performance  31-33
  2.4 Theoretical synthesis and research directions  33-34
Chapter 3 Research Methodology  34-61
  3.1 Research questions and hypotheses  34-36
    3.1.1 Research questions and hypotheses  34-36
  3.2 Research design  36-42
    3.2.1 Participants  36-37
    3.2.2 Instruments  37-42 Using adjective-list to test gender stereotype level  38-39 Mathematics performance test employing items from NCEE and SAT  39-40 Self-report measurement of emotion intensity through items from Academic Emotions Questionnaire—Mathematics (AEQ-M)  40-42
  3.3 Data collection procedures  42-43
    3.3.1 Pilot study  42
    3.3.2 Distribution and collection of the questionnaires  42-43
  3.4 Data analysis procedures  43-61
    3.4.1 Cultural and gender influence on gender stereotypes level, math score and academic emotion intensity  43-57 Cultural and gender influence on gender stereotypes level  44-46 Cultural and gender influence on math score  46-47 Cultural and gender influence on academic emotion intensity  47-50 Further study of group differences and five emotions  50-57
    3.4.2 Correlations between gender stereotypes level, math score and academic emotion intensity  57-59
    3.4.3 Hypotheses testing  59-61
Chapter 4 Conclusions and Implications  61-66
  4.1 Some conclusions of the present Study  61-63
  4.2 Limitations and suggestions for future studies  63-66
    4.2.1 Limitation of the survey scale  63
    4.2.2 Limitation of methods  63-64
    4.2.3 Limitation in measuring gender role attitudes  64
    4.2.4 Limitation in measuring mathematic performance  64-66
Bibliography  66-75
Appendix 1 社会认知与数学能力调查  75-78
Appendix 2 Survey of social cognition and math ability  78-82
Appendix 3: Items borrowed from AEQ-M  82-83


  1. 沈阳医院患者满意度跨文化研究,R197.3
  2. 小学生问题解决表征特点的研究,G623.5
  3. 中英商务信函语用模糊的对比研究,H030
  4. 汉族、土族、回族中学生的民族认同与主观幸福感关系的跨文化研究,G635.5
  5. 中学生数学直觉思维障碍调查及其教学研究,G633.6
  6. 初一学生数学学习分化点的探讨和教学对策,G633.6
  7. 人际反馈性评价信息的表征与心理距离的关系:一项跨文化研究,F272
  8. 初中学生数学认识信念的初步研究,G633.6
  9. 初中生数学焦虑状况调查及相关因素分析,G633.6
  10. 大学生家庭功能、性别角色态度和成就恐惧的关系研究,C913.68
  11. 跨国汽车公司针对中美汽车市场网站设计的跨文化研究,TP393.092
  12. 中学生性别角色态度的发展及其与父母性别有关认知的关系研究,C913.68
  13. 涉外商务演讲的跨文化研究,H019
  14. 《纽约时报》与《卫报》中的文化隐喻研究,H05
  15. 基于PISA的15岁学生科学兴趣跨文化研究,G635.5
  16. 中学生场认知方式对空间图形认知能力发展的影响研究,G633.6
  17. 中美公司网站的跨文化比较,F49
  18. 快速消费品行业美跨国公司中美广告沟通的跨文化研究,F713.8
  19. 小学高年级学生数学成绩评价方法改革研究,G623.5
  20. 11-17岁汉族与哈尼族学生认知方式的发展及其与性格特质相互关系的跨文化研究,G755

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