学位论文 > 优秀研究生学位论文题录展示


作 者: 金鑫
导 师: 肖云枢
学 校: 西南政法大学
专 业: 法律翻译理论与实践
关键词: 预设 侦查讯问 预设触发语 词汇层面 句法层面
分类号: D918
类 型: 硕士论文
年 份: 2010年
下 载: 74次
引 用: 0次
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Acknowledgements  4-5
Abstract  5-7
摘要  7-8
Contents  8-10
Chapter One Introduction  10-16
  1.1 Research questions  11
  1.2 Delimitations of the thesis  11-12
  1.3 Theoretical basis  12
  1.4 Language study in the judicial process  12-14
  1.5 Organization of this thesis  14-16
Chapter Two Literature Review  16-34
  2.1 Definition of presupposition  16-17
  2.2 Two approaches to presupposition  17-18
  2.3 Properties of presupposition  18-21
    2.3.1 Constancy under negation  18
    2.3.2 Being latent  18-19
    2.3.3 Mutual knowledge  19
    2.3.4 Subjectivity  19
    2.3.5 Defeasibility  19-20
    2.3.6 Projection problem  20-21
  2.4 Types of presupposition  21-24
  2.5 Presupposition triggers  24-32
    2.5.1 Definite descriptions  24-25
    2.5.2 Factive verbs  25
    2.5.3 Implicative verbs  25-26
    2.5.4 Change-of-state verbs  26-27
    2.5.5 Iteratives  27
    2.5.6 Verbs of judging  27
    2.5.7 Temporal clauses  27-28
    2.5.8 Cleft sentences  28-29
    2.5.9 Implicit clefts with stressed constituents  29
    2.5.10 Comparisons and contrasts  29
    2.5.11 Non-restrictive relative clauses  29-30
    2.5.12 Questions  30-31
    2.5.13 Counterfactual conditionals  31-32
  2.6 Functions of presupposition  32-34
    2.6.1 For the speaker, it is beneficial to keep conciseness  32-33
    2.6.2 It can help the hearer to get more meaning beyond the actual words  33
    2.6.3 It can increase the persuasive effect  33
    2.6.4 It may make the words humorous so as to reach some effect beyond imagination  33-34
Chapter Three Criminal Investigative Interrogation  34-52
  3.1 Investigation  34-35
  3.2 Investigative Interrogation  35-44
    3.2.1 Concept of investigative interrogation  35-36
    3.2.2 Tasks of investigative interrogation  36-39
    3.2.3 Legal requirements of investigative interrogation  39-44
  3.3 Interrogatory language  44-45
    3.3.1 Introduction to interrogatory language  44
    3.3.2 Features of interrogatory language  44-45
  3.4 The necessity of the application of presupposition in the investigative interrogation  45-47
  3.5 The possibility of the application of the presupposition in the investigative interrogation  47-52
    3.5.1 Investigative interrogation requires concise interrogatory language  47-48
    3.5.2 Investigative interrogation requires hidden interrogatory language  48-50
    3.5.3 Investigative interrogation requires strategic interrogatory language  50-52
Chapter Four Analysis of the application of presupposition in investigative interrogation  52-67
  4.1 Introduction  52-54
  4.2 Presupposition triggers at lexical level  54-60
    4.2.1 Definite description  54-55
    4.2.2 Factive verbs  55-57
    4.2.3 Implicative verbs  57-58
    4.2.4 Change-of-state verbs  58-59
    4.2.5 Iterative  59
    4.2.6 Verbs of judging  59-60
  4.3 Presupposition triggers at the syntactic level  60-65
    4.3.1 Temporal clauses  60-61
    4.3.2 Cleft sentences  61-62
    4.3.3 Implicit clefts with stressed constituents  62
    4.3.4 Comparisons and contrasts  62-63
    4.3.5 Non-restrictive relative clauses  63
    4.3.6 Questions  63-65
    4.3.7 Counter-factual conditionals  65
  4.4 Functions of presupposition in the investigative interrogation  65
  4.5 Risks in using presupposition  65-67
Chapter Five Conclusion  67-71
  5.1 Conclusion  67-69
  5.2 Implications  69-70
  5.3 Limitations of the present study  70
  5.4 Suggestions for further studies  70-71
Bibliography  71-72


  1. PMLSM悬浮平台的二阶滑模控制研究,TP273
  2. 大学英语教材中目的语文化预设的评价研究,H319
  3. 对外汉语课堂非预设事件及应对策略探析,H195
  4. 法律庭审互动中语用预设研究,H13
  5. 合适成年人参与制度研究,D925.2
  6. 身体语言视角下的侦查讯问方法研究,D918
  7. 语用预设与美国情景喜剧《人人都爱雷蒙德》的幽默性,H313
  8. 现代汉语商业营销用语研究,H136
  9. 自白任意性规则研究,D925.2
  10. 侦查讯问制度研究,D925.2
  11. 新课程视域下的高中历史生成教学研究,G633.51
  12. 奥巴马就职演说中的预设分析—从预设触发语的角度,H313
  13. 汉语叙实动词预设触发语研究,H146
  14. 侦查讯问语言运用研究,D918.5
  15. 语用预设研究,H030
  16. 职务犯罪侦查讯问心理研究,D925.2
  17. 关联理论视角下的文化预设不足及翻译补偿,H059
  18. 美国政治语篇的预设研究,H315
  19. 语用预设触发语在美国总统电视辩论中的应用研究,H030
  20. 侦查讯问律师在场权规则研究,D926.5

中图分类: > 政治、法律 > 法律 > 法学各部门 > 刑事侦查学(犯罪对策学、犯罪侦查学)
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