学位论文 > 优秀研究生学位论文题录展示


作 者: 塞塞
导 师: 毛羽
学 校: 华中科技大学
专 业: 公共管理
关键词: 政治分权 权力移交 善政 塞拉利昂
类 型: 硕士论文
年 份: 2011年
下 载: 1次
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摘要  4-5
Abstract  5-7
Dedication  7-8
Table of Content  8-10
List of Tables, Figures, Maps and Diagrams  10-11
Abbreviations and Acronyms  11-13
1 Introduction  13-25
  1.1 Background of the study  13-15
  1.2 Study Area  15-19
  1.3 Statement of the Problem  19-20
  1.4 Objectives of the Study  20-21
  1.5 Research Questions  21
  1.6 Significance of the Study  21-22
  1.7 Research Methodology and Innovation  22-23
  1.8 Structure of the Thesis  23-25
2 Literature Review and Definition of Concepts  25-39
  2.1 Definition of concept  25-26
  2.2 Types of Decentralization  26-30
  2.3 Forms of Decentralization  30-31
  2.4 Theoretical linkages  31-35
  2.5 Decentralization from African Perspectives  35-37
  2.6 Public Sector Reforms in Sierra Leone  37-39
3 Current Trend of Political Decentralization in Sierra Leone  39-62
  3.1 History of Local Governance in Sierra Leone  39-40
  3.2 Legal Framework and Constitutional Provisions of the Decentralization Process in Sierra Leone  40-42
  3.3 Sub-National Government Structure  42-45
  3.4 Current status of the Political Decentralization Process  45-47
  3.5 Election of Councilors in the Local Council  47-49
  3.7 Participation of Women in the Local Council Election  51-55
  3.8 Turnout and Fairness of 2008 Local Council Elections in Sierra Leone  55-58
  3.9 Key stakeholders of the Decentralization Process  58-62
4 Current Trend of Devolution Process in Sierra Leone  62-79
  4.1 Devolution of the Health Sector  63-68
  4.2 Devolution of the Education Sector  68-72
  4.3 Devolution of the Agriculture Sector  72-76
  4.4 Comparisons of the three Sectors  76-78
  Other sectors  78-79
5 Challenges facing the Decentralization Process in Sierra Leone  79-96
  5.1 Local Government Autonomy  79-83
  5.2 Revenue Mobilization  83-86
  5.3 Lack of Adequate Resources  86-89
  5.4 Political Interference/Patronage  89-91
  5.5 Corruption and Poverty  91-93
  5.6 The Existence of Conflicting Law  93-96
6 Conclusions and Recommendation  96-102
  6.1 Findings  97-99
  6.2 Recommendations  99-102
Acknowledgement  102-103
References  103-106


  1. 塞拉利昂共和国弗里敦市痹证病因相关问卷调查研究,R255.6
  2. 塞拉利昂宪政发展初探,D095.61
  3. 通向善政之途,D630.9
  4. 对1999年内战后塞拉利昂中学田径教学现状的研究,G82-4
  5. 善治视阙下我国环境治理的路径选择,X321
  6. 塞拉利昂独立后田径发展的研究,G82
  7. 新加坡软权威主义政府的“善政”之道,D733.9
  8. 塞拉利昂养老保障适度水平研究,D744.9

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