学位论文 > 优秀研究生学位论文题录展示
作 者: 李压红
导 师: 杨端和
学 校: 云南师范大学
专 业: 外国语言学及应用语言学
关键词: 对比研究 语音 语言/语音教学
分类号: H319
类 型: 硕士论文
年 份: 2008年
下 载: 109次
引 用: 0次
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Contents 6-9 Acknowledgements 9-10 Abstract 10-12 摘要 12-13 Chapter One Introduction 13-26 1.1 Contrastive linguistics 13-15 1.2 Comparative linguistics 15-16 1.3 Phonetics and phonology 16-18 1.4 Contrastive Phonetics Abroad 18-19 1.5 Contrastive Phonetics at Home 19-23 1.5.1 The relevant contrastive phonetics studies 19-20 1.5.2 The contrastive phonetics study of ethnic languages 20-21 1.5.3 The contrastive phonetics studies of Buyi language 21-23 A Short Introduction to Buyi People 21-22 Contrastive phonetics studies of Buyi language 22-23 1.6 Methods of contrastive studies on speech sounds 23-24 1.7 Purpose of the Paper 24-26 Chapter Two A Survey of the Contrast 26-30 2.1 The feasibility of the study 26 2.2 Contrastive Properties of the Speech Sounds 26-30 2.2.1 Physical properties 26-28 2.2.2 physiological properties 28 2.2.3 Social properties 28-30 Chapter Three Vowels between Buyi and English 30-45 3.1 Criterion of Description 30-31 3.2 Vowels in Contrast 31-45 3.2.1 Buyi Vowels Classification 31-33 3.2.2 The Monophthongs in Contrast 33-39 3.2.3 The Multiphthongs in Contrast 39-45 Chapter Four Consonants in Contrast 45-55 4.1 Classification of English and Buyi Consonants 45-47 4.2. Voicedness and Voicelessness in Contrast 47-49 4.3 Places of Articulation in Contrast 49-52 4.4. Manners of Articulation in Contrast 52-55 Chapter Five Suprasegmental Features in Contrast 55-62 5.1 Syllables 55-57 5.1.1 Buyi Syllables 55-57 5.1.2 English Syllables 57 5.2 Stress 57-58 5.2.1 The Definition of Stress 57 5.2.2 Buyi and English stresses in Contrast 57-58 5.3 Buyi Tone and English Intonation 58-62 5.3.1 Tone types and values of Buyi 58-60 5.3.2 English Intonation 60-62 Chapter Six Conclusion 62-67 6.1 Speech Sounds 62-64 6.2 Implications for the English Pronunciation Teaching in Buyi Areas 64-65 6.3 The Limitations of the Research 65-67 Bibliography 67-68
- 说话人识别中不同语音编码影响的补偿方法,TN912.34
- 多重ANN/HMM混合模型在语音识别中的应用,TN912.34
- 基于DSP的机器人语音命令识别系统研制,TN912.34
- 网络语音传输丢包的恢复技术,TN912.3
- 基于小波变换的语音信号去噪及其DSP算法实现,TN912.3
- 基于停用词处理的汉语语音检索方法,TP391.1
- 在智能手机环境下健康管理功能设计与研究,TN929.53
- 英语语音意识,句法意识与工作记忆对英语阅读理解之预测力的动态变化,G633.41
- 基于多重分形的语音情感识别研究,TN912.34
- 语音情感识别的特征选择与特征产生,TP18
- 惊恐障碍患者情绪语音信息前注意加工的失匹配负波研究,R749.7
- 中英双语者英文书面字词识别的心理表征与激活进程的研究,B84
- 中西部农民媒介素养研究,G206
- 语音信号的压缩感知研究及其在语音编码中的应用,TN912.3
- 会话含义特征强化性的英汉对比研究,H313
- 欧美留学生汉语语流音变习得现象调查报告,H195
- 广西博白地佬话比较研究,H17
- 《说文解字注》异读字研究,H161
- 汉英插入语对比研究,H314
- 英汉双关修辞格对比浅析,H15
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