学位论文 > 优秀研究生学位论文题录展示


作 者: 李宏峰
导 师: 赵桐
学 校: 首都师范大学
专 业: 学科教学
关键词: 初中 英语写作教学方法 写作策略 现状 调查
分类号: G633.41
类 型: 硕士论文
年 份: 2009年
下 载: 212次
引 用: 1次
阅 读: 论文下载




Acknowledgement  5-6
Abstract in Chinese  6-7
Abstract  7-12
List of Table  12-13
List of Figure  13-14
Chapter One Introduction  14-16
  1.1 Research background  14
  1.2 Significance of the research  14-15
  1.3 Overall organization of the thesis  15-16
Chapter Two Literature Review  16-32
  2.1 The requirements of writing in the New English Curriculum Standard  16-17
  2.2 Importance of teaching writing  17-18
  2.3 Overview writing teaching approaches  18-23
    2.3.1 The product approach  18-20 Advantage  19 Disadvantages  19-20
    2.3.2 The process approach  20-22 Advantages  20-21 Disadvantages  21-22
    2.3.3 Intervening to help in the Writing Process  22-23 Writing process  22 The reason for intervention of the procedure of writing  22-23
  2.4 Writing strategies instruction  23-29
    2.4.1 Definition of writing strategy  23-24
    2.4.2 Researches on writing teaching in abroad  24-27
    2.4.3 Researches on writing teaching in China  27-28
    2.4.4 Differences between skilled and unskilled writers  28-29
  2.5 Writing strategy training instruction  29-30
    2.5.1 Significance of writing strategies training  29
    2.5.2 Requirements and guidelines of y strategy training  29-30
  2.6 Data collection  30-32
Chapter Three Research Design  32-36
  3.1 Research objectives  32
  3.2 Research questions  32
  3.3 Subjects  32-33
  3.4 Research procedures  33-35
    3.4.1 Design of the research instruments  33-34 Queationnaire  33-34 Interview  34 Classroom observation  34
    3.4.2 Distribution and collection of the questionnaires  34-35
    3.4.3 Administration of the interview  35
  3.5 Statistic tools for data analysis  35-36
Chapter Four Results and Analyses  36-52
  4.1 Teacher questionnaire results  36-41
    4.1.1 The results on teachers attitude to English writing teaching  36-38
    4.1.2 The results on teachers behaviors to writing teaching  38-41
  4.2 Student questionnaire results  41-48
    4.2.1 The results on students attitude to English writing  41-43
    4.2.2 The results on students strategy applying in English writing  43-44
    4.2.3 The results on students specific conditions in English writing  44-48
  4.3 Teacher interview results  48-50
  4.4 Teacher classroom observations  50-52
Chapter Five Discussion and Findings  52-54
  5.1 Discussion  52-53
  5.2 Major findings of the research  53-54
Chapter Six Conclusion  54-57
  6.1 Suggestions to English writing teaching  54-55
  6.2 Implications  55
  6.3 Limitations  55
  6.4 Recommendations for future research  55-57
References  57-61
Appendices  61-66


  1. 吉林市城市意象解析,TU984
  2. 昆明流动人口聚居区的现状、问题及其对策初步研究,C924.25
  3. 校园文化语境下的初中思想品德教育研究,G633.2
  4. 调整云南高等教育结构的策略研究,G649.2
  5. 福建省普通高校网球选项课现状调查及对策研究,G807.4
  6. 我国大众媒介对农村公共政策传播的现状及发展对策研究,D422.0
  7. 农村寄宿制学校学生管理现状与对策研究,G471
  8. 沈阳市初中地理生本课堂现状调查研究,G633.55
  9. 广州市南沙区农村初中班主任胜任力研究,G635.1
  10. 番禺区初中语文新诗教学现状及其优化策略,G633.3
  11. 初中生课外阅读指导研究,G633.3
  12. 语文教材性别文化研究,G633.3
  13. 初中语文小组合作教学探究,G633.3
  14. 初中思想品德课教学中的学生个性培育问题研究,G633.2
  15. 对农村初级中学学生数学学习兴趣的调查与研究,G633.6
  16. 东莞镇区初中学生作文语言现状调查及对策研究,G633.3
  17. 理工科大学美育现状与对策研究,G641
  18. 傣族初中生教育需求价值取向研究,G755.5
  19. 桂林市户外运动俱乐部发展现状及对策研究,G895
  20. 福州市区老年体育开展现状分析与对策研究,G812.48
  21. 宁波市沿海防护林基干林带建设现状及对策研究,S727.2

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