学位论文 > 优秀研究生学位论文题录展示


作 者: 王文霞
导 师: 郑丽华
学 校: 河北师范大学
专 业: 英语语言文学
关键词: 外语焦虑 外语学习策略 关系 新建本科院校学生
分类号: H319
类 型: 硕士论文
年 份: 2010年
下 载: 74次
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Abstract  5-7
摘要  7-13
Chapter 1 Introduction  13-16
  1.1 Background of the study  13-14
  1.2 Purpose and significance of the study  14-16
Chapter 2 Literature Review  16-30
  2.1 Foreign language anxiety(FLA)  16-20
    2.1.1 Definitions and classifications of FLA  16-19
    2.1.2 Krashen’s “Affective Filter” Hypothesis  19
    2.1.3 Previous study of FLA in China and Abroad  19-20
  2.2 Language Learning Strategy (LLS)  20-26
    2.2.1 Definitions and classifications of LLS  21-24
    2.2.2 Previous study of LLS in China and Abroad  24-26
  2.3 Relationship study between FLA and LLS  26-30
    2.3.1 Ellis’s model  26-27
    2.3.2 Recent study of the relationship between FLA and LLS  27-30
Chapter 3 Methodology  30-36
  3.1 Research Questions  30
  3.2 Subjects  30-31
  3.3 Instruments  31-34
    3.3.1 Foreign Language Classroom Anxiety Scale (FLCAS)  31-32
    3.3.2 Strategy Inventory for Language Learning (SILL)  32-34
    3.3.3 CET-4 score  34
  3.4 Data collection and analysis procedures  34-36
Chapter 4 Results and Discussions  36-59
  4.1 Results  36-51
    4.1.1 Answers to research question 1  36-41 Characteristics of FLA and its subscales for the newly-built-college students  36-39 Differences of FLA between males and females  39 Differences of FLA between arts and science  39-40 Differences of FLA between high and low achievement groups  40-41
    4.1.2 Answers to research question 2  41-47 Characteristics of LLS and its subscales for the newly-built-college students  41-44 Differences of the use of LLS between males and females  44-45 Differences of the use of LLS between arts and science  45-46 Differences of the use of LLS between high and low achievement groups  46-47
    4.1.3 Answers to research question 3  47-51 Comparisons of the use of LLS between groups of high, average and low anxieties  47-50 Relationship analysis between FLA and LLS by Pearson’s product-moment correlation  50-51
  4.2 Discussions  51-56
    4.2.1 Discussions of the results in research question 1  51-54 Discussions of the results on the characteristics of FLA and its subscales  51-52 Discussions of the results on the differences of FLA between males and females  52-53 Discussions of the results on the differences of FLA between arts and science  53 Discussions of the results on the differences of FLA between high and low achievement groups  53-54
    4.2.2 Discussions of the results in study question 2  54-56 Discussions of the results on the characteristics of LLS and its subscales  54-55 Discussions of the results on the differences of the use LLS between males and females  55 Discussions of the results on the differences of the use LLS between arts and science  55 Discussions of the results on the differences of the use LLS between high and low achievement groups  55-56
  4.3 Discussions of the results in study question 3  56-59
Chapter 5 Conclusions, Implications and Recommendations  59-63
  5.1 Major findings in present study  59
  5.2 Pedagogical implications in present study  59-61
  5.3 Limitations and suggestions of the study  61-63
Bibliography  63-69
AppendixⅠ  69-71
Appendix Ⅱ  71-73
Appendix Ⅲ  73-74
Acknowledgements  74-75
Academic Achievements  75


  1. 基于BAP的数据压缩、操作与查询处理系统的实现,TP311.13
  2. 基于循环经济理念的旅游环境伦理研究,F590
  3. 德国政府间财政关系研究,F815.16
  4. 牡丹EST-SSR引物开发及其亲缘关系分析,S685.11
  5. 新中国对非洲的文化外交研究,D822
  6. 鬼臼毒素衍生物的设计、合成及抗肿瘤活性研究,R284
  7. 中职教育服务县域经济社会发展问题研究,G718.3
  8. 会理不同海拔烟叶嗜锇颗粒的分布特征及其与烤烟品质的关系,S572
  9. 大学生灵性与自我和谐的关系研究,B844.2
  10. 建设工程事故致因相互影响关系研究,TU714
  11. 烤烟挥发酸、挥发碱含量分布特点及与品质指标的关系,S572
  12. 社会阶层分化视野下的党群关系研究,D252
  13. 后冷战时期国际关系民主化探究,D819
  14. “公私合作伙伴关系”(PPP)在国外基础教育办学中的应用研究,G471
  15. 自主课堂构建,G424.21
  16. 初中生自我意识与班级社会心理环境关系的研究,G632.0
  17. 利益相关者理论视野下大学外部治理结构研究,G647
  18. 基于契约理论视角的大学与教师的关系,G645.1
  19. 中职学校课堂管理的影响因素研究,G712.4
  20. 冻融循环和氯离子侵蚀复合作用下混凝土耐久性分析,TU528
  21. 毛纺用化学品毒性毒理数据库的建立,TS131

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