学位论文 > 优秀研究生学位论文题录展示


作 者: 葛建平
导 师: 范祥涛
学 校: 南京航空航天大学
专 业: 英语语言文学
关键词: 隐喻 隐喻翻译 认知 概念隐喻 概念整合 鲁迅小说
分类号: H315.9
类 型: 硕士论文
年 份: 2009年
下 载: 115次
引 用: 0次
阅 读: 论文下载




Abstract  4-5
摘要  5-11
Chapter 1 Introduction  11-14
  1.1 Research Significance  11-12
  1.2 Research Objective  12
  1.3 Thesis Structure  12-14
Chapter 2 Literature Review  14-26
  2.1 Researches on Metaphor  14-21
    2.1.1 Definitions of Metaphor  14-16
    2.1.2 Theoretical Research on Metaphor  16-21 Rhetoric View  16-17 Semantic and Pragmatic View  17-19 Cognitive View  19-21
  2.2 Researches on Metaphor Translation  21-25
    2.2.1 Linguistic Approach to Metaphor Translation  21-22
    2.2.2 Cultural Approach to Metaphor Translation  22-24
    2.2.3 Cognitive Approach to Metaphor Translation  24-25
  2.3 Researches on C-E Translation of Lu Xun’s Novels  25-26
Chapter 3 Metaphor Translation under Cognitive Approach  26-37
  3.1 Descriptive Translation Studies (DTS)  26-28
    3.1.1 Holmes’s Theory on DTS  26-27
    3.1.2 Toury’s Theoretical Model  27
    3.1.3 DTS and Its Methodology  27-28
  3.2 Conceptual Metaphor Theory (CMT) and Conceptual Integration Theory (CIT)  28-35
    3.2.1 Conceptual Metaphor Theory  28-30 CMs and Its Mechanism  28-29 The Principle of Mapping  29-30
    3.2.2 Conceptual Integration Theory  30-33 Basic Network Model of CIT  30-31 Basic Processes of Blending  31-32 Optimality Principles  32-33 Types of Integration Networks  33
    3.2.3 A Comparison between CMT and CIT  33-35 Two Domains and Four Mental Spaces  33-34 Entrenchment and On-line Processing  34 Unidirection and Recursiveness  34 Invariance Principle and Optimality Principle  34-35
  3.3 Metaphor Translation under the Framework of CMT and CIT  35-37
    3.3.1 Metaphor Translation under CMT Framework: Conventional Metaphor  35-36
    3.3.2 Metaphor Translation under CIT Framework: Novel Metaphor  36-37
Chapter 4 Research Design  37-43
  4.1 Research Questions  37
  4.2 Theoretical Hypotheses  37
  4.3 Sample Selection  37-38
  4.4 Research Methodology  38-43
    4.4.1 Identification of Metaphor  38-39
    4.4.2 Categorization of Metaphor  39-40
    4.4.3 Identification between Conventional Metaphor and Novel Metaphor  40-43
Chapter 5 Empirical Analysis of Metaphor Translation and Cognitive Explanations  43-70
  5.1 Statistical Research  43-50
    5.1.1 Statistical Method  43 Counting of Metaphor  43 Calculation  43
    5.1.2 Statistical Results  43-44
    5.1.3 Data Analysis  44-46 Data Analysis of Metaphor  44-45 Data Analysis of Metaphor Translation  45-46
    5.1.4 Example Analysis  46-50 Reproducing the Original Metaphor  46-47 Replacing Metaphor with a Similar TL ME  47-48 Reproducing the Original Metaphor plus Further Explanation  48 Replacing Metaphor with a Different TL ME  48-49 Converting Metaphor to Non-metaphor, Conveying Sense Only  49-50 Deletion  50 Translating Metaphor by Simile  50
  5.2 Cognitive Explanation of Metaphor Translation  50-70
    5.2.1 Cognitive Understanding of Metaphor  50-53
    5.2.2 Cognitive Process of Different Metaphor Translation  53-68 Cognitive Process of Conventional Metaphor Translation  53-58 More Generalizations  58-60 Cognitive Process of Novel Metaphor Translation  60-68
    5.2.3 General Cognitive Process of Translation  68-70
Chapter 6 Conclusion  70-73
  6.1 Major Findings  70-71
  6.2 Limitations  71
  6.3 Suggestions on Further Study  71-73
References  73-76
Acknowledgements  76-77
Publications  77


  1. 吉林市城市意象解析,TU984
  2. 英语专业学生的模糊容忍度和阅读理解成绩的相关研究,H319
  3. 基于高阶累积量的频谱感知技术仿真分析,TN911.23
  4. 从《道德经》英译看概念整合理论对汉语典籍英译的解释力,H315.9
  5. 基于汉语听觉认知的事件相关电位的研究,R318.0
  6. 英语背诵对提高农村学校初中生听力能力的作用探索,G633.41
  7. 言语生命表现论视野下高中鲁迅小说教学研究,G633.3
  8. 高中生身体意象的认知干预研究,B842.1
  9. S-O-R模型的批判和预期效应的研究,B841
  10. 海西科学解释网络模型中的隐喻,N02
  11. 消费者对转基因食用油的认知及态度分析,F426.82
  12. 肝脏部分缺血/再灌注损伤对小鼠术后认知功能的影响,R614
  13. 认知行为取向团体辅导对初任教师愤怒情绪的干预研究,B842.6
  14. 对食品企业员工认知水平及消费者满意度的调查,F224
  15. 帕金森病患者的认知功能研究,R742.5
  16. 形式、意义、运用相结合的高中英语语法教学研究,G633.41
  17. 大学生抑郁情绪的预测模型研究,B842.6
  18. 高中生学习立体几何产生元认知监控偏差的现状调查及对策研究,G633.6
  19. 乔治·米勒的认知意义论,B842.1
  20. 概念隐喻的认识论意义,B842.1
  21. 中老年人健身认知观念的研究,G812.4

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