学位论文 > 优秀研究生学位论文题录展示


作 者: 朱洪薇
导 师: 韩效伟
学 校: 中国石油大学
专 业: 英语语言文学
关键词: 大学英语课堂 语码转换 语言选择 顺应 语言现实 语言能力
分类号: H319.3
类 型: 硕士论文
年 份: 2010年
下 载: 89次
引 用: 0次
阅 读: 论文下载




Abstract  4-6
摘要  6-7
Contents  7-10
Introduction  10-15
Chapter One Literature Review  15-36
  1.1 The Origin of Code-switching Research  15-16
  1.2 Definitions and Classifications of Code-switching  16-20
  1.3 Differences between Code-switching and the Relevant Terms  20-24
    1.3.1 Code-switching and Borrowing  21-23
    1.3.2 Code-switching and Code-mixing  23-24
  1.4 Developments of Code-switching Research  24-25
  1.5 Existing Approaches to the Analysis of Code-switching  25-32
    1.5.1 The Sociolinguistic Approach  26-28
    1.5.2 The Psychological Approach  28-29
    1.5.3 The Grammatical Approach  29-30
    1.5.4 The Conversational Approach  30-31
    1.5.5 The Pragmatic Adaptation Approach  31-32
  1.6 Previous Researches on Teacher’s Classroom Code-switching  32-36
    1.6.1 Researches on the Functions of Teacher’s Code-switching  33
    1.6.2 Researches on the Switching Mechanism of Teacher’s Code-switching  33-34
    1.6.3 Researches on the Switching Strategy of Teacher’s Code-switching  34-36
Chapter Two Theoretical Framework  36-48
  2.1 Theoretical Basis of the Present Study  36-41
    2.1.1 Adaptation Theory and Adaptive Model  36-40
    2.1.2 Classroom Discourse Analysis Theory  40-41
  2.2 Internal Mechanisms and External Conditions of Code-switching  41-48
    2.2.1 The Internal Mechanisms  41-45
    2.2.2 The External Conditions  45-48
Chapter Three Methodology of the Study  48-65
  3.1 Research Questions of the Research Design  48-49
  3.2 Conceptual Framework of the Research Design  49-53
  3.3 Research Methods of the Research Design  53-56
  3.4 Selection of the Research Participants  56-61
    3.4.1 Participants of Classroom Recording and Observation  56-57
    3.4.2 Participants of Teacher Interview  57-59
    3.4.3 Participants of Student Questionnaire  59-61
  3.5 Data Collection Method  61-63
    3.5.1 Classroom Video Recording  61-62
    3.5.2 Classroom Observation and Paper Recording  62
    3.5.3 Teacher Interview and Student Questionnaire  62-63
  3.6 The Processing and Analysis of Data Collection  63-65
Chapter Four Discussion of the Study  65-103
  4.1 Description of the Characteriartics of Teachers’ Code-switching in Classroom  65-79
    4.1.1 Description on Pattern and Frequency  65-68
    4.1.2 Description on Structural Approach  68-70
    4.1.3 Description on Functional Approach  70-72
    4.1.4 Description on Maintenance  72-74
    4.1.5 Description on Influencing Factors  74-79
  4.2 Existing Problems of Teacher’s Code-switching  79-83
    4.2.1 Incorrect Use of English/Chinese Code-switching  79-81
    4.2.2 Unmarked Use of English/Chinese Code-switching  81-82
    4.2.3 Misusing of English/Chinese Code-switching  82-83
  4.3 Effective Principles for Teacher’s Classroom Code-switching  83-98
    4.3.1 The Adaptation Principle  84-95
    4.3.2 The Priority-of-Target Language Principle  95-96
    4.3.3 The Timely and Right-amount Principle  96-97
    4.3.4 The Marked Mother Tongue Using Principle  97-98
  4.4 Theoretical Speculation and Implications  98-103
Conclusion  103-106
Bibliography  106-110
Appendix  110-113
Acknowledgements  113


  1. 顺应论视角下时尚网络媒体中的中英语码转换研究,G206
  2. 新乡市二中英语语法教学调查报告,G633.41
  3. 维吾尔族中学英语教师课堂语码转换研究,G633.41
  4. 英语专业研究生课堂中英语教师语码转换研究,H319
  5. 关联—顺应模式下英汉词语文化联想意义的翻译研究,H315.9
  6. 从语境顺应看《傲慢与偏见》两个中译本,I046
  7. 门诊医患会话患者应答语信息过量的语用研究,H13
  8. 中国博士生跨文化交际能力研究,H319
  9. 大学英语课堂学生动机削弱现象研究,H319
  10. 关于CMC环境下中日语码转换现象的研究,H030
  11. 山东省县级社区高血压与正常高值血压人群颈动脉弹性比较研究,R544.1
  12. 美国总统奥巴马公众演说中词汇选择的顺应研究,H313
  13. 大学英语课堂中教师语码转换的研究,H319
  14. 非英语专业本科生和研究生语用能力对比研究,H319
  15. 顺应论视角下企业简介英译策略研究,H315.9
  16. 大学英语课堂教学方法研究,H319
  17. 社区口译中的语境顺应,H059
  18. 顺应论视角下政治外交辞令的语用策略研究,H030
  19. 从认知语用学角度分析语境对广告语篇的影响,H052
  20. 顺应论视角下的小说对话翻译研究,I046
  21. 非专业英语课堂中教师语码转换研究,H319

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