学位论文 > 优秀研究生学位论文题录展示

Factors Influencing Students\' University Choice: a Survey of Two Universities in Phnom Penh City, Cambodia

作 者: Lim Chanseiha
导 师: 陈欣
学 校: 东北师范大学
专 业: 教育经济与管理
关键词: 影响因素 大学选择 柬埔寨
类 型: 硕士论文
年 份: 2013年
下 载: 6次
引 用: 0次
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Acknowledgements  5-6
Abstract  6-8
摘要  8-13
Table of Contents  13-17
List of Abbreviations  17-18
List of Figures  18-19
List of Tables  19-20
  1.1. Background of the study  20-22
  1.2. Statement of the Problem  22-23
  1.3. Objectives  23
  1.4. Research Questions  23
  1.5. Significance of the Study  23
  1.6. Definitions of Key Terms  23-24
  1.7. Limitations of the Study  24-25
  1.8. Delimitations of the Study  25
  1.9. Outline of Thesis  25-27
  2.1. Introduction  27
  2.2. College Choice Theories  27-29
    2.2.1. Economic Theory  27-28
    2.2.2. Sociological Theory  28-29
    2.2.3. Combined Theory  29
  2.3. College Choice Models  29-33
    2.3.1. Chapman's Model (1981)  30-31
    2.3.2. Jackson's Model (1982)  31
    2.3.3. Hossler and Gallagher's Model (1987)  31-32
    2.3.4. Hanson and Litten's Model (1989)  32-33
  2.4. Factors Influencing University Choice  33-47
    2.4.1. Student Characteristics  33-37 Socioeconomic Status (SES)  33-34 Educational Aspirations  34 Academic Achievement  34-35 Gender  35-36 Race/Ethnicity  36 Parents' educational level  36-37
    2.4.2. Significant persons  37-41 Parents/Guidance  38-39 Friends, Peers and Classmates  39 Counselors  39-40 Teachers  40 Alumni, Older Siblings and Other Relatives  40-41
    2.4.3. Institutional Characteristics  41-46 Cost and Financial Aid  41-42 Location  42-43 Quality of Faculty  43 Availability of Programs/Major  43-44 Educational Facilities  44 College reputation  44-45 Employment opportunities  45-46 University effort to communicate with students  46
    2.4.4. Influence of Sources of Information  46-47
  2.5. Obstacles to Students' Choices of a University  47-49
    2.5.1. Lack of Accurate Information, Advice and Guidance  47-48
    2.5.2. Tuition Fee  48-49
    2.5.3. Uncertain about self ability and interest  49
  2.6. Previous international studies on college choice  49-51
  2.7. Higher Education in Cambodia  51-57
    2.7.1. Types of Higher Education Institutes in Cambodia  52-53
    2.7.2. Universities  53-54
    2.7.3. Type of higher education degrees  54
    2.7.4. Recent Expansion of Tertiary Education Sector  54-56 Public Higher Education  55 Privatisation in Higher Education  55-56
    2.7.5. Access to Higher Education  56-57
  3.1. Introduction  57
  3.2. Conceptual Framework  57-59
  3.3. Research Design  59-60
  3.4. Area of the Study  60-61
  3.5. Research Method  61-67
    3.5.1. Sample Universities and Target Population  61-62
    3.5.2. Sampling Technique  62-63
    3.5.3. Data Collection Methods and Techniques  63-64 Questionnaires  63-64
    3.5.4. Validity and Reliability  64-65
    3.5.5. Pilot Study  65
    3.5.6. Questionnaire Administration  65-66
    3.5.7. Data Analysis Method  66-67
  3.6. Ethical Considerations  67-68
  4.1 Introduction  68
  4.2 Demographic Data Findings  68-73
    4.2.1 Number of Respondents  68-69
    4.2.2 Gender  69
    4.2.3 Age Group  69-70
    4.2.4 Location of High School  70-71
    4.2.5 Fee Paying or Scholarship Students  71-72
    4.2.6 Respondents' Majors of Study  72-73
  4.3 Research Question 1:What are the major influences on students' university choice?  73-83
    4.3.1 Institutional Characteristics  73-75
    4.3.2 Significant Persons  75
    4.3.3 Source of information  75-77
    4.3.4 Student characteristics  77-83 Gender  77-80 Students' Social Economical Status (SES)  80-81 Students' Educational Aspiration  81 Students' Academic Achievements  81-82 Parents' Educational Levels  82-83
  4.4 Research Question 2:What are the major obstacles to students in choosinguniversities?  83-92
  4.5 Research Question 3:What do students think about their choices after they haveenrolled?  92-99
  5.1. Introduction  99
  5.2. Discussions of the Findings  99-117
    5.2.1. Research Question One:What are the major influences on students' university choice?  99-107
    5.2.2. Research Question Two:What are the major obstacles to students in choosing universities?  107-113
    5.2.3. Research Question Three:What do students think about their choices after they have enrolled?  113-117
  5.3. Conclusion  117-119
  5.4. Recommendations for Practices  119-122
    5.4.1. Students  119-120
    5.4.2. Parents  120
    5.4.3. University  120-121
    5.4.4. Government  121-122
  5.5. Implications for Future Research  122-124
Bibliography  124-143
Appendices  143-157
  Appendix 1:Research Permission Letter for Data Collection Process from Supervisor,Prof. CHEN Xin, Faculty of Education, Northeast Normal University  143-144
  Appendix 2:Letter to the University Director  144-145
  Appendix 3:Respondents Informed Consent  145-146
  Appendix 4:Survey Questionnaire (English Version)  146-152
  Appendix 5:Survey Questionnaire (Khmer Version)  152-157


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