学位论文 > 优秀研究生学位论文题录展示


作 者: 侯翠仙
导 师: 符晓明
学 校: 首都师范大学
专 业: 英语教育
关键词: 图式理论 以图式为导向的阅读教学法 阅读能力
分类号: H319
类 型: 硕士论文
年 份: 2009年
下 载: 547次
引 用: 0次
阅 读: 论文下载




Acknowledgements  5-6
Abstract(Chinese)  6-7
Abstract(English)  7-9
List of Abbreviations  9-10
Contents  10-15
Chapter 1 Introduction  15-18
  1.1 Problem Identification  15-16
  1.2 Significance of the Study  16
  1.3 An Outline of the thesis  16-18
Chapter 2 Literature Review  18-36
  2.1 Three Models of Reading Process  18-22
    2.1.1 Bottom-up Models  18-19
    2.1.2 Top-down Models  19-21
    2.1.3 Interactive Models  21-22
  2.2 Schema Theory  22-31
    2.2.1 Background of schema theory  23-25
    2.2.2 The Basic Concept of Schema  25-26
    2.2.3 The Types of Schemata  26-28 Linguistic Schemata  26-27 Formal Schemata  27 Content Schemata  27-28
    2.2.4 The Function of Schemata  28-31
  2.3 Application of Schema Theory for Reading Comprehension  31-32
  2.4 Empirical Research Review  32-36
    2.4.1 Previous researches on applying schema theory to ESL/EFL reading instruction abroad  32-34
    2.4.2 Previous researches on applying schema theory to English reading instruction in China  34-36
Chapter 3 An Action Research  36-60
  3.1 Research Questions  36
  3.2 Hypothesis  36-37
    3.2.1 From Students' Perspective  36-37
    3.2.2 From Teachers' Perspective  37
  3.3 Action Research Design  37-40
    3.3.1 Action research period and reading material adopted  37-38
    3.3.2 Subjects  38
    3.3.3 Instruments  38-40 The Pretest and the posttest  38-39 Investigation  39-40  40
  3.4 The Procedure of the Action Research  40-42
    3.4.1 Preliminary investigation  40-41 The Preliminary Questionnaire  40 The Preliminary Interview  40-41 Logs  41
    3.4.2 Restatement of the Problem  41-42
  3.5 The Action Plans and the Implementation  42-58
    3.5.1 Developing Students' Linguistic Schemata  43-45 Developing Students' vocabulary  43-44 Improving the Students' Sentence Structure  44-45
    3.5.2 Reinforcing the Students' Awareness of Formal Schemata  45-47 Introduction Characters of Normal Rhetorical Structures  45-47 Helping Students Know Some Signal Words  47
    3.5.3 Enlarging Students' Content Schemata  47-50 Sufficient Input of Cultural Knowledge in Reading Class  48 Making Students Aware of Culture Difference  48-50 Guiding Students to Get Cultural Knowledge themselves  50
    3.5.4.Informing Students of Different Reading Skills  50-52
    3.5.5.Integrating the above mentioned schemata and skills  52-58 Pre-reading Activities  52-55 While-reading Activities  55-57 Post-reading Activities  57-58
  3.6 Post-Investigation  58-59
    3.6.1 Post Questionnaire  58
    3.6.2 Post Interview  58-59
    3.6.3 Logs  59
  3.7 Post-Test  59-60
Chapter 4 Reflections on the Action Research  60-80
  4.1 Reflection on the Questionnaire Survey  60-74
  4.2 Reflection on the Interview  74-75
  4.3 Reflection on the test  75-77
    4.3.1 Pretest  75-76
    4.3.2 Posttest  76-77
  4.4 Discussion  77-80
    4.4.1 Impact on Students' Reading Interest  77-78
    4.4.2 Impact on Students' Performance in Reading Class  78
    4.4.3 Impact on Students' Reading Ability  78-80
Chapter 5 Conclusion  80-84
  5.1 Research Findings and Implications for Teaching  80-82
    5.1.1 Research Findings  80
    5.1.2 Implication for Teaching  80-82
  5.2 Limitations of the Present Study and Suggestions for Further Study  82-84
    5.2.1 Limitation of the study  82-83
    5.2.2 Suggestions for Further Study  83-84
Bibliography  84-90
Appendices  90-106
  Appendix1 Reading Materials for Pre-test  90-93
  Appendix2 Reading Materials for Post-test  93-96
  Appendix3 Sample of Reading Material  96-97
  Appendix4 Questionnaire  97-98
  Appendix5 Pre-interview  98-99
  Appendix6 Post-interview  99-100
  Appendix7 Sample of Teacher Log  100-102
  Appendix8 Samples of Students Log  102-104
  Appendix9 The Chart of Evaluation on the Usage of Reading Skills  104-106
  Appendix10 Raw Scores of Pre-test and Post-test  106


  1. 任务型教学法在高中英语阅读教学中的应用,G633.41
  2. 农村高中生学习动机与阅读能力的相关性研究,G633.41
  3. 以写前活动提高英语“基础写作”能力的行动研究,G633.41
  4. 图式理论在高职非英语专业英语阅读教学中的应用,H319
  5. 概念导向型阅读教学对大学生英语阅读能力的影响,H319
  6. 图式理论在英语听力教学中的应用,H319
  7. 背景知识和语篇知识对大学英语听力理解影响的对比研究,H319
  8. 专业背景知识在专业英语阅读中的补偿作用,H319
  9. 自主学习在高中英语泛读教学中的应用研究,G633.41
  10. 图式理论与口译中古典诗词的翻译,I046
  11. 思维导图应用于汉语词汇教学,H193.4
  12. 图式理论框架下的阅读心理分析及小说体阅读能力培养,H319
  13. 阅读能力及语境条件对中国英语学习者叙事性语篇预期推理即时生成的影响研究,H319
  14. 基于图式理论的高中英语写作教学,G633.41
  15. 图式理论在初三英语学困生阅读教学中的探索与实践,G633.41
  16. 英语报刊阅读辅助初中英语教学的实证研究,G633.41
  17. 语篇分析在高职高专英语阅读教学中的应用,H319
  18. 小学高段提高学生英语文本阅读能力的实践研究,G623.31
  19. 图式理论在高中英语词汇教学的应用研究,G633.41
  20. 雅思阅读测试题型和山东省高考英语阅读测试题型的对比研究,H319
  21. 学习动机与英语阅读策略关系调查,G633.41

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