学位论文 > 优秀研究生学位论文题录展示


作 者: 曹苑
导 师: 查清华
学 校: 上海师范大学
专 业: 中国古典文献学
关键词: Three Elites of the Zhangs Family background Biographies Ming Dynasty Poems and articles of the Zhangs the traditional culture of Wuzhong Area Urbanization
分类号: I206.2
类 型: 硕士论文
年 份: 2011年
下 载: 24次
引 用: 0次
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Zhang Fengyi(張鳳翼),Zhang Xianyi(張獻翼)and Zhang Yanyi(張燕翼) are brothers in the Suzhou area. They are well known as The Three Elites of the Zhangs.(吳中三張) They have very important roles in the history of opera, poetry and arts in the Ming Dynasty(1368-1644). The thesis will be related to the several aspects:Zhangs family background, biographies, acquaintanceship, and their poems and articles. The whole background of this thesis is the urbanisation of the Wuzhong area in the Ming Dynasty.The thesis is composed by three chapters.The first part of this thesis is focused on the Zhangs family. Through the first hand materials, the thesis researches the family and descent, narrates the origin of the family, and draws the pedigree of the family. The thesis still analyses the reasons for theirs successes and flourishes. The favorable economic conditions, dense culture atmosphere and a wide range of acquaintanceship are the most important factors for them to develop the family and win the reputations.The second chapter pays attention to the Zhangs biographies. Among them, the eldest brother Zhang Fengyi has been researched for several times, and the youngest brother Zhang Yanyi was died too early, so the thesis chooses Zhang Xianyi as the main object of study. This chapter first puts emphasis on the reason of his death. Through the documentaries, we can find that the reason of Zhangs death is not because of the quean, but for the political affair. Second, the thesis discusses the acquaintanceship of Zhangs. Through his friends, we can discover the impacts that affect his poems and articles. And third, the author will analyses the effects that give birth to Zhang Xianyis madness, includes the social effects and himself.The third part of the thesis mainly discusses the Zhangs works. The Zhangs brother hand down many literature works to generations. The article will unscramble the works in two aspects: the regional culture of Wuzhong area and the urbanisation of it.Through research the Zhangs family, we can know the general pictures of the similar family during the Mid-Ming dynasty in the area of regions that south of the Yangtze River. And through the research of their works, we can know the development of the literature in Ming dynasty. They are the typical case for researching the Family and literature in Wuzhong area during Ming dynasty.


Abstract  6-14
緒論 近年來吳中三張研究現狀綜述  14-22
  一、近年來吳中三張研究情況回顧  14-19
  二、吳中三張研究現狀的不足與本文擬解決的問題和研究方法  19-22
第一章 吳中三張家世研究  22-32
  第一節 吳中三張家族世系考  22-28
    一、張氏家族源出及其遷徙  22-23
    二、吳中三張直系近祖生平及家世  23-25
    三、吳中三張生平及家世  25-28
    四、吳中三張父族世系表  28
  第二節 家族興盛原因探究  28-32
    一、經濟條件  28-29
    二、文化環境  29-30
    三、師友提攜  30-32
第二章 吳中三張生平研究  32-58
  第一節 《蕉扇記》作者與張獻翼死因考  32-35
  第二節 張獻翼交遊考  35-48
    一、張獻翼與文人的交往  36-47
    二、張獻翼與歌姬的交往  47-48
  第三節 張獻翼放誕行為研究  48-58
    一、張獻翼放誕行為產生背景  48-55
    二、張獻翼放誕行為表現  55-58
第三章 吳中三張詩文研究  58-95
  第一节 吳中三張創作情況概述  58-59
  第二節 三張詩文中的吳中地域文化  59-76
    一、吳中物質文化傳統  59-69
    二、吳中精神文化傳統  69-76
  第三節 三張詩文中的吳中城市文化  76-95
    一、城市生活抒寫  76-84
    二.城市問題關注  84-95
結語  95-96
參考文獻  96-102
致谢  102-103


  1. 山东省产业结构调整与城市化相互作用的实证分析,F299.27;F224
  2. 明朝对海盗的打击及其相关法制,K248
  3. 户籍制度改革对中国农村人口城市化的影响,C924.2
  4. 投资与城市化,F290
  5. 明初经学研究,B248
  6. 汉代“七”体研究,I206.2
  7. 面朝黄土,背负青天,I206.6
  8. 伪满时期文学与政治的游移,I206.6
  9. 《淮南子》中“三代”人物研究,I206.2
  10. 先秦典籍里的酒意象,I206.2
  11. 《礼记·乐记》之“象德”观探析,I206.2
  12. 从文学到革命—丁玲《北斗》、《解放日报》文艺栏时期心态研究,I206.6
  13. 30年代林语堂新闻传播思想研究,I206.6
  14. 清世祖《御注道德经》研究,I206.2
  15. 论白璧德对中国文化的理解及其影响,I206.6
  16. 顾随文学思想研究,I206.2
  17. 中国抗战文学中的法国形象,I206.6
  18. 从“陕军东征”看1990年代初的知识分子心态,I206.7
  19. 流俗待看除旧弊,深闺有愿做新民,I206.5
  20. 胡风的现实主义文学批评观及其当代意义,I206.09
  21. 王蒙视野中的苏俄形象,I206.7

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