学位论文 > 优秀研究生学位论文题录展示


作 者: 李慧淑
导 师: 邹海琦
学 校: 东北林业大学
专 业: 英语语言文学
关键词: 及物性系统 态度系统 短篇小说主题
类 型: 硕士论文
年 份: 2009年
下 载: 220次
引 用: 0次
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摘要  3-4
Abstract  4-8
1 Introduction  8-15
  1.1 The Background of the Study  8-9
  1.2 Literature Review  9-12
    1.2.1 Applications of Transitivity System of SFL in Literary Discourse Analysis  9-10
    1.2.2 Applications of Appraisal Theory and Its Attitude System in Discourse Analysis  10-12
  1.3 The Purpose and Significance of the Study  12-13
  1.4 The Methodology Adopted in the Study  13-15
2 The Material Selected in the Study  15-20
  2.1 The Material Selected in the Study--The Story of an Hour  15
  2.2 Introduction of Kate Chopin and Her The Story of an Hour  15-18
  2.3 The Status of Study on The Story of an Hour  18-20
3 Theoretical Foundation  20-34
  3.1 Halliday's Systemic-Functional Grammar and Transitivity System  20-26
    3.1.1 A Brief Introduction to Halliday's Systemic-Functional Grammar  20-21
    3.1.2 Transitivity System in Halliday's Systemic-Functional Grammar  21-26
  3.2 Martin's Appraisal Theory and Attitude System  26-34
    3.2.1 A Brief Introduction to Appraisal Theory  26-28
    3.2.2 Attitude System in Appraisal Theory  28-34
4 An Analysis on the Theme of The Story of an Hour in Light of Transitivity and Attitude  34-68
  4.1 The Analysis on Reaction to the 'Death News'  34-40
    4.1.1 Transitivity Analysis on Reaction to the 'News'  34-37
    4.1.2 Attitude Analysis on Reaction to the 'Death News'  37-39
    4.1.3 The Summary of the Analysis  39-40
  4.2 The Analysis on Heroine's Emotional Change  40-44
    4.2.1 Transitivity Analysis on Heroine's Emotional Change  40-42
    4.2.2 Attitude Analysis on Heroine's Emotional Change  42-44
    4.2.3 The Summary of the Analysis  44
  4.3 The Analysis on Awakening  44-59
    4.3.1 Transitivity Analysis on Awakening  45-52
    4.3.2 Attitude Analysis on Awakening  52-58
    4.3.3 The Summary of the Analysis  58-59
  4.4 The Analysis on Tragedy  59-63
    4.4.1 Transitivity Analysis on Tragedy  60-61
    4.4.2 Attitude Analysis on Tragedy  61-62
    4.4.3 The Summary of Analysis  62-63
  4.5 The Summary of Analysis on the Theme of The Story of an Hour  63-68
    4.5.1 The Summary of Transitivity Analysis  63-65
    4.5.2 The Summary of Attitude Analysis  65-66
    4.5.3 The Theme of The Story of An Hour  66-68
Conclusion  68-72
Bibliography  72-75
Notes  75-76
Appendix  76-79
Papers published in the Period of Master Education  79-80
Acknowledgements  80-81


  1. 奥巴马政治演讲开场白的态度意义分析,H311.9
  2. 现代汉语名词活用的功能语言学研究,H146
  3. 从评价理论透析小说《白噪音》文体风格,I712.074
  4. 野性与理性的交锋,I561.074
  5. 约翰·济慈诗歌的功能文体研究,I561
  6. 环境新闻政治倾向性分析,G210
  7. 概念语法隐喻应用于大学英语写作的效应分析,H319
  8. 从功能语法角度分析艾米莉·狄金森的诗歌——语篇体裁的方法,I712.072
  9. 采用及物性系统和态度系统评价文学文本,I712.074
  10. 劳伦斯《牧师的女儿们》的及物性分析,I561
  11. 论迟子建短篇小说创作,I207.427
  12. 严歌苓短篇小说论,I207.42
  13. 《草原日出》之系统功能分析,I561.074
  14. 英语中性别歧视新探,H313
  15. 厄内斯特·海明威短篇小说主题的多样性,I712.074
  16. 《一个青年艺术家的画像》的功能文体分析,I712
  17. 《老人与海》中的及物性及其深层主题意义,I712
  18. 为弱者歌唱,I712
  19. 日光之下,并无新事,I207.42
  20. 英语广告语篇中的语气和态度系统分析,H315

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