学位论文 > 优秀研究生学位论文题录展示


作 者: 宋梦婷
导 师: 武波
学 校: 外交学院
专 业: 外国语言学与应用语言学
关键词: 解构主义 清政府涉外条约 解构主义翻译策略
分类号: H059
类 型: 硕士论文
年 份: 2010年
下 载: 61次
引 用: 0次
阅 读: 论文下载




Acknowledgements  3-4
Abstract  4-5
摘要  5-8
Chapter One Introduction  8-11
  1.1 The Rationale and Research Questions of the Study  8-9
  1.2 Data Collection and Methodology  9
  1.3 The Layout of the Thesis  9-11
Chapter Two Deconstruction and Translation: Review of Literature  11-25
  2.1 Introduction  11-12
  2.2 A Review of Traditional Translation Thought  12-16
    2.2.1 Logocentrism  12-13
    2.2.2 Structuralism  13-14
    2.2.3 Traditional Translation Views  14-16
  2.3 Deconstruction: Translation in a New Perspective  16-21
    2.3.1 Introduction  16-17
    2.3.2 Essence of Deconstructive Translation Thoughts  17-20 Deconstructing the Original  17-18 Defférance  18-19 Sur-vival  19-20
    2.3.3 Summary  20-21
  2.4 Implications and Limitations of Deconstructive Translation Thought  21-25
    2.4.1 Implications of Deconstructive Translation Views  21-23 Challenges to the Traditional Translation Theories  21-23 Enlightenments of the Thought  23
    2.4.2 Limitations of the Deconstruction Translation Strategy  23-25
Chapter Three Representatives of Deconstruction and Their Views on Translation  25-31
  3.1 Benjamin and his Deconstructive Translation Ideas  25-26
  3.2 Derrida’s Notion of Translation  26-27
  3.3 Venuti’s Deconstructive Perpective on Translation Strategy  27-29
  3.4 Chinese Scholars’Deconstructive Perpective on Translation Strategy  29-31
Chapter Four A Deconstructive Analysis of Treaties Signed by the Qing Government  31-49
  4.1 Treaties Signed by the Qing Government  31-34
    4.1.1 The Historical Background of Treaties Signed by the Qing Authorities  31-32
    4.1.2 The Formlating Processes of Treaties Signed by the Qing Regime  32-33
    4.1.3 Characteristics and Contents of Treaties Signed by the Qing Regime  33-34
  4.2 A Deconstructive Analysis of Treaties Signed by the Qing Government  34-47
    4.2.1 Deconstructive Translation Strategies in The Treaty of Nanking  36-41
    4.2.2 Deconstructive Translation Strategies in The Treaty of Wang-hea  41-43
    4.2.3 Deconstructive Translation Strategies in Sino-Portuguese Treaty of Amity and Commerce  43-45
    4.2.4 Deconstructive Translation Strategies in The Treaty of Tien-tsin  45-47
  4.4 Deconstructive Translation Strategies Summary  47-49
Chapter Five Conclusion  49-51
Bibliography  51-53
外交学院硕士研究生学位论文答辩委员会组成人员名单  53


  1. 希利斯·米勒解构主义文学思想及其中国接受研究,I712
  2. 雅克·德里达解构符号学与美学研究,B83
  3. 试论文化语境下韦努蒂的异化翻译策略,H315.9
  4. 论翻译的不确定性,H059
  5. 设计的派对狂欢,TB47
  6. 从幻想到冥思,I562
  7. 解构主义思潮对现代艺术形态的影响,J0-05
  8. 解构视角下译者主体性的探究,H059
  9. 德里达解构主义翻译观缺陷分析,H059
  10. 德里达解构主义翻译理论探析,H059
  11. 从德里达和本雅明的翻译观看译者主体性发挥的合理性,H059
  12. 女性主义翻译观的局限性分析,H059
  13. 从解构主义视角看翻译中的创造性叛逆,H315.9
  14. 论翻译的不确定性,H059
  15. 解构主义视角下庞德翻译思想再研究,H315.9
  16. 以韦努蒂的解构主义翻译观解读王际真的《红楼梦》英译本,I046
  17. 解构主义视角下的翻译,H059
  18. 郑敏诗歌与中国传统文化,I207.25
  19. 语境与文学翻译,I046
  20. 解构主义视野下林译小说中译者主体性的体现,I046

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