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作 者: 赵昌彦
导 师: 葛志宏
学 校: 南京理工大学
专 业: 外国语言学及应用语言学
关键词: 译者主体性 意识形态 社会文化 语言
分类号: I046
类 型: 硕士论文
年 份: 2012年
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摘要  5-6
英文摘要  6-7
Introduction  9-12
  0.1 The Objective of the Research  9
  0.2 The Rationale of the Research  9-10
  0.3 The Methodology of the Research  10-11
  0.4 The Structure of the Thesis  11-12
Chapter One A Historical Review of Translators' Status and the Translator's Subjectivity  12-19
  1.1 A Historical Review of Changes in the Translators' Status  12-14
  1.2 A Historical Review of the Translator's Subjectivity  14-19
    1.2.1 The Translator's subjectivity by the Scholars Abroad  14-16
    1.2.2 The Translator's Subjectivity by Chinese Scholars  16-19
Chapter Two Translation Subjects and the Translator's Subjectivity  19-26
  2.1 The Subject and Subjectivity in Translation  19-22
    2.1.1 The Subject in Translation  19-20
    2.1.2 Definition of the Translator's Subjectivity  20-22
  2.2 Manifestation of the Translator's Subjectivity  22-23
  2.3 The Translator's Subjectivity is more Prominent in Literary Translation  23-26
    2.3.1 Literary Translation is a Recreation of Arts  23-24
    2.3.2 The Faintness of Literary Translation  24-26
Chapter Three Analysis of Translation Instances to Interpret the Translator's Subjectivity  26-42
  3.1 Interpreting the Translator's Subjectivity on the Level of Ideology  26-32
    3.1.1 Definition of Ideology  26-27
    3.1.2 Relationship between Ideology and Translation  27-29
    3.1.3 Analysis on the Translator's Subjectivity in Literary Translation on the Ideological Level  29-32
  3.2 Interpreting the Translator's Subjectivity on the Level of Social Culture in a Narrow Sense  32-37
    3.2.1 The Relationship between Language,Culture and Translation  33-34
    3.2.2 Analysis of the Translator's Subjectivity in Literary Translation on the Level of Social Culture in a Narrow Sense  34-37
  3.3 Interpreting the Translator's Subjectivity on the Linguistic Level  37-40
    3.3.1 A Comparison and Contrast between the Chinese Language and English Language  37-38
    3.3.2 Analysis on the Translator's Subjectivity in Literary Translation on Linguistic Level  38-40
  3.4 Summary  40-42
Conclusion  42-44
Bibliography  44-46
Acknowledgements  46


  1. 基因调控网络模型描述语言研究,Q78
  2. 文学语言的模糊修辞研究,H05
  3. 布依语—英语语音对比研究,H319
  4. 统计机器翻译中结构转换技术的研究,TP391.2
  5. 统计与语言学相结合的词对齐及相关融合策略研究,TP391.2
  6. 词义消歧语料库自动获取方法研究,TP391.1
  7. 飞行模拟中飞行管理计算机系统CDU组件设计与仿真,TP391.9
  8. 中国电视媒体话语范式演变的多视角分析,G220
  9. 东莞镇区初中学生作文语言现状调查及对策研究,G633.3
  10. 政党意识形态研究,D05
  11. 维特根斯坦“语言游戏说”新探,B521
  12. 知识分子在主流意识形态建设中的作用研究,D663.5
  13. 军队后勤物资管理系统设计与实现,TP311.52
  14. 网络语言影响职校学生语用情况的调查及研究,G715
  15. 支架式教学策略在小学语文教学中的运用研究,G623.2
  16. 对初中数学课堂学习即时性评价的认识与探索,G633.6
  17. 穗港中文报纸新闻标题语言比较研究,G213
  18. 《点石斋画报》视野下晚清女性生活形态探究,G239.29
  19. 黑尔的普遍规定主义思想研究,B82-09
  20. 幼儿园教育环境质量和幼儿语言发展水平关系研究,G612
  21. 科学语境论浅析,N02

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