学位论文 > 优秀研究生学位论文题录展示


作 者: 陈晓阳
导 师: 栾述文
学 校: 中国石油大学
专 业: 英语语言文学
关键词: 词汇偶然习得 刻意学习 投入量假设 泛读 词汇讲解
分类号: H319.3
类 型: 硕士论文
年 份: 2011年
下 载: 39次
引 用: 0次
阅 读: 论文下载




摘要  4-5
Abstract  5-11
Chapter 1 Introduction  11-14
  1.1 The Significance of the Study  11-12
  1.2 The Layout of the Thesis  12-14
Chapter 2 Literature Review  14-30
  2.1 Vocabulary Knowledge and Learning  14-16
  2.2 Theories Concerning Incidental Vocabulary Acquisition  16-26
    2.2.1 Incidental Vocabulary Acquisition  16-17
    2.2.2 Nagy, Herman and Anderson‘s Hypothesis  17-18
    2.2.3 Differences between Implicit and Explicit Learning  18-20
    2.2.4 Differences between Incidental and Intentional Learning  20-22
    2.2.5 Incidental/Intentional Learning versus Implicit/Explicit Learning  22-23
    2.2.6 The Depth of Processing Theory  23-25
    2.2.7 The Involvement Load Hypothesis  25-26
  2.3 The Role of Input and Output  26-30
    2.3.1 The Role of Input  26-28
    2.3.2 The Role of Output  28-30
Chapter 3 Incidental Vocabulary Acquisition in Reading  30-44
  3.1 The Notion of Extensive Reading  30-31
  3.2 The Impact of Incidental Vocabulary Acquisition through Reading on Vocabulary Learning  31-32
  3.3 The Impact of Intentional Vocabulary Learning  32-33
  3.4 Factors Affecting Incidental Vocabulary Acquisition  33-38
    3.4.1 Reading Materials and Words  34-35
    3.4.2 Learners‘Vocabulary Level  35
    3.4.3 Lexical Contextual Clues  35-36
    3.4.4 Learners‘Strategies  36-37
    3.4.5 Reading Tasks  37-38
  3.5 Methods to Enhance Incidental Vocabulary Acquisition through Reading  38-40
  3.6 Problems of Incidental Vocabulary Acquisition  40-41
  3.7 Previous Researches on Incidental Vocabulary Acquisition through Reading  41-44
Chapter 4 Research Methodology  44-51
  4.1 Research Questions  44
  4.2 Subjects of the Research  44-45
  4.3 Instruments and Procedures  45-51
    4.3.1 Vocabulary Size Test  45-46
    4.3.2 Selecting Reading Materials  46-47
    4.3.3 Choosing Target Words  47-48
    4.3.4 The Design of Immediate Test and Delayed Test Using Passage 1  48-49
    4.3.5 The Design of Immediate Test and Delayed Test Using Passage 2  49-50
    4.3.6 Questionnaire  50-51
Chapter 5 Data Analysis and Findings  51-66
  5.1 Results of Vocabulary Size Test  51-52
  5.2 Results and Data Analysis of Experiments  52-60
    5.2.1 Results and Data Analysis of the Immediate Test in the Two Experiments  53-55
    5.2.2 Results and Data Analysis of the Delayed Test of the Two Experiments  55-58
    5.2.3 Comparison between the Immediate Test and the Delayed Test in the Two Experiments  58-60
  5.3 Analysis on the Immediate Acquisition Effect and the Retention Effect in the Two Experiments  60-61
  5.4 Analysis on the Questionnaire  61-63
  5.5 Major Findings  63-66
Chapter 6 Pedagogical Implications  66-73
  6.1 Pedagogical Implications  66-71
    6.1.1 Integrating Incidental and Intentional Learning  66-67
    6.1.2 Selecting Appropriate Reading Materials  67-68
    6.1.3 Developing Strategies  68-69
    6.1.4 Designing Tasks  69-70
    6.1.5 Classroom Activities  70-71
  6.2 Limitations and Recommendations  71-73
Chapter 7 Conclusion  73-74
References  74-81
Appendices  81-94
攻读硕士学位期间取得的学术成果  94-95
Acknowledgements  95


  1. 在高中开设英语泛读课程的实践,G633.41
  2. 词汇注释在不同学习条件下对英语词汇习得和阅读理解的影响,H319
  3. 刻意学习与伴随性学习效果的纵向研究,H19
  4. 交互式模式对中国语境下英语阅读教学的启示,H319
  5. 刻意学习和附带习得:对中国英语学习者词汇学习方式的调查,H319
  6. 形成性评价在英语专业泛读教学中的实践与探索,H319.3
  7. 阅读中不同任务投入量对二语词汇附带习得的影响,H09
  8. 对中国非英语专业学生写作中词汇附带习得的实证研究,H319
  9. 大学英语泛读中的词汇附带习得实证研究,H319
  10. 论高中英语教学中如何加强泛读训练,G633.41
  11. 一项将英文21世纪报应用于大学英语泛读课的实证研究,H319
  12. 英文报纸作为英语专科生泛读材料的作用研究,H319
  13. 词汇习得理论及其在词汇教学中的应用,H319
  14. 利用网络辅助高中英语泛读教学的研究,G633.41
  15. 合作学习在泛读教学中的有效性研究,H319
  16. 泛读中单词注释对学习者词汇随机习得的影响,H319
  17. 高中生在泛读中附带习得词汇的研究,G633.41
  18. 焦虑与课堂泛读活动的关系及其对二语阅读发展的影响,H09
  19. 阅读任务对初、中、高级英语水平学习者词汇附带习得的影响,H319
  20. 不同的学习任务对英语专业学生词汇附带习得的影响,H319

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